June 19th and 21st - New Guidance Protocols + Element 3 Discussion

The Myriad site first appeared in 2017. Everything on the website is that old except the new stuff on the Status page, which hasn’t changed in a few weeks.


Ok, thanks, @MacForADay :smiley:
I’m seriously laughing at myself thinking I stumbled upon something “new” worthy of reporting to the group… Ha. Ok then! :slight_smile:

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@Argent-Star: I have moved your topic here as well as several replies to it. Feel free to read through this topic to get you up to speed.
Full solution, resulting in log.3022 can be found here: reply #100


Hi, Thanks @DevilinPixy. :slight_smile:

I did – briefly – wonder why they’d “launch” an update at what I thought was an “odd time” (of day)… but was simultaneously keen to try to “make a worthy contribution”, since I’m still relatively new… LOL

Ah well. :smiley:

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O M G, @DevilinPixy – just reading through this thread . . .

You are a Veritable Genius, are you not…?!? :open_mouth:

Are you also a professional decipherer(erererer)? decrypter? er… Cryptologist?! :smiley:


Nahhh, I am certainly not a genius, just occasionally have one of those Eureka moments :wink:

Cryptography is one of my way too many hobbies. It is something that intrigues me, being interesting math puzzles. It satisfies me to figure out the logic behind it.