Those are sweet @johnnycloud
I’d almost go for one of those!
Outstanding! The glyphs are utilized (I like all 12 in there), the portal stars don’t dominate, and we have ETARC and CSD in there! I’d also vote for one of those as ‘the’ one!
Final submission time!
After far too much tinkering, I am finally satisfied with this execution of the concept that we have been working on. To be clear, while my hands moved these pixels, YOU ALL designed this logo. This was a collaborative design from start to finish, which was the goal from the onset.
Now I’m not sure how this works with the poll that (prematurely) went around…
There was no heads-up that there was a deadline. No one reached out to me to clarify that the design was even complete. The “progress” logo I posted was grabbed and tossed into the poll for voting, and then voting was closed.
What the heck happened @DevilinPixy? I understand the desire to wrap this up (more then most in here), but that was a bit slap dash.
My feels won’t be hurt if this mark doesn’t win consensus. But they will be a bit tender if the final result of our labor isn’t even considered. ¯\(º_o)/¯
(And because I’m a glutton for punishment) Here are ALL of the logos for the Civilized Spaces in No Man’s Sky:
[click to expand the image, only the top shows up in the post]
This is the context for our logo- these are the logos our mark will be seen with.
These were taken from the Civilized Space page on the NMS wiki, and are sorted in alphabetical order.
You’ll notice I left a gap for us in the 4th row, using “ETARC”. I very much wanted to drop a logo in that space, but didn’t want to seem presumptuous. Whatever mark you guys choose will go right there.
@DevilinPixy, wasn’t alone in the decision. Apologies to @chelofellow and @johnnycloud. Why don’t we extend the voting and maybe use it as an indicator of the direction we want to go. We can set a deadline. People may change votes till then. Submissions can be added till 24hrs before deadline. This will be the final polished design. This will give all designs a fair shake, and make it even more of a community project then each artist for themselves. I would encourage the artist to start an Etarc Hub Artist guild of some sort. And work together on the project. Thoughts?
update: To be clear I was one of these well intentioned Etarcaians.
While I don’t usually go in this direction as per principle, I’m willing to make an exception as to where I stand regarding these new logos that are not included in the vote.
I would support a re-vote with these new logos included, @chelofellow’s and @johnnycloud’s new logos, and at the same time apologise to those who have been working hard to finally decide on one final logotype, people such as @DevilinPixy, @Polyphemus and @sheralmyst (I’m not sure exactly who was involved, I’m sorta guessing here)
Just so happens that these new ones are damn fine if you ask me… this is just my humble opinion that you can safely disregard if you so wish considering I’m not yet a member of the hub per se…
I don’t really know where things stand. I do know the winning design was to still be open to revision. So I don’t think the event is really over.
What I do know is that people are working to try to set up something special to introduce newcomers to the Hub. And time is running out.
Hold onto your designs.
Since the Atlas logo is actually a commercial (copyrighted) Shutterstock photo, we cannot legally use it in a CSD logo unless we buy it. Sorry.
Love your final version, chelofellow! It appears to “degrade” nicely in smaller sizes, too – a consideration for multiple uses.
The Atlas ‘A’ logo is absolutely free of copyright from the original Shutter Stock source. The ‘A’ heading the website has been repurposed (probably by Alice & Smith/Hello Games) from the Royalty Free Stock image that @DevilinPixy found.
Here’s the link to the Royalty-free stock vector ID: 370184330.
It’s original and current purpose is to advertise the ‘Creative Letter A Logo design vector template. Friendly funny ABC Typeface. Colorful Alphabet collection. Type Characters Logotype symbols.’ The stock illustration was adapted by the designer to promote their type font. Only the type font is not free to use unless purchased.
Here’s an example of it what the actual vector font template looks like:
Here’s a colourful version of the alphabet in the Royalty Free Illustration to advertise the font. You can see how the letter ‘A’ has been adapted. Though it is entirely possible since the illustration was posted the font may well now include an updated ‘A’.
Thanks for the clarification. I saw “Shutterstock” and “assumed.” Since I see a lot of copyright infringement at work and even church, I am sensitive to the issue.
I don’t really know where things stand. I do know the winning design was to still be open to revision.
Thought I would fiddle with collaborative revisions Here’s some notes explaining @DevilinPixy 's collaborative design ETARC Hub - Vote for logo design! - #41 by johnnycloud
Those are really nice but the vote swung in another direction at the last minute. The margin was slim between the top 3 contenders. Sorry for the confusion. Hopefully, we can all be happy with the winner in its revised version.
I also thought I did this earlier…
It is none of my business as I tyically don’t follow a pack. But, what in the heck is the logo for??!! There are now two threads on-going for this topic and though I will probably never be a member of a HUB- I’d still like to at least understand the purpose of it. In my opinion, a lot of effort went into the design of the very many logos. Regardless, of who started the project, which was just an idea. I feel bad there was an official ‘vote’. Why? I don’t get it. Why not just let @Dolnor ‘s idea run and let people express their talent and y’all discuss it? People work the forums differently and won’t always be in the ‘know’ it’s sad to witness, to be quite frank. The groups and/or clicks has no place in the NMS. JS.
Lol I was probably asleep when you posted that conclusion to the poll, having been up late fiddling with logos and trying to follow Waking Titan haha! My brain wasn’t wired in to reading any threads without ‘logo’ in the title lol. It has been plugged into Ware Tech…
I was first alerted to this thread only 15 days ago when @Mad-Hatter rebooted it, so it’s been cool having an excuse to learn some new tricks with old software and it was fun to join in and I hope help.
I like the concept chosen. I’d like to see the symbols a little bolder perhaps making them more solid. Maybe narrowing the polygon borders might create some more space to increase the size of the glyphs a little bit. Maybe the monolith could be lifted a bit to show the hole with sunlight as in some of the earlier iterations. It just needs some minor refining now and I know @chelofellow is a worthy ETARC employee!
Well done everyone!
Lol It’s for your handbag (or fancy gold plated i-phone) @LilLadyD76 to hit me with! hee hee I can then find you in space swinging it about so I can recognise you when we first meet up in the NEXT world :)!!! I’ll be wearing every other logo on my Exosuit back pack. I’ll be at the Travellers’ Hostel just on the edge of the ETARC Hub if I can find it … Now where did I put that logo it has directions on it… :))
I guess this thread should be closed. If none object I can do that. Trying to get everyone into the thread above.
Maybe you could join the poll vote thread to this? Keep it all in one place It’s been an excellent project something for the archives and a great example of working design and development from everyone who chipped in any way.
I didn’t wanna interfer with finializing the process of voting. So, I posted to this thread.
I hate to see an incredible thread closed. I’d agree to merging the two for what’s it’s worth.
Edit: My bad, as it looks like there are now not two, but three active threads.
We can leave it open, just remember current discussion is happening in the ETARC Hub discussion thread.