V1.38 Bug reporting

When 1.3 landed, I soon became busy re-establishing terminals at base. Whilst Jumping around and rehiring staff I must have stopped at 3 Atlas Stations and received 3 seed recipes. Somewhere in between I became aware of the Artemis questline, so I made a start on that and subsequently performed a few more jumps. I Then thought it might be a good idea to get all seeds before the final sequence to make a HotS ready for “remembering stuff” (that was my line of thinking anyway)

I then found an Atlas Interface that wouldn’t respond -hmmm- so I found my way back to a previous interface and ‘resumed’ the path… Turns out that although I got the remaining recipes, I missed the recipe for Dark Matter so that’s that, it ends there.

I think my mistake was not sticking solely to the Atlas Path to obtain all seeds in order as shown by the red-line in galactic map. Yes ‘my mistake’ but I don’t think any player should be expected to know that a deviation from a questline would result in being bugged-out. NOTE: At no point did any interface require a constructed seed recipe to advance and receive the next one

Despite all the bugs and quirky mechanics, I still love NMS and trust the devs will correct this core-game problem. (I have reported this at the Zendesk)

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It sounds like your stuck in a loop? :wink:

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I completed the atlas line, and didn’t choose to travel. The quest still points me to stations, I assume that’s because I chose not to travel. Although I don’t think I’m being told to gather seeds. Are you still in Euclid?

I waited until after the purge to start the atlas line. They worked for me, no missing blueprints.

Does the atlas give this blueprint? I seem to recall getting it from a manufacturing facility or Polo, not atlas.

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I did wonder this myself, and have been checking Man.Facs every so often. I think not only are some people getting DMconfused with AM, but the recipe that needs DM you will see that its a green looking orb the likes of which I cannot say i’ve ever seen in my hundreds (maybe K’s) of hours of play.

Why didnt I keep a 1.2 save backup *facepalm FULL of napalm! :fire: + :rage: lol

Yes, still in Euclid.

I think the mission will stay active until we move to the next galaxy, which we were supposed to do at the end of the mission line. Not sure though. To anyone who has finished the mission, does it disappear when you pass to the next galaxy?

Yes, I am. Apologies.

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I red somewhere (quite honestly I start thinking it could have been on another forum as I couldn’t find the post back to respond to it) somebody reporting the issue of not being able to select the “tech” inventory for the cargo by clicking on it (PC) as both inventory selectors overlap.

So for the record, I just put it in here:
A workaround (i.e. awaiting they put the selectors further apart) is to switch from one to the other using the “exec” key (i.e. the key used to harvest Thamium plants, open boxes, use save points and so on; it’s ‘e’ for me). It also works for the exosuit storages switching between the 3 inventories (regular, tech and cargo-type).

Rotate to then select might work as well, although it will try to rotate back to default position.

Sorta. the Artemis mission goes, but I still have one, sometimes two Atlas quests in my log :wink:

Are you using a pre-1.3 save?

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yes, 1.2 start

I’ve heard the extra atlas quest happening to pre-1.3 saves. But, the mission doesn’t seem to go away even after moving galaxies. So I’m stumped.

Looking at my game now. “The Atlas Path” quest is telling me to investigate anomalies and breaches, nothing about atlas seeds. And I have atlas stations marked, but the mission doesn’t point to them. Sounds like a bug to me.

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So I was testing a few things to see if I could get the atlas line to finish. After visiting an atlas station, the mission updated telling me to gather seeds. Now, every atlas station is marked on my map, so I just jumped from one to another. Sometimes the atlas talks, giving the star birth dialogue, sometimes it’s blank. But the important thing I noticed? There were 2 warp cells at every station. I can fly for free now by jumping from atlas to atlas :laughing:

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I don’t think the 2 warp cell thing is a bug.

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Correct, the warp cells are supposed to be there. I don’t think I’m supposed to be directed to all the atlas stations, that’s the bug. They’re marked on my galactic map like black holes are. Oh, and the mission keeps changing. I finished the atlas line, now it has me looking for seeds again. Mission is bugged.


I thought the marked Atlas Stations were an unlockable feature like the black holes. I don’t want to spoil storyline but you can keep Atlas path open at the end which is what I did, but yeah, your missions sound buggy.

I haven’t finished it either, I’m still in Euclid. But its not letting me choose another when I visit, looks like I will have to get to the next galaxy the old way. The only option I have left to test is to make another heart of the sun. Not keen on that.

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I’ve noticed in some of the post that games are still crashing and saves are being deleted.

This has not happened to me.
if it does to you please make mention if you reported this.


I have now completed the Atlas Path twice, in the same game. It didn’t take my Heart of the Sun from me - I went through the normal route, made all the precursor seeds, made Heart of the Sun, went to the Atlas Station, activated all the seed pillars, put Heart of the Sun in the central one, birthed a new star and all that. But I still had my Heart of the Sun.

The Atlas Path never ended. It was still asking for Atlas seeds. I could activate the pillars in the Atlas Station, but there was no dialogue.

However, after a couple of jumps, and doing some other stuff, I found I could go back, activate the pillars again, and the dialogue had come back. I could (and did) re-insert my Heart of the Sun, and birth another star.

And I still have my Heart of the Sun.

The mission is definitely bugged. My guess is the heart isn’t consumed because of the new “remembrance” upgrade. Which I’ve already made. So I need another heart just to interact with the atlas, if I can interact at all. Which is all pointless anyway because it doesn’t seem to finish the mission.

When you visit the atlas, have you been offered the chance to pick galaxies again?

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