Week of June 1st - Loop16 Seq25 + Satcom Calibration COMPLETE

What about writing out the blips in Morse code?

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That may have been tried but if you want to pursue it then like, do it! I can’t really distinguish the sounds well enough to make out a dit dah pattern. One thing that does seem to be happening though is the metallic clanking sounds seems to be more pronounced. …or maybe I have just listened to too many of these things. :crazy_face:

Query> in the old gods e-mail, did you notice that just before it states that 16 participants will be rewarded with a limited edition Atlas Pass, it says WARNING . And the fact that there will be 16…:scream:


I suspect the warning, is so that people don’t go all HATE on the fact hardly anyone got one… lol


If I remember correctly, someone confirmed that not all passes had been sent out yet. Can’t remember where, I am really bad about that. :roll_eyes: So hopefully more will be on their way. Just don’t quote me on that. :wink:

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I didn’t get on, but then again, I don’t recall if I gave them my address or not… I follow the ARG at times, but generally tend to leave it to people who do ‘math’ much better than I can. If one of the puzzles was MS Excel based, I’d be on it like a rash, but alas I reckon the chances are slim :smiley:


All measurements are approximate.

1843 miles away, no-signal changed to

Satellite passed within 137 miles, no change in signal

1244 miles away, signal changed to no-signal

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Interesting how your video changed at different distances. Were those outer ‘edge’ distances, values from the uplink website itself or from one of the tracker websites?

I decided to look back at how this all started and decided to check the 16:16 EST as mentioned in the email on June 2nd.

If I am correct, the satellite was over the Samoan Islands at that time/date. Not sure if that means anything though.

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It was really approximate - used Google Map to measure the distance. Tried to take measurements as soon as the Uplink signal stopped.

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Don’t know if it’s normal
But on the Waking Titan site some Glyphs have changed colour, the first 7 are Bright red now.

After playing around for a while, (I don’t remember all the console commands, so I might have forgot something).
By now I tried to run the “Status” command, and the answer is the same that has been for the past few days now.

I cannot give the Answer to the Glyphs that have turned red.
I can select the Glyphs like usual, but nothing happens.
The other Glyphs seem to behave normally, for now at least

Also I have no idea of how to post pictures and images.
I think I should use the HTML but, I don’t know how, is there any topic where is explained?

Mine is the same… All of mine are red.

Have you taken part to the earlier phases of waking titan?
And if you did.
You gave all the Answers?
(If I write bullshit while using the past tenses please be patient, I’ve never learned to use those properly)


Haha, that’s fine, don’t worry about it.

If memory serves me correctly, they did change colours. I don’t think them changing colour now bears any relation to the current phase.

However, I could be wrong. We’ll wait until someone says for certain. :o)

It is based on stored cookies for the website. Having 7 of them shown red, is likely where you left off last. When clearing browser history you’d have to start all over again.
All solutions can be found below if you wish:


After a while I thought it could be that.
I guess I’m looking so hard for clues that I start to see them everywhere.

Hi all
Catching up after a busy weekend
In 2 hours and a half, sattelite will be over Europe…
Is there something to try, a code to enter?

A code it’s needed, but we don’t know what that is.
Where trying to figure it out, but with almost no results.
I’ll check it as soon as it gets near enough.
It’ll be above my head at 9:58 am GMT+ 2.00

(I said “we are trying to…” But to be fair I just joined this whole Waking Titan stuff, I’ve done my catching ups, and I’m trying to help)


We do have an access code yet to discover. So it likely doesn’t hurt to listen once more to the satellite passing by/over. However, so far it appears to be a repeating sequence with no new changes.