The ETARC Hub was never intended to have a leader. As I have said before, at the moment, it’s a place, not an organisation.
Any disagreement at the moment surrounds the choice of logo, not the hub.
The idea of a logo stems from an original suggestion by @Dolnor, back in August 2017.
As you can see, there’s no mention of the hub. The logo was originally intended for ETARC CSD, not for the hub.
Discussion of the logo went round and round - and fizzled out for a long time, because nobody would make a decision.
It’s recently been revived, and has now become something of a bone of contention. People are falling out over it.
To sum up the issues, there are essentially two camps:
One group holds that this has been going on for more than a year, and we’re no nearer a decision than we were at the start. Somebody needs to say “That’s it - a decision has been made”. But as soon as such a decision was made, people started disagreeing with it, and coming up with new suggestions.
The other group believes that everything should be open, democratic, and subject to popular vote. But no-one in that group is prepared to enforce the results of such a vote. So the polling and voting and discussion just goes round and round in circles for ever.
The result is that some of the people who were the drivers behind this have just given up and walked away.
And I can’t say I blame them. Herding cats would be a lot easier.