Presumably if it were a sub it would need to be placed on water and you could move it manually within a certain range. But oceans need to be reworked regardless of whether they implement subs or not.
I think it is a Troop Carrier. Maybe a land and extraction craft. It seems to have bay doors that open and shut for quick rescues and drop offs of passengers. It is difficult to judge the scale of these things, but assuming the ‘guns’ on the underside (or Top) are similar to ones we have already encountered it maybe be another massive space craft. We’ll just have to wait and see
If you look closely at what seems to be an open pass-thru on the lower part of the ship, under the supposed landing pad/wing structure, it looks like a hangar bay with crates and maybe even a player’s avatar inside. I am referring to the 3D image
Huh… honestly I did not notice that pass-through until you pointed it out.
Which puts the thing into a somewhat different perspective… those “wings” might be opened hangar shields.
Hmm…it could be but it doesn’t look right…from the angle we see it from, for us to see clean straight through like we seem to it would have to be a 45% angle…so I think it’s just a weird bit in the way the hologram is generated.
I did notice it and it made me think of a moon-door for a small docking submersible (given I think this is a mid sized ship that could possibly land on water) or just as an under hull access.
Just watch it carefully in the actual 3D image, through the Dev Kit imager thingy.
If you zoom in, it definitely looks like you are seeing the inside of the ship.
I have…but the angle isn’t right for us to see straight through…if we were watching it straight from the side it would be spot on but right now it just looks like it’s a corridor that cuts diagonally down clean through the bottom of the ship.
Horray! We were finally able to put our own D.I.Y. Hologram together, today.
A big thank you to my awesome kiddo & @Intrepolicious for all their hard work.
Here’s our video of Element 3:
That’s brilliant. Sounds like you’re making a cup of green tea with a monkey off camera
I know, right?! I didn’t think it would pick up all the background noise. Ugh! The next one will be better. I wanna do one with all the ARG Hologram videos combined.
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[ + ]
Ok, so I didn’t scroll down the screen… … here’s the rest…
Shield 1: OFFLINE
Shield 2: OFFLINE
Shield 3: OFFLINE
Manhattan: 0.3Tb/s
London: 0.6Tb/s
Tokyo: 0.7Tb/s
Beijing: 12.2Tb/s
Other: 46.3Tb/s
Epsilon: ONLINE
Client 3597b
Sory, I was just checking this URL out, and on my screen it says
Report Generated: 16 minutes ago
So I thought it was new enough to share.
I hope I’ve not doubled-up anyone else… (I’m still new-ish here!)
Yeah, that was already solved, type Log3022 into to see what it gave us.
A good twitter to follow is @WatchingTitan. It’s a bot that tells us when a website connected to the ARG actually changes.
On the satcom dashboard at the bottom left in the box type “search log.3022”…that bit confused me too for a while…you actually have to type the word “search” in there…and don’t forget the dot between log and 3022…it’s REALLY fiddly.
The top-of-screen NavBar link for “CONTACT” is showing a graphical glitch every now n then… I’ve just clicked through, gonna go see what the page has for me.
Thanks, @MacForADay and @DarthTrethon… hadn’t a clue it was an “old puzzle”. Ha.
Stupid thing fooled me… .said it was “16mins ago”.
OK then, is there any significance to these few things, please:
On the CONTACT page:
++ the NavBar “Contact” link is graphically glitchy, periodically;
++ the email address, listed down the left side, has an ongoing graphical glitch;
This is especially odd cuz I could swear I’m seeing a “G” back there, behind the email address, on the occasional glitch (it seems to loop) . . .
++ the Google Map location being given is roughly half-way between Bald Mountain and Papoose Lake in southern NEVADA… looks as deserted as Area51 might be… devoid of much surrounding it in any immediate sense.
Well this was solved a couple of weeks ago so you know…not THAT long ago…and it’s understandable you missed it since there was no thread about it.
Oh and when you get the file to download it’s a zipped file…you have to unzip it, extract the file, and you’re left with something your computer can’t use because it doesn’t know what a .3022 file is…to open it you have to right click on it, select “Open With”, and then tell your computer to open it in notepad…only then it will become readable.
Ok, that’s helpful, thanks @DarthTrethon, I’ll give it a look-in.