You have some amazing theories that sound spot-on to me…you should consider making a thread about them.
I like to think that our ships have a form of force field that is in its prime in the vacume of space but no good for H2O saturated environments.
This shielding is generated by the ship and is affected by water or energy impacts. This why it can go through the torture of a black hole (which should be called a worm hole for reasons best left to another thread), with only some ellectronic stress placed on some delicate ship components.
If however, a concentrated blast of energy hits this shielding it gets disrupted and the same occurs in the event of a physical impact when in the presence of atmospheric H20. This is why conflict and banging into rocks can cause damage to your star ship.
Trying to fly our ship underwater is placing it in an environment that renders the shielding useless and the ship itself is not designed for the stresses of underwater travel.
That’s how I justify the idea anyway
I don’t like my seat getting wet, that’s how I justify it
That is not unheard of… Yautja approves. Pesky water!
Thanks, your thread about how you figured out what the “end” of the game means will suffice for now though.
I made my own prism but notat home to use it now, but they’re very easy to make you just need a jewel CD case, a ruler and something to cut neatly with.
I noticed the same when working on fixing up the glitched image. The three big vehicles, appear obvious, but it looks like there are indeed three smaller vehicles as well. Now looking at the positioning, it seems like each bigger vehicle comes with a smaller vehicle. Whether they necessarily belong to each other is not clear, but they are all shown in one image (concept art).
Could they be small shuttles for transport to those ships or could they be small submersibles instead? I personally believe the former, although there is something to say about both options I guess.
Here is the holo Element 3
Source from the Twitter post above:
Here is a close up
Now I see it in that clarity, I think it is a mid-sized ship designed to land on/in water and maybe be submersible or release a submersible.
It looks to have open deck space somewhat like a yacht but also the characteristics of a small freighter type ship.
For the first time in months I’m suddenly having trouble keeping my hype at a steady simmer.
This thing looks very cool no matter what it does.
Thanks people! The image is much better in 3D.
Reminds me of Jabba’s sail-barge from Star Wars RotJ. I think it’s bigger though.
Maybe we get to go hunt some giant sand worms or do a spot of fishing
I definitely think they are new class of mid-sized, single player operated craft. I think they ‘dock’ on the outside of our freighters. You can see craft ‘stuck’ to top on the outside of NPC freighters at the moment. It also looks like the glitched concept art has ‘human’ figures for scale.
Fishing would be awesome!
I was thinking the same thing just a few minutes ago…one of the older recomposed picture showed a larger ship that was almost certainly a freighter that looked almost like it was designed for one of those mid-sized things to slot in…I’ll try looking for that picture to see if I have it saved anywhere.
EDIT: found it, here’s what I’m looking at here(the one on the bottom):
I’m not getting the extra mini-crafts in there… But I like the idea! I’m pretty certain those are the profile schematics of the same three ships, just showing the main hull, without all the flippers and extra details.
Wait, what, where?
The one part the three of them have… And not much has been speculated about, other than indeed a docking mechanism, are actually the skids the three crafts have on the bottom-part.
In the close-up, those side-platforms look even more like landing pads than they did already.
Also, I do not quite get peoples obsession with submarines. The oceans would need a ginormous overhaul to make that worthwhile. Big enough of an overhaul to justify packing it into a pathfinder-sized update in and of itself.
I think submarines are an ok idea, but I agree the ocean would need heavy changes, also how would you move it around if you are on a world that isn’t all water? I guess you could just keep building pads but that would be a resource waster. Maybe a ship like darth mentioned to carry exocraft?
The only I can see a sub would work is if it’s an exo craft