Fair play, and well put, @Genjira. Thanks for your reply, in turn.
Agreed: no point rehashing the “what did he mean?” Q; and I did omit acknowledging the FACT that they were his own words, ANSWERING a Q re MP…
(Additional thought)
However, in all we’ve come to know about SM, we “know” that he’s found the sudden thrust into media interest (aka “fame”) has been tough to handle, too; I get the impression (and I believe he himself has said, too) that he’s more Introvert than Extrovert, and – without dipping too deep into any debate – rather felt, personally, that some of his early interview answers were given “too quickly”:- with good intentions, but failing to consider over-promising resulting in under-delivering (at original launch).
Re: Why Three Platforms?
I’d speculate – cuz of course only HG can really answer this – that the Leads (4?) must’ve agreed that the Team, together, “could” succeed in responding to the DEMAND from the XBox community for “their” version; not forgetting that XB, being Microsoft’s, would ultimately be (I believe?) “close enough” to PC as far as coding for it…?!?
They’re still only a small outfit/team, and there will of course be various differences between the platforms, for how each needs to be treated in coding terms . . . but that’s a much deeper discussion, not for this thread.
I DO need to clarify sthg tho…
Just to be clear...
My harsh wording wasn’t meant for ANY “player” of NMS…
In the wake of their measure of (commercial) success with NMS, it would rather behoove HG to at least consider – if not act on – getting more staff to help with the burden they find themselves bearing. I’m wary of opportunism taking advantage of potential desperation, and the thought of such injustice rather rubs me the wrong way. (Injustice frustrates me…)
I’m sure if you re-read that section, you’ll come to see what I was getting at; AND that, as long as you are NOT a “very recently new employee of HG”, – ad I’m guessing you’re not! – I was in no way implying you or anyone close / parallel to / like you to be one of those. (Your reaction reads like you only read up to the harsh word, to be fair… That rather makes your response to it … premature.)
There was no ‘condescension’ whatsoever – I’m a fairly humble person, and don’t “talk down” to people.
I stated myself plainly, and I signed off positively, reflecting the logical probability of many others reading it.
I’m a huge proponent of mature discussion and intelligent reasoning, and I am at least glad to see that you appear to be well equipped for same, so I proceed on that fair basis. “Play Nice, Now” is simply a request to other potential respondents to keep it mature. There’s no need for any sarcasm, and it isn’t a habit of mine in any case, so I don’t use it.
NMS - massive? Bloody-well big enough! ;)
Agreed – ProcGen allows its coding to be smaller … than any larger “open-world” type games which aren’t ProcGen’d, so, sure, it’s SIMILAR to MC. And, yes, NMS’ “more extensive” use of ProcGen is noted.
NMS, contrasted to MC, IS “massive”, as it is much more far-reaching, and its coding still requires many other treatments which MC does not use, such as 6DoF FLIGHT control, and more complex “voxels” than MC’s typical cubic blocks (its more complex non-cube shapes notwithstanding, NMS generates far more than MC).
Given the PERSISTENCE required in BOTH games, you’d necessarily need to take into account what data “must” be stored in order to realise it – with a WIDER SCOPE for “where” stuff needs to be persistent, after it’s been (proceedurally-)generated, it rather necessitates probably many more arrays in NMS than in MC to keep track of it all. MC offers 1 “other dimension”, being the Nether; 1 dimension in MC might be fairly likened to 1 large planet in NMS, and even if we ignore multiple galaxies for the moment, a single system might average 3-4 planets / moons, PLUS a local Space Station; there are many more places you might spread out your “stuff” in NMS . . . . .
Of course, there seem to be some issues with some people’s “stuff”, too… yet another problem to address.
So anyway, while I can AGREE that it’s “one big sandbox”, just like MC, and it is designed with “better graphics”, where you’re “wrong” (about them being “the same”) is, for starters, e.g. having a Flight Model and Controls for it. And, ofcourse, MC has natively supported over a dozen simultaneous MP for a long time…
Genj, do you Elite or Empyrion, also? Or what others are “big ones” for you?
It would be rather disappointing if they are SO short-staffed that they can’t properly field the ZenDesk incoming feedback . . . they rather depend on it, for pinpointing issues of greatest importance / urgency that are otherwise not discovered by their own in-house play-testing…
The OP’s rig seems to be well-enough equipped; hopefully, they’ll get enough of the right info to trouble-shoot their own system back into better working order.
@Doopa – how’s it comin’ along…?!?