How I now see @toddumptious
Duly Appointed. Arise, @toddumptious, Chronicler, Bard, Keeper of Clan Lore, Master of the Scrolls, Teller of Tall Tales, Official Court Liar, Assistant Under-Coffee Maker.
Ah yes, that was from my mid twenties, during the recession. Here’s another picture taken later that same day
I don’t think I’ll make a great historian, there’s bound to be a lot of “scene missing” or “redacted” entries.
I did a logo today while resting my brain from all the recent ARG puzzling. The first two I think are my favourites.
I wanted to focus on the ECSD Hub star chain trailing away upwards in space and create a 1950s radio transmission beaming outwards from a planet. It also pays homage to a 1960s Apollo mission patch with a circular science fiction comic book feel.
Some ‘background stars’ were needed to anchor and compliment the star cluster circling the planet and then I thought why not use some Morse code (aka ETARC radio origins perhaps!) with the hidden
motto ‘A Friend to All’ which illustrates all you friendly boffins beavering away solving fiendishly difficult cryptic messages and puzzles across the universe. I was thinking about the exhaust trails from the starship in No Man’s Sky while trying the double line bit. Perhaps it could have a little tiny starship silhouette accent added not sure.
It shrinks down quite nicely and could be any colour though blue seems to be popular so went with that. I like blue too, It could even have multiple colours so I shall fiddle a bit more and might try some other details like some shading or an equator on the planet…
Nice work! I personally like the penultimate best, due to the gray-scale used being close to the original Etarc logo. Not too sure about the morse code though. I would probably align the stars even more, especially the top one. Maybe outline them slightly and try in the bright blue you all love so much? Another thought I had was the 4 glyphs, which can maybe be included instead of the morse. Perhaps the first 2 glyphs top left, the other 2 glyphs bottom right. Could space them out with the star chain diagonal in between, like you have now, possibly white, or blue. Having the stars and/or glyphs using some colour, would then nicely show a change from past to future (now). Just some thoughts …
Figured I’d leave some thoughts on other efforts as well:
I really like to see how the logo has become more simplified, focusing on specific elements. Can only suggest to try some variations, see what comes from it. Try some different colors for example, maybe have the star chain get more focus. Good work though
I am liking the efforts you are showing. I personally love the change to be less ‘busy’. Maybe try some variations in an effort to get ETARC more involved with the art, instead of loosely placed below. Perhaps stylize the portal more to allow more room for the star chain to show. I personally like the first one due to the rays and contrast with the postal. Maybe try a combination of both. Possibly curve ETARC upwards, opposite to the way the glyps are on a radius, which might ‘blend’ more. Nice job!
Good to see some new efforts in general, because you guys really deserve a logo by now!
I like the first logo but think adding a star chain would be a nice touch. With that in mind, I adapted yours to use a transparent background [which the uploads change to white … sigh] and superimposed the centered star chain centered in the circle. While the chain is not as dominant as in your second series, I like the emphasis on the portal and glyphs with the star chain an enhancement.
It’s also good to see what a logo looks like at varied sizes. The adaption looks good down to 75px width.
I also would like emphasizing the current Atlas Citizen Science Division vs. the old ETARC. I don’t think A&S/Hello Games will make that irrelevant.
Wow! All of these are fantastic, great work!
A bit of messing around with some of the ideas I have seen. Personally not quite satisfied with the result, but giving up for today.
Looks awesome…the only thing I think could be better are the glyphs…either all 16 glyphs could be there of if the portal address of the hub center would be better imo…but with a universe reset there’s a chance that the hub may have to move.
Agree and the glyphs were exactly what I had been struggling with most. Was messing with size, colour, and positioning, to end up placing them as they are. They fill up the empty space, but they distract from the stars, being the same colour. Eye focus turns out too high now, should be lower. However, then the empty space doesn’t feel right. I just couldn’t really get it right.
I plan on getting rid of them most likely. Then alter the two black stars surrounding ETARC a bit, to level it all a bit more. Lastly, I am thinking of a vague landscape line, splitting the grey center in two-tone. A few more ideas to mess with as well … tomorrow … lol
Loving the evolution of the logo so far.
I’m agreed with people on the glyphs, I don’t think they’re needed and it makes the whole thing very busy.
I still think maybe the stars as they currently exist are a bit loud, and maybe the portal is too detailed in the smaller areas e.g the steps, that it creates a bit more visual noise when resized to fit logo frame.
I love the layout and design, sorry I have no current capabilities to make my own edits but if I could I would maybe limit it to two or three tone colours scheme, maybe more in line with the ETARC logos colours and streamline the detail a little so it’ll print nicely on a tshirt
Edit: for some reason I thought the etarc logo had a hint of blue to it but I realise it was just the sites colour schemes at the time coming through the logos transparency.
Reposting logo from above for those who may not remember our dear old ETARC
If using glyphs: this is the correct order:
Stars may be slightly big near the top, otherwise it is very nice. Love the intricate detail and background too.
I used the photoshop app to stitch together simple layout, my god is it an awful app. Can’t even invert colours or draw or clone stamp or a million other things that’d be useful.
Just used it to make a rudimentary layout, so ignore the fact it still has the writing from original ETARC logo etc, and if I could make it so, those stars in the middle of portal would be white but alas, no colour invert.
Managed to try fit the glyphs in too
Riffing off same ideas as have been posted over the last few months, I might try install illustrator on my pops ancient behemoth later and see if it’ll run, if it does I’ll have a shot at rasterising something
Just gonna throw my newbie-2cents behind this idea: 4 glyphs
Quoting for the sake of the visual inclusion; with thanks to @Mad-Hatter.
There’s no effective “bump” (for posts), in here, is there?
Well then, let me just “echo” (bump) this post:
… re “rebooting” this LOGO thread.
(Cheers, @Mad-Hatter!)
== Some of my own LOGO THOUGHTS ==
++ I’ve really liked the logo versions with the Portal (and Star-Chain),
++ … and agree that 4 glyphs (only) will be more “legible” in smaller versions than having a full 16 set.
(Plus, why “give away” the full address to all and sundry? Let people JOIN ETARC (ATLAS CSD) and “earn” it; or take the 4 and go hunting…)
++ I’m not keen on retaining a “light bulb” in the new logo; the only “light bulb moments” we might have, as explorers, might be new / different ways to build bases to be more efficient / productive / protective, or perhaps in some more better harmony with its surroundings… Otherwise, we “learn” from Language Stones, Monoliths, ATLAS interfaces, alien races, and scanned Flora & Fauna.
++ I really do like the idea of finding a good way to include the Firefly star-chain.
Browncoats can get on board more easily, too.
++ Whether or not a “star-chain” is used (eg up the central gap in a Portal), I’d suggest it would be NICE to include a ship / space craft (shape) of some kind, upper centre, to allude to the fact that having one at all is of CRITICAL IMPORTANCE and moreso a NECESSITY for us as Explorers…!
++ I kinda wish the small ATLAS “A” curly-logo could be incorporated, somehow…
Perhaps “re-colour” it, if appropriate, using final-decided ETARC / CSD [ECSD] logo colours…??
… but, perhaps realistically, given the existing design suggestions, there may already be “too many elements” to be crowding in one more . . . ?
Unless it might be “implied” with an outline behind the Portal or some such??
[details=“On “ETARC” as “Explorer Tactical And Research Community” (etc)”]
Cute. I note from personal experience that it’s most often Americans - for whatever reason - who like to create Acronyms!!
(Who created this acronym, this time? “Center” vs “Centre” is a possible clue…)
If ETARC is more a “peace-time” SCIENCE (and Exploration) community, even though “tactical” is not necessarily ‘military’ in meaning, the association is inescapable.
The word “tactical”, I find, is … inappropriate.
Technically speaking – and I’m sure many of you could acknowledge this – the word “and” is typically very rarely a formal part of any GOOD / proper acronym; more correctly, the above would only be “ETRC”…!
Of course I understand it was “whatever we could come up with at short notice, which worked, and we just ran with it”, or whatever the consensus was, then.
But I’d suggest it’s NOT a good idea to “go forward” with this acronym (ETARC), with the new logo etc.
I’m also a bit surprised that “Astronomy” wasn’t worked-in, for the “A”, somehow; it would fit Explorers to be “studying the (local) stars”, celestial objects, and regional space…
I’m not so smart, but what about something along the lines of
“Exploration, Translation, and Astronomical Research Centre”
Exploration - covers intergalactic, interstellar, interplanetary, and intercontinental;
Translation - covers Gek, Korvax, Vy’keen, ATLAS, etc etc etc
Astro’ / Research - well, duh.
Centre - British (/French) spelling (from Roman ‘centrum’), since Hello Games is a British company, making NMS a “Made in Britain” product, first…
“Centre” (Center) - covers the fact it’s a HUB for Exploration and all the Learning gained as a result.
. . . . . but I would suggest moving forward with CSD, e.g. ECSD.
[details=“On “ETARC” vs “ECSD””]
Since ETARC is (sort-of / mostly) “irrelevant” now that a “cover” (of amateur radio) is no longer needed, though it’s become common practise to still refer to the community / forum as “ETARC”, I think – especially with the birthing of a New LOGO AND the coming of the NEXT update – it may be seen as this group’s Growth & Maturity to “leave behind” any larger focus on “ETARC” and embrace / adopt “CSD” more, going forward.
Of course it’s Important to hark back to its origins, so I agree with [insert original poster @-link]'s suggestion to call it “ECSD” as in the “ETARC Citizen Science Division”, to differentiate it from other CSDs (such as Discord, Reddit, etc), as well as to honour its humbler beginnings.
However, whilst its existing history hasn’t troubled me (as I took the time to read several threads the first couple days I was here – thanks for noticing, @sheralmyst!), trying to create a “new acronym” for “ETARC” is likely to only confuse newer joiners here to the ATLAS CSD who may not get around to reading about the Edison Township Amateur Radio Club … thingy … cover … which originated in this ARG.
Especially since the welcoming header graphic is this:
Retaining “ETARC” as a “significant name” (ie on logos, flags, sigs, whatever) seems – forgive the choice of word – a bit ‘immature’, as if to stubbornly hold on to a security blanket whilst change (to “Atlas CSD”) has already come (and gone).
Sure, let’s CONTINUE to refer to the community “colloquially” / informally as “ETARC”, but let’s help newcomers AVOID CONFUSION by asserting the “CSD” element in the design of the new logo.
I’d suggest “ECSD” is a very mature suggestion and a great compromise.
It’s also only 4 letters, in keeping with NEXT, update (1.)FOUR, the use of 4 glyphs as an “area code”, the 4 types & 4 classes of ship / weapon, etc…
Finally, may I suggest:
COLOURS - in general
I REALLY like some of the colour / contrast examples offered by @johnnycloud in Post #144 above.
As a result, I’d like to suggest, if possible, trying for a UNITED NATIONS light-blue / sky-blue background colour. I’m sure we can further translate a Circular Logo onto a Rectangular Flag in much the same way as the UN logo → flag fits / works.
If “NO Man’s Sky” is as black (& cold) as space, how about our peacefully-explored & discovered (once safely landed) sky is _comfortably & familiarly (light) blue, with the implicit “warmth” of a local star brightening it…?
“Every (Peaceful) Man’s Sky” can be Sky Blue, welcoming, and inclusive.
COLOURS - elements
@Clemm’s BLACK (“transparent”?!) PORTAL w/ WHITE outline / edge
BOLD YELLOW STARS (for ‘Firefly’, if including the Star Chain)?
WHITE GLYPHS would work on SkyBlue. (Or pale VDU green w/ white “glow”)
… and if we say the glyphs are:
Dragonfly (it’s alien, but ‘dragonfly’ will do, for ease)
Ship / Shuttle (the most generic / all-rounder type)
Canary-like (for the decidedly finch-shaped “bird” glyph)
Entryway / Exit (glyph has no curves; it’s 100% not ‘natural’; Station-related?)
… then what do we have? Basic reverse-order “cipher” DSCE ==> ECSD…!
IF going with Border Text, definitely BLACK TEXT.
Again, suggest “ETARC” is NOT mentioned / included explicitly.
Instead, suggested compromise for using “ECSD” acronym:
FONT SIZE should optimally be CONSTANT across all 4(!) words.
“Edison” (or “Edison’s”) top & centre.
Preferably sized (width-stretched?) so CSD words fill nearly half the circumference.
Edison name would be a “progression” from “amateur radio” to “citizen science”
Also suggest using TWIN LINES a la @johnnycloud’s examples, but WHITE.
No “overall border” circle; implicit by Text & TwinLines; see also UN Flag.
Getting the REAL NMS Font
If you want the “real” NMS FONT, you can kinda wrangle it outta the WT website; using the Google Chrome “Inspect Element” etc interface, I managed to “find” and save the NMS font package, then TRANSLATE it via free online site into TTF.
(Wish I could just “share a file” via this forum…)
Hope that’s not “too much”…
The last time I posted, it was a few posts back-to-back, and the forum (AI) was practically scolding me for it.
@johnnycloud, they’re beautiful.
… but I really think we should … move away from using “ETARC” on formal logos etc.
I agree the LAST 4 GLYPHS are well worth including, as they are like a “fingerprint” and rather quite identify this Community … but I might like to feed back that the triple overlap . . . … well, I for only one don’t quite fancy it.
Excellent inclusion of the ATLAS A-logo, though.
Oh yeah… not a fan of the text font, otherwise… >_< Sorry!
Reminds me of NASA patches.