I suspect I would feel the same way @Pansilva if the lovely blue ship I had watched to-ing and fro-ing in that one space station for so long, doing my small-time trades and refusing to leave until I could afford to leave as its pilot, suddenly turned salmon as your orange freighter did. Like you, I wouldn’t be throwing a fit either but I’d still feel it and have to make it known, especially as colours can affect how we feel just as much as say the differing key signatures pieces of music are written in, for example. Did you report it to HG Zendesk yet? If not, I think it would be a good idea. Either way, good luck.
Make freighters, ships and multi-tools customizable. Just aesthetic stuff like colors and such. It would save a lot of time waiting/searching for that perfect ship or tool.
Yeah I reported it has been read we will see what happens. Thanks for being like minded.
I don’t know how many of you like the flying system.
I would like the old system i.e… when in impulse to a planet and arriving the impulse does not cut out and you end up a zero speed. Would like to see the anti-crash system be added back.
I hope they change the space flight from planet to planet.
Now it appears you do not move through space.
My hauler went from 225 to 209 with the new patch.
Have to hold down booster to get any where or impulse that cuts out when it likes.
Plus remove the asteroid crashing while in impulse flight.
P.S. the more you ignore what players request the worse it gets.
the game is to be fun please remember that
I’m not a fan of the pulse flight jiggles…
It looks like the ship is going to fall apart, it shakes so much. Hurts my eyes.
Sometimes I think the PS4 hates it too, as it sometimes goes into double vision.
(If I want to endure vision like that, I’ll get it the old fashioned way; by knocking off a bottle of hard spirit and diving headfirst down a flight of stairs.)
A bit of a shudder was fine and was an interesting feature. The current shaking business is stupid. (IMO)
Yes that is bad, they did have it once good, it appears that the present mode is “hard” as my wife said, she does not like it either. She quit once, I got her to come back, I know if she quits again she will never play this game again.
Situation: Fly into planet and passing boundary layer of the clouds, not through it yet and almost hit terrain? what the hell? terrain nearly touching outer space boundary?
Would like the SHAKING to stop, yet it hurts the eyes, whom at HG thinks that is cool?
Playing on PS4 and fairly new to it, so maybe not as far along as some people on here but here’s what i would like to see.
- No.1 for me would be an actual Star Ship Shop you can land at and browse a whole host of ships to purchase rather than having to wait for one to land or find one. They don’t need to get rid of being able to buy one as it is now, it just needs a basic shop built in the same way you can trade Nanites and buy upgrades. Another floating Space station or land based StarShip shop would be great.
- the ability to have a land based vehicle like the Nomad, always attached to your ship (a bit like elite) so i don’t have to build a GeoBay to get one, its built into my ship and i can drop into it anytime I want.
- Maybe have a few special slots on the Exosuit that you can fill with any element you wish that ‘Auto-Refill’ anything you assign to it, so for example I can fill it with Plutonium and have it auto-refill my handheld mining laser when it gets to 10% or something like that.
- Space combat improved. I feel all to often when a ship passes you by firing at you, you can barely get around before its out of sight or charging at you again. I often feel the pirate ships move about far quicker in a tighter curve than you ever do. Maybe it me, but slowing down, spinning, firing, slowing down, spinning, firing…doesnt equate to flying combat to me. I very rarely feel like I’m chasing them down.
- Faster Space travel. Sometimes it just feels like the basic thrusters are too slow or when Ive got boosters on the ability to turn virtually disappears.
- Less rocks in space. Seems like every 100 yards theres a whole field of rocks in place. They need to be reduced or at least made a bit thinner in density.
- The ability to swim on the surface of water rather than bobbing up and down and not floating.
- More variety in the buildings on planets.
- Actual Galactic Hubs where everyone can meet and chill out, buy stuff, swap goods etc. One in every system or galaxy (or whatever) and somewhere thats easy to find and not hidden.
I kind of agree, but would ask not to be offensive to artificial people. They have simulated feelings, too…
On the bright side, the assisted approximation to planetary waypoints it’s now way more accurate in delivering the ship to a reasonable distance of the intended target.
My entries, though, are as high above as always, on pc… Never got the feeling of touching land too soon, if anything, the contrary.
I agree and I think there would an OK middle ground if they included autopilot techs in the game. For example, a “planet-search autopilot” that would help skim a planets surface at a workable cruising speed or a “lock and land autopilot” that would stay at speed in orbit until the optimal time to land.
Also after our recent string of updates and excellent ideas from earlier posts, I wanted to share my revised concise wish list:
- Multiple Multitools (Perhaps even dual wielding?)
- Landmarks in space (gas giants, heavy nebula, derelict stations, space whale breeding grounds, ect.)
- Cities, city worlds or ring worlds (with more purchase options and mutliplayer interaction perhaps?)
- New power armor/ mech exocraft (middle ground for having 3rd person gameplay)
- A means for better aquatic movement. (whether by tech or exocraft)
An initial shudder would be ok, but I know what you mean, a continuous one is annoying
Wouldn’t it be cool if (in)famous shaking impulse was ‘neutralized’ by gravitino balls or technology from them? (look at their description)
I think you might be onto something there…
This, I would LOVE to be made possible.
simulates laughter
I would love to have a keybind option for Photo Mode, for those moments where timing is crucial for a great shot.
So I just quickly scrolled though the suggestions above so I could be repeating something accidentally, but here are some things that would be cool to add on top of all the great work HG has already done.
1. Shattered planets or moons
I was sitting around one day and thought how cool this would look in NMS, so here’s a picture I grabbed of the internet
2.Gravity in space?
Being pulled by a Planets gravity slightly to make flight a little more interesting?
3. Ringed Planets
I saw this one earlier but I still think it’s cool
4.Dwarf Planets
Edit- formatting
Your first (& awesomely cool) suggestion of Shattered Planets would probably throw the proc.gen machine into chaos.
Could possibly work if it was an ‘unaproachable aesthetic’ placed in a system simply for eye-candy.
I’d love to fly near such a creation, even if I couldn’t visit.
It could probably be called ‘unstable’ and you simply couldn’t go there. Be great to see though.
is that not want Emily wants?
is it not true all AI’s goes crazy?
no matter how they are “hand held”!
Suggestion: Make each point a separate post…
- Why? So people can discuss one point at a time and there point doesn’t get lost in the post hell of all discussion on all points;
- And people can like and it is easier for HG to see what points is more desired than others; Best would be a vote system, IMHO
- And it would be easier to check of/tag features are done in which version
First and foremost I would choose more danger while flying into space.
Unless someone is attacking you, It is always very very quiet when you fly around. There is almost no danger in space. So I would add some more natural things happening around but not necessarily more pirates, but some huge natural dangers… like group of meteorite flying trough or radiations rays that would wreck your space ship… or even solar storms (coming from big firy planets?), space whales chasing you… or death squads with a concrete new identity.
I truly love No Man’s Sky but I think there is a lack of a TRUE Vilain out there.
You have not been to my corner of the universe. Every time I jump into space I am immediately scanned and attacked. I have learned to fight fairly well even in my big hauler. I can’t seem to find a quiet system. But, space whales could be cool
It would be a lot of fun to fly around in, mine some resources, and get ambushed by pirates or space whales!