Since we now are part of an Global group called Citizen Scientists Division, don’t you think we need a logo that defines who/what we are? I would love to see designs created by CSDs and voted on by CSDs for the final design. I know that there are talented members who can create great artwork. And those of us, like me, who aren’t artistically inclined…can still offer suggestions for the design that we can all approve for final results.
If Asgardia can create a logo (although it looks a bit wonky), I am sure we can come up with something interesting and useful?
@frozenbullet7 and myself are working on some designs right now, and will absolutely share them with the community for collaboration. We would like to create logos for:
• ETARC ‘‘classic’’ logo
• Frontiers Division logo
• CSD Galactic Hub Initiative logo (official name TBD by community vote)
I have also offered my services to design custom flags for each planet settled in the CSD hub when the time comes.
Keep an eye out for a new post with logo designs for community review. My evenings have been an internal struggle of pre-update gaming, and CSD design work, but we’ll make it happen.
I’ve played with this stuff before, was a while ago - did a little tester to see if I could remember which buttons to bash - is something like this what you had in mind
Don’t worry about creating a flawless execution, just get the ides out there. If the community likes the direction of a particular design, I will be happy to refine it for final production (no ego here, just want good design for our community).
Logo Rank is an AI system that understands logo design. It’s trained on a million+ logo images to give you tips and ideas. It can also be used to see if your designer took inspiration from stock icons.
I think an effective thing to do is outline what the Citizen Scientist - Frontiers Division is. Obviously it is our CSD exploration division but lets list some descriptive characteristics in this little group think tank. This is all really to help us convey our group mission statement in the logo. Let me know if you all find this to be useful or redundant and if you like the idea then add to the list! I can move this over to the dedicated Frontiers Division page or remove it. A few things that come to mind when thinking about the Frontiers Division is
I had a few projects pop-up that needed whacking, but am definitely still on for design here!
Was focusing my NMS sky design time on the portal and glyph infographics (mainly because I continue to be obsessed with these objects). As a result, I now have solid vector versions of the portal architecture and each glyph. These can be used for all sorts of future design work for the community.
As for the logo(s), I am of two quasi-competing minds:
1- I want to preserve the esthetic of ETARC as it was launched.
2- I want to incorporate aspects of the new CSD forum design when it launches.
To these ends, my next design task will be to create an editable (vector) version of the ETARC logo that we can play with in the creation of our own mark. Once I have that in hand, I will begin to explore iterations of the original ETARC logo with a CSD flavor (perhaps some of those sweet glyph graphics). We shall see.
@frozenbullet7 You are spot on with outlining the core characteristics of the CSD. This will inform the designs we create and should be hugely helpful in evaluating designs. (Ex: does the design evoke the notions of Exploration, Curiosity, and Space? Does it emphasize one characteristic over another, and how do we feel about that hierarchy?)
Have a look at the ETARC logo as well as the Township of Edison seal on which it clearly seems to be based. Although there does not seem to be a high resolution image for ETARC, I will link both:
The township got it’s name to honor Thomas A. Edison in 1954 and uses the motto: “Let there be light”, after his first invention and use of the first electric lights.
For more info and history, check the following Wikipedia link:
Both the logo and the seal are circles, using text in the outer edge. Both use the Edison Memorial Tower. In my opinion, to create a similar and recognizable logo, I would stick with a similar design and look for something in NMS that resembles the Edison Memorial Tower. This could in my opinion be either the Signal Booster, or the Beacon, although I feel the Beacon fits best when it comes to it’s description and use;
Once activated, beacons provide a permanent navigational waypoint, facilitating repeat visits to specific locations.
a circle shape split in 2 in diagonal, one side a half sun, the other half of a lush planet picture. Pictures may come or not from NMS screenshot.
The split is materialized by a stylized line with a small spacecraft at one end, maybe white-ish color.
The circle can be the center of the “eye” of stytlized Atlas station. Or you simply put a galaxy picture in the background with the circle being its center.
I’ve seen some of the vector work @chelofellow has created. I think he will be able to get us the HI-Res file we need. Previously the imagery was discussed and it resonates with whats being said. We absolutely should incorporate elements of ETARC into the logo.
Very exciting I think we are on our way to something solid!