Waking Titan 10th Glyph

Full summary of events leading to the live drop and solution of the 10th glyph can be found in OP (top post) here:


Updated the OP with your most excellent summary. Cheers!


its the infinite loop. 16 refers to the amount of planets in no mans sky “The universe of “No Man’s Sky” is gigantic with over 18 quintillion – or 18,446,744,073,709,551,616 – possible planets to visit”

16 to the power of 16 = 18,446,744,073,709,551,616

the whole game is that you are just in a simulation. and we keep repeating it over and over

thats why the original ending when was you just restarted the game again like nothing happened

its like the Matrix and you are neo without all the cool powers


And, funny detail, they are 16 in the HG team :wink:

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