Citizen Scientists Division - Needs Collaborative User-designed Logo!

Just thought this might be relevant…


@Oshoryu yes I remember that poll!

Seems like the ECSD abbrev for system and planet names is already accepted, and so is the name for the capital system/planet… remains the name and logo for the hub itself… and if I’m reading the poll correctly, over a half of the members prefer “Citizen Science Division ETARC” as the name.

While I just like you guys maybe wanna wait until NEXT, it does seem to me that Hello Games are becoming much more Hub-aware and that they wish to incorporate this into aspects of multiplayer gameplay…

I don’t know how you guys have been at it in the past when it comes to actually deciding, and I wanna be humble in that process, but there does seem to be a consensus on where the majority lies?


Hi Everyone.

I’ve just come to a realisation of some significance, and I’d like to share it.

Context / A Little Back-story, to this decision

I was poking around (the interwebz) and stumbled across the palava that is YouTube’s Greek SeriusGamerX (who can’t spell “Serious”/“Sirius” nor “Emperor” – he’s spelled it “Emporer” before autocorrect assistance) , who – as I’ve read via Kotaku’s article from yesterday (Weds 11th) – GENDER-SLANDERED Lillihop (NMSCafe’s Hub Leader) during a live-stream play session, allegedly citing her inability to be a leader as she is female. :open_mouth:

My understanding is that the NMSCafe (and Cafe42) are “led” by her, and attended by a 400+ strong community of peaceful, cooperative players (kinda like ETARC!).

He then goes on to OVERWRITE one of her bases, by “claiming” the same base, where a Message Orb was left (with coords, I presume for others to find & join/visit).
See this happen in the 10mins from the 2:36:00 mark in his posted YouTube video.
His “parting shot” is to leave a rude message to say “I pissed at your door”, though the profanity filter forced him to make multiple attempts to succeed.
(I also found it quite telling what his vocal commenters are saying / discussing / suggesting, and that they sound like trigger-happy PvP-keen American tweens…)

I went to post a message of Support / Solidarity, and had to think again about how I might attribute an association to this ETARC / Atlas CSD community…

I came to the following conclusion:
Whether we call this community “ECSD” or “ETARC CSD”, unfamiliars would invariably ask what “E” or “ETARC” stood for.
We can safely presume they’d all know what “CSD” is, AND that pretty much “all” CSDs are “Atlas CSDs”, so explicitly naming “Atlas” becomes redundant.

… and I’d like to think it’d be “best” to avoid redundancy…

If “ECSD” raises the Q “What does the E stand for?”, and we answer “ETARC”, it naturally leads to:
“Then, what does ETARC stand for?”, and at that point, it may be best to Invite them to join. :wink:

I’m going to do TWO things, now:
(1) “Edit” my vote – did you know you CAN do that? (see below!) – but only after
(2) asking @johnnycloud to edit / add the following option to the poll, please:

“ECSD (ETARC Citizen Science Division)”
@Finnerty already also suggested this version, here: post #195.

I note the current top vote (53%) is for “Citizen Science Division ETARC”, but that “triggers” my OCD, cuz the Community’s “area code” is “ECSD”, not “CSDE”… :stuck_out_tongue:

How to AMEND / Edit your Vote

(1) at the BOTTOM of the poll, click “Hide results”
(2) DE-select your vote check-box
(3) (when available) select your “amended vote” choice
(4) confirm by clicking the “VOTE NOW!” button

In my most humble opinion – and, yes, reversing a position I previously held – I’d like to suggest that “ETARC Citizen Science Division” aka “ECSD” (short-form) would ultimately be The Best & Most Concise way to name this Community.

If @johnnycloud would be happy to accommodate an extra option, and
if the Community sees the sensibility in this (perhaps “subtle-ish”) difference,
I hope you will all join me in making that small change to your Vote,
for the best possible result for this Community, overall. :heart:


I don’t really mind whichever the name is going to be, this is not personal in that way, however I was just stating that more than half seemed to prefer one name, and the next option only had (has) 20% of the vote so far, which renders the brexit comparison a little stumbling since we don’t have merely two choices this time around…

Personally, however, this isn’t that much important to me - heck I’m not even a formal member (yet) - but having clear decisions based on something is important when several peeps come together…

In the end, it’s just a game that everyone should enjoy, I’d just go with what most of us feel is right really…

We could alternatively let the core-founders of the hub simply decide upon a name and have the whole issue over and done with, for me it is really not that important…

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The poll on this thread was to clarify the text on the logo, as making graphic variations with different words is time consuming. What is to actually fit onto any design needs to be clarified. It is not to re-run the vote on the ETARC Hub name (itself another reference), as you’re absolutely right, the earlier poll decided that.

  • Capital system name - Etarcia Prime
  • Capital planet - Edison
  • Systems Tag - ECSD

The forum website change of name from Edison Township Amateur Radio Club to Atlas Citizen Science Division and complicates any potential logo, along with the yellow purple styling ‘Atlas A’ logo and ‘Atlas’ text in grey, now very prominent to anyone visiting this forum.

(Note the Atlas logo in use on this website bears no resemblance to any of the red colouring or black diamond chiselled monolith within the No Man Sky Lore. It should if it is the same.)

What is now clear the menmonic, ETARC is historically important (fictional or not) for links to the Township Radio days, capital hub naming and does need to be combined. The poll helps to clarify how best to reflect the change of website name and new colour palette in any artwork with this important fact.

The poll indicates the wording on any artwork in no particular order should be:

  • Citizen Science Division

The _word _ ‘Atlas’ is dropped for this particular design brief.

If designers want to reflect website colours or No Man’s Sky theme that is entirely up to the individual. I think it is wise to spell out Citizen Science Division in full as that provides a familiar link to this forum in preference to CSD. Capital letters of the logo wording, naturally fit together as ECSD, which will be familiar to older and newer members of this forum and the game in general.

THE POLL IS NOW CLOSED. It was great and you all have been really helpful.


The poll showed it to be above 60% of it’s nearest second place rival. Indications were that margin would increase.

The top one! It contains all the words you like. It doesn’t matter what order they are in. The poll was simply to decide which wording or lettering to be used to reflect this forum and Etarc of old. Most voters were thinking the same as you. :slight_smile:


ETARC Citizen Science Division (ECSD)

Short concise and to the point. Me likey.


I had some thoughts / observations to make, @Sir_oops

Love the BttF reference, btw. :sunglasses: :+1:

The “organic/natural” glyphs (of ECSD’s last four, the “Dragonfly” and the (very finch-like, canary) “Bird” are the key examples) all have “curves” in them, somewhere…

“Non-organic” glyphs (such as the “Starship” in ECSD’s last four) can also have curves, but seem to feature more/mostly straight lines…

THIS … Y-shaped glyph, though, does not give (me, at least) any impression of anything “organic” at all… (So, like you, I feel calling it a “Tree” is “wrong” somehow…)
I feel it’s either a representation of some form of tech, or a logographic of something otherwise manufactured… ++shrugs++


How About spelling out ETARC and using the atlas “A”? or using the same font for all letters?


‘*facepalm lol’ … was my initial reaction…
Then I went very hot and perspiring with a heart rate rising to 190…
Then I felt extremely guilty and re-read your thoughtful comment and thought that could possibly work. :slight_smile:

Is the ‘A’ logo from a font you think? That might be easier to find first other wise whoever tries this approach might need to do a little extra design for the other letters. I’ve tried to be careful and only use free ware fonts in the examples I have been posting. I don’t know the situation for other examples in this thread.

If you feel confident Mr. @Sir_oops then go for it. It might just turn out cool!

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The Atlas logo is a stock image and can be found below:


I’m shocked! Literally shutter shocked! :astonished:

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I vote for this one:
( Probably should have Etarc at the top so ECSD works more naturally)


A Compiled, Curated Selection of Logo Offerings / Images from the Thread:

@DevilinPixy’s brilliant early “CSD”-based offering in Post #21:

@chelofellow provided a strong Portal image in Post #28:

@chelofellow’s re-done ETARC logo (w/ help from @Sir_oops), Post #36:

@MrBacon’s contribution, likely(?) for an alternative purpose e.g. desktop centred, Post #82:

One of @tajay’s 2 screenshots featuring the Star-Chain, in Post #96:

One of @Xion4012’s 2 screenshots of the Star-Chain, in Post #97:

@Mad-Hatter’s excellent suggestion to incorporate the “last 4 glyphs”, in Post #98, including reference cut-out copies of the 4 glyphs.

One of @johnnycloud’s (what I call) “United Nations-like” badges, in Post #148

@Clemm’s addition of the Star-Chain to @chelofellow’s (Post #136) 4-glyph-&-portal WiP, in Post #150:

@DevilinPixy’s revisited submission in Post #152, which sets out the circumferential / peripheral text very nicely, imho. (We only need to “reverse” it, so ETARC is upper centre, C- S- D- lower half circle…)

One of @johnnycloud’s several most recent & rather different Atlas-A-based badges, in Post 196. (I’d now like to see the word “Atlas” removed…):

@Mad-Hatter thoughtfully reminded everyone of the over-arching logo for this site, post-re-brand, in Post 180, but if the “A” comes straight out of Shutterstock, best we don’t use it:


Also the last 2 glyphs are out of sequence.

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Final Thoughts re logo etc

Given the conclusive result of @johnnycloud’s TEXT CONTENT poll,
it will now be good to see “ETARC” & “Citizen Science Division” around the border, the Portal as a key figure, and the 4-glyph-coordinate-suffix, and – if possible – a way to incorporate the Star-Chain, in the logo / badge image, too.

I’m no pro artiste, but I “dabble” in a bit of PShop… I’ll try to have a play with the elements gathered by the community here…

I still think a “United Nations”-type colouring might work very well for the ECSD.
:sunglasses: :+1:
(Especially if we “move away from” the Shutterstock-A-logo colour-scheme.) :frowning:

Firstly, thanks for clarifying that for me, while glancing cheekily at work it’s hard to take it all in.

Just as a little advice, I would suggest starting a new thread for the actual voting if of course your happy to run with it and see it through. Keep this one for people to submit their suggestions and provide feedback, keeps it tidier and easier to track, plus it avoids having a poll halfway through a very long and growing thread.

My only critique on the logos you designed were that they were too colourful. I get that you were following a colour scheme but too much of a good thing etc. As I said the design itself I liked, but I would like to see a version where just the A is in colour and the rest is either complimentary or monochrome.

There’s a lot of ideas popping up here now, all good ones too.

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Does anyone have the system map of where the hub is located? Was thinking mabye a good background layer?

I like this one as well. It contains the original color scheme of this forum as well as the name. It makes reference to the star chain and has a portal which is like an open invitation for Travelers to join us.