Patient Intervention Thread - Alexander

@SingularGleam posted it and he/she is the one that actually found that answer…but for it being blurred…good luck to anyone hoping to solve that one on their own…there’s no real hints to it at all in that first conversation to speak of and it’s a word so obscure that not only have most people never heard of it but it’s likely most people have never even heard about the condition it stands for.

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Anyone tried Bonaparte, seeing as it seems to be French orientated, and there is a Napoleon in there somewhere!!

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Yup, it’s not bonaparte

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Thanks another one off the list!!

Was trying French words earlier given some names were French. No luck so far though.

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considering the cattle names, Lionel, Mabel and Eugenice, I don’t think the french angle holds any promise

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I Tried:

Brontophobia (fear of thunder)

It didn’t work.

Incidentally, Napoleon had a Marshall of the Empire, one Étienne Jacques Joseph Alexandre MacDonald. There’s some names we’ve heard.

And Old McDonald had a farm…


tried many variations on kerosene lamps too, no dice there it seems, broken lamp and broken glass were busts as well

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Soz my bad :+1:

Does he actually say mabel and eugenice are cows??

I seem to recall him saying they were prize cows, yes

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Yes in first memory, you can use this knowledge to get him to remember Emily or at least acknowledge they met if he can’t remember, during the second conversation.

He says:

Alexander :
It’s nothing too fancy, really. My family had a cattle farm when I was growing up and my father presented our finest beasts at all the village fairs.
Emily :
Sounds like a great time!
Alexander :
It was. Great bonding moments with my father. We were on the road all summer together, going from village to village. We had to set up our stand and he stayed there, showcasing Mabel and Eugenice.
Alexander :
I had to run between groups of people, trying to attract them to our stand.
Emily :
And it worked?
Alexander :
Lord, yes! We won lots of prizes. Some years, we also brought Lionel. He was a feisty bull and we didn’t like to do long trips with him.
Alexander :
But when we did, we made a lot of money off him!
Emily :
Alexander :
He was from a pretty good lineage and everyone wanted him to service their cows.
Alexander :
Lionel was definitely our pride and the highlight of the show!
Emily :

So no, he doesn’t actually say they’re cows. But it’s hard to imagine them as anything else.


I must correct myself. When you press him to remember, he says:

Alexander :
I don’t know why you keep talking about the fair. It’s been years since I went.
Emily :
I just wanted to know if they had encountered your prize-winning cows…
Simulation Resumed
Emily :
Oh boy, what were their names again?
You :
Mabel and Eugenice
Simulation Resumed
Emily :
…Mabel and Eugenice!
Alexander :
You know about my cows?
Alexander :
Emily :
You talked a lot about them earlier.
Alexander :
At the fair.
Emily :
Yes. At the fair.

So, my apologies. he does explicitly say they were cows.


For the Napoleon route, I have tried many from it.

Like the name of his wife, physician “Antommarchi”

I don’t think the password is going to be from it (yet)

I strongly suspect it’ll end up being either a name, sound or smell starting with B

Tried most berries, Barley, Beesewax, Barn, Barnyard, Bonfire…

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I think our poor Alexander has this disease

I tried Hyposmia, DLB, RBD (REM sleep behavior disorder), Parasomnia, Wakefulness, Misperception, hallucination’s), Phantosmia and Parosmia (olfactory hallucination), Pareidolia and Palinopsia (visaual), Photopsias (light), Delusion(s),

Well, Lionel is french, mabel is spanish (but from latin so you can find some in France. Eugenice doesn’t seem to be a common name, but could be a funny mix between Eugenie (real name) and “genisse” (young cow).


Due to it being a capital B, it will probably be a proper noun

so, Sticking with the french connection, i’m just going to try this:


Good luck, I’ve already tried most English spellings for female names starting with B

In any case, it isn’t any of these:

To the name-chasers: I could be completely wrong, but I think you guys are coming at it from the wrong angle. We’ve already established that Alexander’s memory can’t be trusted, and the first “memory trigger” we’ve found isn’t a memory at all, but rather a diagnosis of his condition.

Clearly, he has several issues that are preventing him from helping us to help him. It’s entirely possible the “B” and “I” hints are, themselves, entirely unreliable. I think the next trigger will likely be another mental condition.


The first code we have refers specifically to an inability to recognise or remember faces.

Whilst Alexander presents a great deal of evidence of generalised memory problems (he can’t, for instance, remember being at the fair), there is absolutely nothing in the text to suggest he has problems recognising faces.

If the second keyword is equally obscure, we could be here a long time.