Week of June 1st - Loop16 Seq25 + Satcom Calibration COMPLETE

During the 1st step of this calibration we had a 6 characters code on our mobile/browser (letters and numbers) but is it the format we’re looking for now for the last code ?

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I feel like we are dancing around the answer to this. Perhaps I am wrong, I will keep analyzing all this, I will have a lot of time to myself over the weekend and I am going to hermit up and dive into the ARG. I mentioned earlier canceling out audio by reversing and mixing, it seems some have tried this with no success. This reminds me as a child when we tried making up our own codes and puzzles, assigning numbers to letters or numbers to words to create a sentence. Have we seen any possibility of this going on here? Sorry if this has been discussed, I have not had the chance to catch up on everyone’s theorizes and experiments. If i know one thing, is this community will get to the answer!


How’d your experience go on the Submarine Safari? :squid::octopus::whale::tropical_fish::shark::fish::dolphin:


I Followed up on some of @ScienceofArt’s work. I figured it wasn’t necessary to combine all the files - just the first and last ones of the 2111-1312131 sequence. I used the files thk0s00ab7rxfh14f8bv0qlpvtt367.mp4 and y69gz4qiakwzsfkti4swbu83zpqg5h.mp4, because they have the blank spaces closest to the beginning and the end of the files.

I pasted them into Audacity, and aligned them so the blank spaces lined up. Once I had the the closest match I could manage, I merged the two files.

Files Aligned

Files Merged

Merged File Measured

And what do you know? Just as @ScienceofArt predicted, the file size is the same as the Fibonacci file. In fact, it’s so accurate, it’s correct to within 2 decimal places.

That was the good news. Now the bad news -

I compared the merged file I’d created with the Fibonacci file, looking for similarities. There aren’t any. In fact, it would be hard to find a worse match. None of the beats line up.

So what does this mean? I have no idea. It can’t possibly be a coincidence, though.


That’s really nice @Polyphemus! Can you give us a link to listen to?
It’s easy to upload on clypit :wink:

It’s just thk0s00ab7rxfh14f8bv0qlpvtt367.mp4 and y69gz4qiakwzsfkti4swbu83zpqg5h.mp4, joined together in the middle. It sounds exactly the same as they do.

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Here you go, for what it’s worth…



Oh yeah was good! Went 30mtrs down saw lots of fish and a shipwreck, I didn’t hear any sounds that were remotely like the one coming from the sattalite tho :weary:
Here is a couple of picks of our trip


Wow these pics look great! So many different fish!

But tell us… we all want to know… DID YOU BRING YOUR FAUNA SCANNER WITH YOU???


Just in case, has anyone checked the uplink since we passed 16:16 EST again since it’s June 6th?

He would have had to get out to use it anyways… :smile:


Haha no it got confiscated by a vy’keen customs officer! :joy:


Wow that is amazing! Very happy you got to experience something like that, added to bucket list!


Should I track it yet?


If you activate https://uplink.satcom-70.com/, when the satellite starts transmitting a signal you can receive, the sound you hear will change.

Just monitor it. If the sound goes dead, you need to click on it again.

Once you are receiving a signal, hover you mouse over the video window, and right click. This will give you the option to save the video, or to save a link to the video.


Over Brazil now. You should be getting a signal.

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I’m trying to send it here as a video format. File name is :



Better to send the link, if you have time. If you don’t, I can convert the file name into a link for you.


@Carsinger’s find:


2chnxeok8csnc6kikg8zgod8t2zsyc.mp4 - Google Drive