Hey, @Genjira,
I hope you took the time to at least copy-paste your list above into a ZENDESK report to actually let HG know that someone has experienced these issues.
That is to say, while you (generally, not you specifically) may not be the only one, presuming that “someone else will have the same problem, and they will report it, so fk it I’m not bothering” isn’t helpful in the grand scheme of things…
As @Polyphemus puts it elsewhere, the more people report certain bugs, the higher priority they are given for addressing, simply BECAUSE “more people” are experiencing it.
Finally, I feel the need to remind EVERYONE . . .
Hello Games are a SMALL, Independent team, with a game that became rather massive rather quickly.
Which rather means that their SMALL team must ALSO field the OVERWHELMING number of reports they will be receiving.
They don’t have the RESOURCES that the BIGGER corporate level international developers have, least of all the extra man-power …
Sure, it’s no excuse for bugs, but I imagine there’s an element of “bitten off more than they could chew”, alongside the simple fact of “having a tough time keeping up with it all”, under the PRESSURE of coding, now, for THREE platforms, within a SMALL team.
You may recall, the early mods came along quite simply because the PSARC coding was “already known”, and it was identified that the PC game was still using file structures employed for its PlayStation release.
Many people DO recognise and acknowledge that they have done a GEK-TON of work over these last two years, and have been working continuously since Atlas Rises last year to build up to this… and the clamour for “multiplayer” (even though this game has ALWAYS been about the Exploration first, not the MP aspects) has rather “forced their hand” to ensure they could functionally add this feature to the game, which they have managed to do, for the Consoles (which rather look like their first priority), and for PC with STEAM . . . and are now juggling working on for GOG account holders, alongside bug-squashing since the NEXT Launch.
Let’s not forget that there was also posited the idea of “weekly” updates with community challenges, etc.
You really think their small team can handle it all? 
Plus, what opportunist c*nts might there be, who’d bring some coding skill to offer to join their team, but who aren’t actually pulling their weight, whilst draining a “fair income” from an Indie Dev’s typically limited coffers?
They NEED to know. EVEN if it’s a “possible repeat issue” / “everyone’s having it”.
Wait til they post on their website “Yeah, ok, we know about X, thank you.”
… NEXT is, after all, just Minecraft with better graphics.
Oh, how wrong you are.
NMS is far larger, far more ambitious, and much farther reaching than Minecraft is…
MC (though not played it in awhile now, admittedly), and while your reference to “ProcGen” is FAIR, you will no doubt understand the significant difference in SCOPE between the two games. Let’s not forget that MC “stays level”, and doesn’t have the 6DoF NMS has, which requires lots of extra coding; AND that they’ve tried their best to make the view of “distant planets” actually match, now, what you see when you enter the atmosphere… MC’s farthest view doesn’t / can’t give you as much as NMS’ far view “must” give you.
Basically, you over-simplify in that comparison, I’m afraid. Sorry, not acceptable. 
They’re too small to be able to test “everything” in their massive game before full release; but their pledge to continue to work on it, and roll out updates, is important, as it acknowledges the simple truth of NMS:
It is an ON-GOING Labour of Love, for the entire (core) Hello Games team.… and it’s NOT EASY.
We should do what we can to HELP, by playing the shit out of it, and giving our feedback. It’s what’s needed NOW. Not griping or flaming. 
Big Love, All.
Play Nice, Now.