Update 1.38 - Live - Bug Reporting/Discussion

I don’t know if it’s a bug or what is going on but I got to the hub in Eissentam and I cannot see any player bases…at all. I can see the speech bubbles all over and I saw a marker for a player being in the system when I was driving to claim a base but now that I got my ship here and can warp to all the nearby hub systems I can’t see anything other than the message bubbles left by others. Several nearby systems are marked with “Contact” though not all the hub systems are only some…so I assumed those would be ones with player bases but no…there’s just nothing. I made sure to set my base sharing to on and tested my connection through the PS4 setting and everything works perfect on the PSN side, the game says “Online Services Active” at the bottom of the discoveries screen but something’s broken…there are discoveries/messages around by more than a dozen people yet there are zero player bases around.

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Is it possibly your mode?
Are Normal/Survival/Perma etc. all able to see each other? I think that was the plan but it may not work properly. Also seen a stream where two players on equivelent everything were at the same portal but couldn’t see each other or see each others activity.
I’m not sure if PS4 & PC can see each other either. I was under the impression they were parallel but not interactive.
Sorry, can’t be more helpful.

I noticed my Atlas and my Artemis missions have not completed after passing through the galactic core. Several times. I’m in Hyades now, and they’re still active. Also, after waking up and the suit initialization, I’m immediately teleported somewhere else. Not sure why. Not a problem really, it just seems odd.

I am playing on Normal so that should not be an issue as Normal is the most common mode. But no PS4 and PC cannot see each other and PC discoveries cannot be seen on PS4 and vice versa…each planet has different discoverers on PS4 and PC.

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Now PS4 discoveries do share across all PS4s including PS4 Pro but since bases are so fiddly and cannot be seen across game modes it does make me wonder…can the bases of PS4 player be seen by PS4 Pro players and vice versa? Could that be the problem I’m having…that I’m playing on PS4 Pro? It shouldn’t be…everything else shares fine like discoveries and message bubbles and so on so it shouldn’t be an issue.

Had a thought:
Is there a variation once you finish in Euclid and move on? I know from reading this forum that there are various incarnation ‘types’ of galaxies ie ‘ancestral’ etc. Could that effect your game causing the missing others bases?
Just chucking ideas out there…

No…there is no disconnect there…you cannot see the same planets and discoveries across galaxies…you can go to the same coordinates in a different galaxies but you would not see the same planets or systems or anything like that. So there should be no chance at all of me seeing the planets and speech bubbles of players in another galaxy unless they got here first and then left for another another galaxy afterwards but out of so many people there should be at least some still around or that haven’t moved their bases far out of the hub after going through.

I have FINALLY found a player base…and then the game said “f___ it, I quit” and proceeded to crash about six times in a row as I was trying to leave the planet. It wasn’t a huge base…nowhere near the build cap from what I saw but the FPS were struggling big time while I was there…and I haven’t had any fps issues at all since 1.3 launched. The game also did not flag the base to me from space like it was supposed to and I only found it because the owner had a speech bubble outside…I have also only had two crashes since 1.3 launched and both of those were while trying to load a save, never during actual gameplay. I don’t know what is going on but it seems the game can’t really handle sharing this stuff via servers.

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I have yet to find someone’s base!


There seems to be a problem there…prior to 1.3 the game used to immediately flag a player base if you scanned from space while in a system…that definitely does not happen anymore. There was not even a specific marker for the base at all…I only saw it because the speech bubble was there and that was marked. And bloody hell did the fps go on vacation while I was there…even after I safely made it and saved at the space station the game then crashed as I tried to go to another planet. It seems to me like finding a player base causes a persistent RAM issue until you save and reload elsewhere. It’s like once it gets the info about the base from the servers it won’t just drop it again until you reload somewhere other than at that base.


Grabbing straws… (I’m yet to visit a base on pc, myself. Never tried) But, on Steam every 50% of the time I launch, the game has to download a bunch of shared base data from subscribed items… Maybe that is the part that is failing. Really not sure if bases get automatically imported on the fly if you visit a colonized system, or has to be manually uploaded and the other side subscribed…? And then the location has to match…?

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I think that’s your mods…downloading data from subscribed items…if it’s not mods then I’m not sure what subscribed items are as that’s not a thing I’m aware of on PS4 and the only downloads I’ve had when starting the game were official updates/patches from HG.

I am on PC and have yet to visit bases myself as well. I did some testing on my bugged portal however, in creative mode. Portal is still bugged and can not be reached. I claimed base on wrong planet same system, went back through portal and teleported from station to get there for further checking. I can confirm that ‘creative’ shares my info, but not the base. I am unable to see my base created in ‘normal’ mode. This is likely proper behaviour, although not sure about other game modes.

Sharing between different platforms (PC/PS4) as others have mentioned, doesn’t seem to be the case. Both platforms appear to be completely separated. When on the same platform, sharing should work, but I have heard about bases disappearing when someone else claims a base in the same system, at least on PS4, and likely the same on PC.

On PC, the issue of proper sharing could be Steam with their servers being region based. This often causes issues with sharing when not in the same region. I have had this issue with several other games on Steam, where servers from another region are often not listed. In case of hosted (Steam P2P) servers by players, being friends on Steam appears to fix that issue for that specific server. In all honesty, I truly hope HG tries to avoid Steam p2p as much as possible for whatever sharing between players they have in mind. I doubt we will ever have full on multiplayer anyway, but Steam will certainly not be of much help if they ever wish to accomplish this.

In general, I can understand the separation between PC and PS4 and even some of the game modes, but there are certainly some other sharing issues that need fixing, based on what I have heard and seen so far.

On a side note: I can not even upload my Base to the Steam Workshop and this should not be required to have my base be visible by others visiting in same game mode on PC. I believe this is a separate issue where it fails to upload due to the Steam Cloud being full, while there is nothing there in my case. Although there might be some relation???

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My understanding based on what I have read in other places is that cross mode base-sharing is not a thing. Aside from that I have now been able to find three more player bases with far less crashes and issues. One was very developed, was probably pushing the building cap from what I saw, but it was properly flagged when I scanned from space and although I had one crash when I initially tried to enter the planet’s atmosphere I did not have any fps drops or problems leaving. The other two were also properly flagged when I scanned from space and had no issues at all with them although they were not built at all…they were just claimed basic starter cylinders.

Bet @Shota has a clearer picture…
And no, workshop content update behavior and manual subscription to content is a fully vanilla mechanic, on pc, unrelated to mods… If unsure of the functions.

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I believe you are correct about game mode requirement for base sharing. Also good to hear that proper sharing has worked for you with seeing someone else’s base and being properly marked. This is what I have seen on many YouTube streams/videos as well, although not always the case. The other bases you mention being marked, is also how I assume it is supposed to be, although nothing having been build or at least not showing that way is worrying.

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I used to have my base, prior to quite a few changes, uploaded to the Steam Workshop before (1.35). It errored quite a few times before finally having accepted it. Since 1.37, I have not been able to get this to work at all anymore, but prior to deleting it from the Workshop, I did subscribe to it and loaded it up in game to check it out. To my surprise however, I ended up on the correct planet, but at a totally different location. Just an empty Habitable Base and weirdly named … ahum, I am innocent! I am sure I never named it that way, and I honestly doubt anyone has so far discovered my planet, let alone claiming a base and naming it. I really hope they fix Base sharing as well as the Workshop.


The text under buying a ship when on your freighter is wrong. I warns about moving inventory.

This is not a bug but I am not sure where the wishes thread went. Anyway, it would be awesome if Crossfire Support could be added. If it is already there I cannot find out how to enable it. Maybe I am asking too much…I really don’t know much about this kind of thing. :sweat_smile:

With new topics being created and new replies being posted, sometimes a topic moves down enough to not show by default on the main page. At the bottom of the latest topic list on the right, you can always click ‘More’, to get the full list to show. A useful feature is the search at the top right, with ‘wishes’ showing the correct topic as top result by the way.

Anyways, the wishes topic is still there :wink: