Waking Titan 10th Glyph

Personally I dont think so since the Whois database was only at 40% or so. I think we’ll get some lore again via console commands.


Definitely havent seen those commands before! Do you know if they were there last phase or did they just show up?

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I need to stop smoking, I don’t remember writing a book


Those are new unlocked commands

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I keep a list of my own efforts and those made by others from several sources, mostly NMS and GD Discord. READ I believe was previously found during the later phases of the ARG. RESTORE and MOUNT were found after the ARG went on pause.


Maybe restore loop16 and then mount it maybe just a guess

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Also Phoenix is related to the Mars rover that’s what it was called not sure if it has anything to do with anything

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Mount Emily just doesn’t seem right!!!


User MuskelDorff on the Game Detectives - Waking Titan Discord has created a Google document with attempted passwords. Might be useful to have a look and feel free to add your own attempts:


And I thought I punched a lot of random crap in :joy:


Please feel free to contribute, in my opinion nothing is too silly if the white rabbit led you there :wink:


If it ends up being something simple, I’m going to feel like an idiot


1% of passes received and accounted for…


What’s a 9 letter synonym / word for mirror?

  • reproduce
  • imitation
  • pier glass
  • reflector
  • hand glass
  • represent
  • emulation

Or, a phrase: mirror _________

  • mirror universes

or _________ mirror

  • sea mirrors sky (plus spaces)
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i think those are collectively called ESCAPE characters?

Those are not themselves escape characters, see:

LF = Line Feed and CR = Carriage Return are control characters, which are commonly used to end a line to go to the next line. There are however some slight differences in how they are used depending on device or OS interpretation. See:

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huh, ok. could that be the clue? control?

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I will add them right now!

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Skimming through the thread, I didn’t see the password mentioned, but if it has been, I apologize.

Last night there was a live drop in NYC that was communicated to us by a puzzle via the Waking Titan site. After it was figured out, it lead to a cafe where an agent of the ARG gave out a new document talking about the conclusion of loop 16 and hinting at the next phase. It’s located here. I was in the discord channel when this was happening, being stuck at home with a bad cold and unable to attend the event, but I was able to contribute (not to toot my own horn… OK maybe to toot it a little :wink: ) by realizing that the password for the 10th glyph was hinted at by the handwritten comment on the back of the document. The password is REM Sleep. The document itself warns is in bright red, underlined text to get enough sleep before the next phase truly kicks in, which sounds kind of ominous. I wonder what that’s about! Whatever it is, it sure has me excited! :smiley:


well then, sir I guess you are allowed to toot your horn indeed in this case. :wink: