Logo Discussion Reboot
Following recent email correspondence from oldgods requesting hub details among others I’m making an effort to reboot this old thread.
This is mainly for those here who reside in the Etarc Hub or are soon to arrive.
While a small group of founding members are organizing pics & a description of the capital, we still as yet have not decided on a logo.
I propose that everyone peruse the various submissions above & repost a favourite image below… or if so inclined design a new one.
Add a comment and make sure you give the original artist credit.
Once we have a collection, we will organise a poll & make a selection & alterations as required.
Things to take into account are the easily recognisable simplicity of designs & the relevance to our non-political hub, which centres on a destinctive star chain.
Please take the time to consider all the variations and ideas in the 100 or so posts above this one, then make your contribution.
You’ll note there are a couple of polls to add your 2 cents to as well.
Edited to add details.