Update 1.38 - Live - Bug Reporting/Discussion

It does look like something left in the code from a much earlier version. Who knows, maybe there’s still Sand Worms tucked away in there, too?


they are there …

the universe is vast and it does appear there is one of something somewhere somehow be hidden…



Spoiler talk: There was a bit of lore or conversation I read in the game that stated that the sentinels were congregating more towards the center as if they were searching for something. Plus, we still haven’t found this highly mentioned giant red star system (could be the same thing or just a myth).

It could be that there is a needle or two in our haystack that has yet to be discovered. Players do tend to zip between the civilized 700,000-660,000 ly out ring and the center without a lot of deep exploration in between.

Hopefully, we wouldn’t see a new bugs if/when discovered since it wouldn’t have been player tested (to our knowledge).


I have reported this issue:
I went to learn more of the Vy’keen language and was told by the game there are not more words to learn.
I have learned 761.
Please post how many you have learned.
Only for the Vy’keen please
In the picture it shows more words for me to learn.


Here is the full translation:

Apparently only words from the GCALIENSPEECHTABLE count as learned and will get translated. For the Vy’keen there are only 761 total in that file, so the amount you learned matches and seems correct.

Words used but not present in this file, will still be in the alien language. The full translated sentence is present in the localisation (NMSLOC1). However, none of the highlighted words are present in the localisation either, with the exception of upgrade. Normally words that have a translation will be present in both the localisation files as in the GCALIENSPEECHTABLE. It appears that even though a whole lot of new alien words have been added, not all words present in sentences are actually translated and included.

I am curious how this worked before Atlas Rises as I only got it shortly before this update released. Did it used to show everything translated once you had supposedly learned all words?

I assume they used to just toggled a ‘state’ to no longer show alien language to avoid actually having to translate every possible word used in sentences. This would give the impression of having learned every word once the maximum amount of translated words was reached. If this toggle now fails, you get a clear view of all the ‘never’ translated words. Either they forgot to implement all translations, or if my assumption is correct, this toggle fails, which seems more likely :wink:


Before the update, I was able to understand everything they said, now once in a while.
If the sentence is short it appears to translate.
As in the above, since the sentence is long it does not translate.


Considering your Vy’keen ‘Techshop’ sentence was already present prior to Atlas Rises, I certainly believe the full translated sentence was supposed to be shown, making my assumption of using a ‘toggle’ to turn of alien language even stronger. Hope they will fix that bug, although expanding the alien language translations might be planned as well.


I reported this.
I am stuck at the center of Eajerandal Galaxy.
NMS is not giving me the path to the center.
I can not move on, play the game anymore , :disappointed_relieved:
Emily has finally done me in!!!


Oh no! To boldly go, only to go no mo’. Hopefully the zendesk helpers can get to you soon and help you… I can’t imagine how discouraged you must feel. If its not a mass thamium shortage from previous versions, it’s something else. Hang in there brother!


If ya notice I’m at the center of the galaxy zero and the planet I set is also at zero, crazy bugs…

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How many galaxies did you go through before you hit the muddy green centre of nothing?
Perhaps you have truly found the bottom of the pond?
Hope it gets sorted for you.


i was headed to 27th, Galactic path not working.
normally you can not get to the center, closest you can get is a few hundred ly from it.

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That’s a lot of warping!
Hope you can continue…do you have a back up point?

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Backup point?
I do not think so!!!


The bug is a loop. It sends you to a system 350 ly away then shows you the path back to where you came from.

Fixed the issue of no galactic path.
I jumped into a black hole 38ly away and on the galactic map the galactic path came back up.
I’m off again!!!


Woo hoo!
Nothin’ stops the Zsig!!!

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New strange glitch:
Went up to sell and came back down to fly out.
1st picture - disappearing hauler.
2nd picture - hauler reappeared after restart.

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Tis almost went into complete panic mode … lol
my cluster would have been gone!

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On extreme planet, about 3 minutes away from ship while spending many sols to jack up extreme conditions milestones.

Option to call star ship dissapeared (like when through a portal) requiring back tracking. Ship was there and accessible. Would not summon.

Has not happened again.

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Stay strong!! We can’t loose a leader to EMILY!!!

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