Patient Intervention Thread - Alexander

No luck on fear of causing fires…can just find pyrophobia which is the more general fear of fire. Tried it but as expected doesn’t work. Could be some sort of paranoia related mental illness but no idea.

You ever witnessed a toddler face-down, kicking and screaming tantrum…
that’ll be me if it’s some obvious thing I’ve missed or spelt wrong. :rofl:


Can’t help thinking he’s harbouring guilt and attachment isues over the fire and his unnamed wife…:thinking:


Tried Nyctophobia, fear of the dark, but that’s not it either


Beatrice is a nice older female name that starts with a B.

Just found 1 option I did not pursue. Pursuing now…didn’t get much. He says he doesn’t have a wife…but, he said his wife and son brought him to the Dr. Having known people with Alzheimer’s, they often forget their spouse…I know of a woman who’s son looked a lot like his dad. When she got Alzheimers, she thought her son was her husband so she would call her daughter-in-law a hussie because she thought this strange woman was messing with her husband. I don’t suppose he is confusing his wife and his mother…fits with the personal file…but I don’t know how it helps us.


Well, I have to leave again. Gotta take a stray kitten to the vet. Thankfully found a home for it. Will look for clues at the vet office. Anything related to cows and bulls…:scream::crazy_face:


I’m gunna log off too for a while…feel like I’m running in circles now. :roll_eyes:

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I am sure that B has something to do with the code! or else why would they hint at it, just seems strange!

Well the code for the first conversation was the name of a disease related to the inability to remember faces…which they didn’t hint at all in the first conversation…maybe hinted at in the 2nd conversation when Alexander couldn’t remember Emily but yeah…about totally unrelated to that conversation.

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Tried alot of the well known ones

Woman by the house of mirrors is interesting he trys to talk to her first

Isn’t there a condition that affects people’s ability to see/recognise faces?

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Yeah…that’s the result to the first conversation: Patient Intervention Thread - Alexander - #102 by SingularGleam

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Thought it might be a butane lamp so I tried Burnt Hay And Butane, butane, butane lamp etc.

Also thought maybe he has a fear of the dark hence his reluctance to want to be in the basement and his urgency to retrieve the lamp.

Scotophobia and nyctophobia didn’t work though


Also thought maybe the red dot he couldn’t take his eyes off was just afterimage on his retina from a hot spot in the fire. Apparently there’s also afterimage thats caused pathologically, this condition is called Palinopsia (Illusory Palinopsia) but that didn’t work either.


Hmm…could still be some sort of eye/vision related issue…it’d be more of a hint than the inability to remember faces got.

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Tried occlusion,diabetes, glaucoma, cataracts, fibroplasia and scotoma, nothing so far…

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One of the other Dreamers (Phillip Moretti) also ends with an I!

So there are 2 codes? Could you please ppst the first one here? Blur it.
