This will be the location of the Hub’s “Star Catalogue”. I will be using the information provided by everyone to compile a complete list of the stars in the Firefly Star Chain. Let’s get down to specifics.
Please do not post here. All information should be submitted via direct message to @Xion4012.
This list will include the stars within the chain itself (all those between the cellar and penthouse), and possibly some of the nearby stars (like the stars around the halfway “kink”).
Following this post will be the complete list of stars, as I get them posted. After that, each star system will have it’s own post. It will include system info, followed by every planet/moon in the system and their info or any special notes. Screenshots are welcome. I will do my best to compress and link the info, for ease of use.
Submission Guidelines. I will include 2 examples below. Make sure you include as much information as possible. Please include what game mode you are playing on as well. Also include whether a star has been claimed/named. When making multiple submissions, please continue to post them in the same conversation. I would like to keep one “submission folder” for each individual member.
An easy way to provide the information is to take a screenshot of your menu . Here is an example of how to post planet information (thanks to @tajay for the example). You will need to include notes and unique discoveries separately. I will not be posting these screenshots, only using them for reference.
The following is a partial example for how to submit info by text (system info and one planet). I will be following this (as best I can) when posting in this thread (thanks to @CrossID for the ideas). Do not feel obligated to obtain all this information either. There will be exploration overlap in unclaimed systems, and scouting missions can be used to obtain missing info.
System Name: Maruto-Dor VI (F4p)
Celestial Bodies: 5 Planets // 1 Moon
Dominant Lifeform: Vy’Keen
Economy: Energy Supply // Sell: 66.5% Buy: -20.6% // Developing
Conflict Level: Gentle (1)
Notables: None
Coordinates: DOHUR:051D:0080:01B7:0066
–Planet: Emangelepiru-Amber (low atmosphere planet)
Weather: Peaceful Climate
Sentinels: Standard
Flora: Deficient
Fauna: Empty
Resources: Gold, Iridium, Heridium
Notables: None
If you have any questions, comments or organizational tips, either message me @Xion4012 or post it in the general Hub discussion thread here. Please be patient, as there will be a lot of information to process.
This will be the full list of star system names.
Hatsus III
Ainiv V
Munaka XVII
Abbame IV
Vayryun X
Maruto-Dor VI
The following is a list of systems that have been named and/or uploaded.
Rinder ECSD
Korvax United ECSD
Nothing to see here folks ECSD
Lotnina ECSD
Eblin ECSD
Electra ECSD
Buyam ECSD
Sosolai ECSD
Rogilda VI ECSD
Kotomi-Betsu V
Othrys XVI
There are 7 systems in the chain that have been misnamed, or uploaded without the ECSD tag. I won’t list those.
System Name: Akyotar
Celestial Bodies: 6 planets
Dominant Life-form: Vy’keen
Economy: Mercantile/Comfortable
Conflict level: High
Planet: Drachiemer DT53
Weather: Airless
Sentinels: Limited
Flora: Absent
Fauna: Lacking
Resources: Aluminum, Nickle, Heridium

Planet: Oquiyaks Sipi
Weather: Lethal Humidity
Sentinels: Limited
Flora: Empty
Fauna: Bountiful
Resources: Starbulb, Emeril, Copper, Heridium

Planet: Bustranyal Exoi
Weather: Radioactive Humidity
Sentinels: Low
Flora: Bountiful
Fauna: Numerous
Resources: Gamma Root, Emeril, Copper, Heridium

Planet: Urabannurtibh
Weather: Toxic Drizzle
Sentinels: Standard
Flora: Fair
Fauna: Rich
Resources: Fungal Mold, Aluminum, Copper, Heridium

Planet: Zuhoflier Endin
Weather: Toxic Drizzle
Sentinels: Passive
Flora: Bountiful
Fauna: Low
Resources: Fungal Mold, Emeril, Nickle, Heridium

Planet: Almermonderh
Weather: Persistent Hot Rain
Sentinels: Limited
Flora: Ample
Fauna: Barren
Resources: Star Bulb, Gold, Nickle, Heridium
Notes: Unusual spire mountains on blue grassy plains. Possible candidate for capital due to open, exocraft- friendly plains. Portal located 20 minutes walk from habitable base. Interesting misty blue with golden sunrises.

System Name: Rinder ECSD
Celestial Bodies: 3 Planets
Dominant Life-form: Korvax
Economy: Ore Processing/Low Supply
Conflict Level: Destructive
Planet: Kopia ECSD
Weather: Superheated Gas Pockets
Sentinels: Frenzied
Flora: Average
Fauna: Fair
Resources: Solanium, Aluminum, Copper, Heridium

Planet: Batsov ECSD
Weather: Sweltering
Sentinels: Limited
Flora: Full
Fauna: Fair
Resources: Solanium, Aluminum, Iridium, Heridium

Planet: Kruin ECSD
Weather: Airless
Sentinels: Frenzied
Flora: Barren
Fauna: Deficient
Resources: Emeril, Nickle, Heridium

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System Name: ETARC CELLAR (uploaded)
Celestial bodies:2 planets 1 moon
Dominant lifeform: Korvax
Economy: material fusion/fledgling
Conflict level: at war
Notes: Was the first system discovered in the star-chain prior to it becoming a hub and is named in honour of the community that instigated further investigations. This system is the lowermost system in the chain.
Planet: Wolfbones ECSD (uploaded)
Weather: Permafrost
Sentinels: Limited
Flora: Full
Fauna: Occasional
Resources: Frost Crystal, Aluminum, Iridium, Heridium.
Notes: portal address is faulty. Good source of isotopic fuels.

Planet: Solitude ECSD (uploaded)
Weather: No Atmosphere
Sentinels: Typical
Flora: Non-existent
Fauna: Lacking
Resources: Albumen Pearl, Emeril, Iridium, Heridium
Notes: Dead planet. Is the faulty destination of the portal address of neighboring planet Wolfbones ECSD

Moon: Neonblush (uploaded)
Weather: Scalding Rainstorms
Sentinels: Minimal
Flora: Frequent
Fauna: Moderate
Resources: Star Bulb, Emeril, Copper, Heridium
Notes: This was the ‘fast-track’ pioneer gateway portal location for the first portal traveling explorers and residents of the ETARC hub. Visitors will find comms at the access base and the portal.

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System Name: ETARC PENTHOUSE (uploaded)
Celestial Bodies: 2 Planets 2 Moons
Dominant Life-form: Gek
Economy: Power Generation/Comfortable
Conflict Level: Peaceful
Notes: This is the sister system to ETARC CELLAR and was named in honour of the community that instigated the investigation of the star-chain. This system is the uppermost sytem in the chain.
Planet: Applecore (uploaded)
Weather: Acid Rain
Sentinels: Passive
Flora: Frequent
Fauna: Typical
Resources: Fungal Mold, Aluminum, Iridium, Heridium

Planet: Secretniche ECSD (uploaded)
Weather: Blistering Damp
Sentinels: Low Security
Flora: Full
Fauna: Fair
Resources: Star Bulb, Aluminum, Copper, Heridium

Moon: Coinflip ECSD (uploaded)
Weather: Silent
Sentinels: Low Security
Flora: None
Fauna: Absent
Resources: Emeril, Iridium, Heridium
Notes: Dead moon.

Moon: Bamboozle Wastes (uploaded)
Weather: Intermitted Wind Blasting
Sentinels: Relaxed
Flora: Abundant
Fauna: Moderate
Resources: Cactus Flesh, Emeril, Nickle, Heridium
Notes: Full fauna scan completed!

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System Name: Nidarin-Magar (F5p)
Celestial Bodies: 4 Planets
Dominant Life-form: Korvax
Economy: Commercial // Sell: 73.1% Buy: -12.7% // Sustainable
Conflict Level: Unthreatening (1)
Notables: Fauna Analyzer Theta, Radiation Deflector Theta
Coordinates: EZDA:051D:007F:01B7:0043
Planet: Bunssumburg-Groz (wind-swept planet)
Weather: Freezing Night Winds
Sentinels: Typical
Flora: Full
Fauna: Ample
Resources: Cactus Flesh, Aluminum, Iridium, Heridium
Notables: Daytemp 69.1F

Planet: Nuqenxoisariwo (charred planet)
Weather: Dehydrated
Sentinels: Regular
Flora: Generous
Fauna: Common
Resources: Solanium, Aluminum, Copper, Heridium
Notables: Daytemp 159.7F

Planet: Hekovyluki Ramit (forsaken planet)
Weather: Fine
Sentinels: Standard
Flora: Not Present
Fauna: Lacking
Resources: Gold, Nickel, Heridium

Planet: Crocti WA270 (viridescent planet)
Weather: Painfully Hot Rain
Sentinels: Standard
Flora: Bountiful
Fauna: Generous
Resources: Star Bulb, Aluminum, Nickel, Heridium

System Name: Ateyama-Ligov (F3pf)
Celestial Bodies: 3 Planets // 2 Moons
Dominant Life-form: Gek
Economy: Engineering // Sell: 78.3% Buy: -13.3% // Sustainable
Conflict Level: Belligerent (2)
Notables: Infra-Knife Accelerator Coolant Theta, Cyclotron Ballista Coolant Theta, Positron Ejector Fire Rate Theta
Coordinates: ITYA:051D:0080:01B7:0014
Moon: Nadelevoy LH648 (forsaken moon)
Weather: Fine
Sentinels: Typical
Flora: None
Fauna: Barren
Resources: Albumen Pearl, Gold, Iridium, Heridium

Planet: Ixungninqua (arid planet)
Weather: Sunny
Sentinels: Low Security
Flora: Copious
Fauna: Typical
Resources: Solanium, Emeril, Copper, Heridium
Notables: Daytemp 133.8F

Moon: Imirnyau Gippla (flourishing moon)
Weather: Broiling Humidity
Sentinels: Passive
Flora: Numerous
Fauna: Rich
Resources: Star Bulb, Gold, Copper, Heridium
Notables: Daytemp 99.4F

Planet: Ziossolotaz (lush planet)
Weather: Superheated Drizzle
Sentinels: Minimal
Flora: Occasional
Fauna: Scarce
Resources: Star Bulb, Emeril, Nickel, Heridium
Notables: Oceans, Daytemp 63F

Planet: Ailevynenk-Hiva Prime (lifeless planet)
Weather: Moderate
Sentinels: Standard
Flora: Barren
Fauna: Not Present
Resources: Aluminum, Iridium, Heridium

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System Name: Lefirdi-Ikoma (F0f)
Celestial Bodies: 4 Planets // 1 Moon
Dominant Lifeform: Korvax
Economy: Research // Sell: 61.9% Buy: -26.2% // Balanced
Conflict Level: Low (1)
Notables: Shieldboost Theta, “Squid” style ship
Coordinates: JIMA:051D:007F:01B7:001A
Planet: Hoanagii Brovsk (barren planet)
Weather: Ceaseless Drought
Sentinels: Typical
Flora: Full
Fauna: Not Present
Resources: Cactus Flesh, Gold, Iridium, Heridium
Notables: Daytemp 91.7F

Planet: Enridotuc Ruvoort (flourishing planet)
Weather: Dangerously Hot Fog
Sentinels: Regular
Flora: Deficient
Fauna: Deficient
Resources: Star Bulb, Aluminum, Copper, Heridium
Notables: Oceans, Daytemp 61.3F

Planet: Hereidenttiet (parched planet)
Weather: Dust-Choked Winds
Sentinels: Limited
Flora: Sporadic
Fauna: Limited
Resources: Cactus Flesh, Gold, Nickel, Heridium
Notables: Daytemp 77.2F

Planet: Euranei Mione (incandesant planet)
Weather: Parched
Sentinels: Low Security
Flora: Generous
Fauna: Fair
Resources: Solanium, Gold, Nickel, Heridium
Notables: Daytemp 161.6F

Moon: Aikawa Gudetsiv (contaminated moon)
Weather: Gamma Cyclones
Sentinels: High Security
Flora: Abundant
Fauna: None
Resources: Gamma Root, Gold, Copper, Heridium
Notables: EXTREME, 10.8 RAD

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System Name: Liinak (F5f)
Celestial Bodies: 3 Planets
Dominant Lifeform: Korvax
Economy: Construction // Sell: 66.2% Buy: -17.4% // Satisfactory
Conflict Level: Untroubled (1)
Notables: Stamina Enhancement Theta, Shieldboost Theta
Coordinates: KUPA:051D:007F:01B7:005D
Planet: Iegfriesse Ilten (corrosive planet)
Weather: Stinging Puddles
Sentinels: Relaxed
Flora: Copious
Fauna: Numerous
Resources: Fungal Mold, Aluminum, Nickel, Heridium
Notables: 67.4 TOX

Planet: Yankangduiwa (barren planet)
Weather: Choking Sandstorms
Sentinels: Standard
Flora: Ordinary
Fauna: Typical
Resources: Cactus Flesh, Emeril, Nickel, Heridium
Notables: Daytemp 52.6F

Planet: Enlaan Kinoslu (empty planet)
Weather: Tempered
Sentinels: Standard
Flora: Nonexistent
Fauna: Empty
Resources: Aluminum, Copper, Heridium

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System Name: Lotnina ECSD (F2f)
Celestial Bodies: 4 Planets
Dominant Lifeform: Gek
Economy: Metal Processing // Sell: 60.4% Buy: -15.4% // Satisfactory
Conflict Level: Formidable (3)
Notables: Beam Impact Theta
Coordinates: ELOW:051D:007F:01B7:0020
Planet: Evinokur ECSD (abandoned planet)
Weather: Tempered
Sentinels: Minimal
Flora: Deficient
Fauna: Absent
Resources: Emeril, Copper, Heridium

Planet: Muvornbelo ECSD (terraforming catastrophe)
Weather: Clear
Sentinels: Minimal
Flora: Empty
Fauna: Deficient
Resources: Aluminum, Copper, Heridium

Planet: Gauragiume ECSD (toxic planet)
Weather: Poisonous Gas
Sentinels: Relaxed
Flora: High
Fauna: Ordinary
Resources: Fungal Mold, Aluminum, Copper, Heridium

Planet: Isladset ECSD (overgrown planet)
Weather: Usually Mild
Sentinels: Average
Flora: Regular
Fauna: Rich
Resources: Star Bulb, Aluminum, Iridium, Heridium
Notables: Small Lakes, Daytemp 103.5F

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System Name: Tuel ECSD (F0f)
Celestial Bodies: 3 Planets
Dominant Lifeform: Korvax
Economy: Nano-Construction // Sell: 72.4% Buy: -16.4% // Satisfactory
Conflict Level: Critical (3)
Notables: Thermic Layer Theta
Coordinates: NUDZA:051D:007F:01B7:003C
Planet: Rasde ECSD (dusty planet)
Weather: Freezing Night Winds
Sentinels: Hostile
Flora: Frequent
Fauna: Scarce
Resources: Cactus Flesh, Aluminum, Iridium, Heridium
Notables: Daytemp 89.3F

Planet: Evae ECSD (paradise planet)
Weather: Boiling Superstorms
Sentinels: Standard
Flora: Sparse
Fauna: Few
Resources: Star Bulb, Emeril, Iridium, Herdium
Notables: Oceans, Daytemp 103.3F

Planet: Loya ECSD (gamma-intensive planet)
Weather: Volatile Winds
Sentinels: Low
Flora: Full
Fauna: Moderate
Resources: Gamma Root, Aluminum, Nickel, Heridium
Notables: 6.1 RAD

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System Name: Ureshi-Aeza
Celestial Bodies: 5 Planets
Dominant Lifeform: Gek
Economy: Nano-Construction //more info needed // Satisfactory
Conflict Level: Critical
Notables: None
Coordinates: KENAM:051D:0080:01B7:0046
Planet: Ecavibigini
Weather: Superheated Drizzle
Sentinels: Low Security
Flora: Fair
Fauna: Lacking
Resources: Star Bulb, Aluminum, Nickel, Heridium
Notables: Day temp 99.4F

Planet: Zuyevskyvium (bountiful planet)
Weather: Temperate
Sentinels: Relaxed
Flora: Rich
Fauna: Fair
Resources: Star Bulb, Emeril, Iridium, Heridium
Notables: Oceans, Daytemp 64.1F

Planet: Ebskaavisni (dusty planet)
Weather: Clear
Sentinels: Limited
Flora: Rich
Fauna: Absent
Resources: Cactus Flesh, Aluminum, Copper, Heridium
Notables: Daytemp 55.9F

Planet: Bayagottel-Subosc Ahmsihi (torrid planet)
Weather: Dehydrated
Sentinels: Limited
Flora: Copious
Fauna: Occasional
Resources: Solanium, Gold, Copper, Heridium
Notables: Daytemp 154.5F

Planet: Eimedespla Laece (barren planet)
Weather: Occasional Sandstorms
Sentinels: Hostile
Flora: Copious
Fauna: Regular
Resources: Cactus Flesh, Gold, Copper, Heridium
Notables: Daytemp 50.2F

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System Name: Hatsus III (F3p)
Celestial Bodies: 4 Planets
Dominant Lifeform: Vy’Keen
Economy: Trading // Sell: 42.1% Buy: -20.9% // Developing
Conflict Level: Gentle (1)
Notables: Combat Amplifier Theta
Coordinates: RYWE:051D:0080:01B7:0077
Planet: Saldaybor Ofogli (miasmatic planet)
Weather: Acid Rain
Sentinels: Regular
Flora: Abundant
Fauna: Fair
Resources: Fungal Mold, Emeril, Iridium, Heridium
Notables: 63.4 TOX

Planet: Tusbehanteloku (desolate planet)
Weather: Moderate
Sentinels: Regular
Flora: Deficient
Fauna: Lacking
Resources: Aluminum, Iridium, Heridium

Planet: Ambarnyag ZI12 (decaying nuclear planet)
Weather: Irradiated Downpours
Sentinels: Low
Flora: Frequent
Fauna: Rare
Resources: Gamma Root, Gold, Copper, Heridium

Planet: Kekderbert (temperate planet)
Weather: Sweltering Damp
Sentinels: Low Security
Flora: Moderate
Fauna: Common
Resources: Star Bulb, Emeril, Copper, Heridium
Notables: Daytemp 63.8F

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System Name: Komako (F7)
Celestial Bodies: 4 Planets
Dominant Lifeform: Korvax
Economy: Construction // Sell: 79.2% Buy: -19.8% // Failing
Conflict Level: Unruly (2)
Notables: None
Coordinates: YANCI:051D:0080:01B7:0017
Planet: Oundenburg-Epas Omyask (empty planet)
Weather: Fine
Sentinels: Average
Flora: Not Present
Fauna: None
Resources: Aluminum, Iridium, Heridium

Planet: Ijangyangj Zulk (rotting planet)
Weather: Passing Toxic Front
Sentinels: Passive
Flora: Abundant
Fauna: Common
Resources: Fungal Mold, Gold, Iridium, Heridium
Notables: 58.9 TOX

Planet: Vetsarkivbi (humid planet)
Weather: Dangerously Hot Fog
Sentinels: Average
Flora: Generous
Fauna: Fair
Resources: Star Bulb, Aluminum, Nickel, Heridium
Notables: Daytemp 99.5F

Planet: Tiehaktis Godarn (hiemal planet)
Weather: Permafrost
Sentinels: Low
Flora: Full
Fauna: Regular
Resources: Frost Crystal, Emeril, Nickel, Heridium
Notables: Daytemp -58.3F

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System Name: Ainaiv V (F8pf)
Celestial Bodies: 3 planets
Dominant Lifeform: Gek
Economy: Scientific // Sell: 51.4% Buy: -22.9% // Promising
Conflict Level: Unstable (2)
Notables: None
Coordinates: SUMA:051D:0080:01B7:0052
Planet: Umerer Skrudgu (humid planet)
Weather: Boiling Monsoons
Sentinels: Threatening
Flora: Full
Fauna: Intermittent
Resources: Star Bulb, Aluminum, Copper, Heridium
Notables: Oceans, Daytemp 69.6F

Planet: Echidaka Moir (icebound planet)
Weather: Snowy
Sentinels: Low
Flora: Abundant
Fauna: Fair
Resources: Frost Crystal, Aluminum, Copper, Heridium
Notables: Daytemp -79.7F

Planet: Stronomgo Miha (empty planet)
Weather: Unclouded Skies
Sentinels: Low
Flora: Lacking
Fauna: None
Resources: Aluminum, Nickel, Heridium

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System Name: Hokuni (F0p)
Celestial Bodies: 3 Planets
Dominant Lifeform: Korvax
Economy: Metal Processing // Sell: 67.8% Buy: -19.7% // Medium Supply
Conflict Level: Alarming (3)
Notables: None
Coordinates: ZEWIC:051D:0080:01B7:0054
Planet: Musaurei-Iaper Esvelt (sub-zero planet)
Weather: Wandering Frosts
Sentinels: Passive
Flora: Empty
Fauna: Barren
Resources: Frost Crystal, Aluminum, Copper, Heridium
Notables: Daytemp -59.1F

Planet: Komiycro Riok (boiling planet)
Weather: Parched
Sentinels: Standard
Flora: Abundant
Fauna: Common
Resources: Solanium, Emeril, Iridium, Heridium
Notables: Daytemp 134.9F

Planet: Kuplaumersofu (temperate planet)
Weather: Occasional Scalding Outbursts
Sentinels: Passive
Flora: Abundant
Fauna: Typical
Resources: Albumen Pearl, Star Bulb, Aluminum, Iridium, Heridium
Notables: Oceans, Daytemp 105.9F

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System Name: Uminat (F4p)
Celestial Bodies: 4 Planets
Dominant Lifeform: Korvax
Economy: Trading // Sell: 73.5% Buy: -20.8% // Developing
Conflict Level: Fractious (2)
Notables: Shiledboost Theta
Coordinates: VARI:051D:0080:01B7:0033
Planet: Ikozentascus (dead planet)
Weather: Peaceful Climate
Sentinels: Aggresive
Flora: Barren
Fauna: Not Present
Resources: Emeril, Copper, Heridium
Notables: Small Lakes

Planet: Pixinle II593 (tropical planet)
Weather: Painfully Hot Rain
Sentinels: Limited
Flora: Uncommon
Fauna: None
Resources: Star Bul, Aluminum, Nickel, Heridium
Notables: Daytemp 89.3F

Planet: Ioikonkorte (lifeless planet)
Weather: Emollient
Sentinels: Regular
Flora: Empty
Fauna: Nonexistent
Resources: Emeril, Iridium, Heridium

Planet: Kerigalk Nonezg (freezing planet)
Weather: Wintry
Sentinels: Standard
Flora: Copious
Fauna: Medium
Resources: Frost Crystal, Aluminum, Copper, Heridium
Notables: Daytemp -82.6F

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System Name: Munaka XVII (F7pf)
Celestial Bodies: 3 Planets
Dominant Lifeform: Korvax
Economy: Mathematical // Sell: 48.7% Buy: -14.4%// Low Supply
Conflict Level: Formidable (3)
Notables: Shieldboost Theta
Coordinates: GANOT:051D:0080:01B7:0015
Planet: Hueyangfenqiu-Notae (overgrown planet)
Weather: Mostly Calm
Sentinels: Passive
Flora: Generous
Fauna: Rich
Resources: Star Bulb, Gold, Iridium, Heridium
Notables: Oceans, Daytemp 100.5F

Planet: Ozzheleizha-1 (arid planet)
Weather: Wandering Hot Spots
Sentinels: Standard
Flora: Rich
Fauna: Regular
Resources: Solanium, Aluminum, Nickel, Heridium
Notables: Small Lakes, Daytemp 155F

Planet: Sukhtinoslu (toxic planet)
Weather: Acid Rain
Sentinels: Regular
Flora: Frequent
Fauna: Typical
Resources: Fungal Mold, Emeril, Nickel, Heridium
Notables: 66.4 TOX

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System Name: Itokin-Xoka (F1f)
Celestial Bodies: 3 Planets
Dominant Lifeform: Korvax
Economy: Metal Processing // Sell: 51.3% Buy: -17.% // Failing
Conflict Level: Boisterous (2)
Notables: None
Coordinates: NUYUA:051D:0080:01B7:005A
Planet: Yeochengya-3 Toda (icy planet)
Weather: Outbreaks of Frozen Rain
Sentinels: Threatening
Flora: Common
Fauna: Low
Resources: Frost Crystal, Gold, Copper, Heidium
Notables: Daytemp -83.3F

Planet: Faktichn-Zuzh Sinst (radioactive planet)
Weather: Volitile Windstorms
Sentinels: Limited
Flora: High
Fauna: Ordinary
Resources: Gamma Root, Gold, Copper, Heridium
Notables: 6.3 RAD

Planet: Otananyor-Odnan Finnar (boiling planet)
Weather: Unending Sunlight
Sentinels: Relaxed
Flora: Rich
Fauna: Numerous
Resources: Solanium, Emeril, Nickel, Heridium
Notables: Daytemp 136.5F

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