Yeah, I agree about the name chasing and using the capital B as a clue. I’m pretty sure that’s just how the grammer was entered because if I recall the b in Burnt hay was capitalized…
Edit: I’ve been searching for smell descriptors for burnt hay. Beeswax is one, but it doesn’t work.
I’m currently dealing with an incredible throat pain, driving me nuts
But I tried several codes aswell related to barn, thunder, napoleon on the multiple ways the dialogue can go…
Still trying some words, will let you know if I got something…
When he talked about his wife the 1st letter was I, not a B. And there is no reason tu put a name after Burnt haye i think. The capital B could be because of the “…” before.
I tried a Chemical Weapons angle, but BZ (or any other variant names) doesn’t work.
BZ has the effect of “mass hallucination”
May appear as mass drug intoxication with erratic behaviors,
shared realistic and distinct hallucinations, disrobing and confusion
Ataxia (lack of coordination)
Mydriasis (dilated pupils)
Dry mouth and skin
Emily :
So what happened, the night of the storm?
Alexander :
I need to get my lamp.
Emily :
But why?
Alexander :
I need to check on the cows.
Emily :
I’m sure the cows are alright.
Alexander : They weren’t. It’s my fault. I need to get the lamp.
Alexander :
Mother used to put it in the kitchen near the sink when she would see the sky cover up like tonight.
Alexander :
But it isn’t there. It’s upsetting.
He dropped the lamp and started the fire? That’s why it wasn’t in the sim. Emily didn’t forget it, it wasn’t there.
Emily :
Let’s get out of here and go check on the cows.
Alexander :
The fire. I hope the fire isn’t there yet.
Alexander :
The smell.
Emily :
The barn was burning?
Alexander :
A remember a loud crack and I saw the lightning fell on the barn. Fire caught.
Alexander :
I went outside with the lamp and I froze.
Alexander :
The first was so high. And the clouds opened up, just for a bit. And I saw a red shining dot in the sky.
Alexander :
Mother grabbed me by the shoulders to urge me inside. I dropped the lamp and nearly fell. I couldn’t detach my eyes from the red dot.
Alexander :
It looked like hell itself unleashed on our barn.
Emily :
I am sorry.
Alexander :
It’s ok. We lost a lot, but Father didn’t suffer harm.
Alexander :
It’s all that matters.
He was outside the barn when he dropped the lamp. The barn was already burning.
Yep he say’s “it was my fault” is this a slip of the tongue. because his memory let him down, after all you have to have a damn good memory to tell lies successfully!!
It sounds like he’s having totally different conversations.
Emily :
What did you see?
Alexander :
I don’t know.
Emily :
Do you want to go outside check on the barn?
Alexander : No. There’s no fire.
Alexander : I’ve got the lamp now, so everything is ok.
Don’t you think him saying “I hope the fire isn’t there yet” was very strange, its as though he knew there would be a fire!! how did he know the barn was going to be struck by lightening! before it happened!!