System Name: ETARC CELLAR (uploaded)
Celestial bodies:2 planets 1 moon
Dominant lifeform: Korvax
Economy: material fusion/fledgling
Conflict level: at war
Notes: Was the first system discovered in the star-chain prior to it becoming a hub and is named in honour of the community that instigated further investigations. This system is the lowermost system in the chain.
Planet: Wolfbones ECSD (uploaded)
Weather: Permafrost
Sentinels: Limited
Flora: Full
Fauna: Occasional
Resources: Frost Crystal, Aluminum, Iridium, Heridium.
Notes: portal address is faulty. Good source of isotopic fuels.
Planet: Solitude ECSD (uploaded)
Weather: No Atmosphere
Sentinels: Typical
Flora: Non-existent
Fauna: Lacking
Resources: Albumen Pearl, Emeril, Iridium, Heridium
Notes: Dead planet. Is the faulty destination of the portal address of neighboring planet Wolfbones ECSD
Moon: Neonblush (uploaded)
Weather: Scalding Rainstorms
Sentinels: Minimal
Flora: Frequent
Fauna: Moderate
Resources: Star Bulb, Emeril, Copper, Heridium
Notes: This was the ‘fast-track’ pioneer gateway portal location for the first portal traveling explorers and residents of the ETARC hub. Visitors will find comms at the access base and the portal.