Synthesis Guide To Finding Crashed Ships

If anybody else on PC normal would like to have a try at claiming this ship, I would be very interested to hear how it works out for you.

The portal address has been posted above, and the site is marked by a beacon and comm ball.

It’s 11.00 pm here in England, and I’ll be going to bed in an hour or so. But I will look at any reports tomorrow.

Thanks in advance.



Went back through the portal and flew to my Freighter and there she is!

Now the burning question, did it also remain behind? I had MP on the whole time. @Polyphemus will give us the answer…so we wait.


I stayed in solo mode the whole time. Portaled there, placed a beacon, flew up, spotted a communication icon, landed there, claimed the ship, back to portal, retrieved the beacon, went home, went to freighter and found my new wreck. Thank you!

I wonder if this is repeatable?
It’s not. I cashed in the wreck and went back but only found a burned out silhouette .

Larger glyphs.


@sheralmyst, @temp, and once again to @TravelEcho, thank you for your help in this little experiment.

Citizen’s Science Division continues to push back the boundaries of knowledge!

As of this morning, for me, the ship is still there.

This appears to indicate that we can share crashed ships with other players. The game will produce a new copy of the ship for everybody who visits it.

As I have said, I imagine there are elements within the NMS community who won’t like this, and who will complain to HG about “game balance”. And I suspect that HG will listen to them (they have done before), and patch the feature out. So I think we probably only have limited time to have fun with this.

While it lasts, though, I will create a Crashed Ships Register. If you find a good one, you can post the details to the register, and everybody can go and get themselves one.


Not so much that, as much as it will never have realised that the ship isn’t supposed to be there. Don’t forget, this isn’t an MMO. Only very selective parts of the world state are actually shared, until you group up, when the entire local worldstate is shared…

In other words, somebody taking that ship is not part of the commonly shared worldspace. You haven’t taken the ship in your game, ergo it’s still there. Because your game doesn’t get told that somebody took it in another players game. That kind of detail just isn’t shared.


So, if I took it while he was in my group…


Yeah. Probably safe to say that collecting these ships is not a group activity.


I assume it would be taken for everybody in that session, though I’m not sure. How are other interactibles like cargo crates and NPCs handled? As far as I understand, there are quite some issues with buying ships in multiplayer sessions, this scenario would probably suffer from the same problems.

In any case, whether it would remain taken if somebody else in the group takes it and you left the place and came back alone is an entirely different question…


If you go there on your own and take it, it remains taken. If you leave the system, and come back, it will still be gone.

Removing a crashed ship clearly sets a flag in your own local database, but not the one on the server. It constantly astonishes me just how much detail NMS records about your in-game activities.


Yes, but does it also register that ship as taken if somebody else in your multiplayer session takes it, that’s the question.


From what I heard, if playing in MP, the ship might not be there. Others in your MP session may have taken it before you got a chance.


You know, Citizen Scientists, this is an opportunity for you advance the frontiers of research…


Group test:

  1. Group up and go to the planet and look for the comm ball I left there (I didn’t take the ship myself, because I didn’t have time. I’m sorry I don’t remember the name of the planet. :expressionless: :grimacing:

It is the same system as the one @Polyphemus shared. Here is a larger pic of the glyphs:

  1. One person claims the ship and see what happens for the other group members).

  2. The player in the group who claimed the ship should now remove it form the crash site. (fly it to the station and crap it, or add it to their freighter list.)

  3. Once the ship is effectively gone with the first player, the remaining players should re-log to see if the ship respawns.

  4. if it does not respawn for them, then try leaving group and re-logging. Is the ship there then?

If the ship is no longer there for the group members after the first player removes it (flies it off or sends to freighter or scraps it), will it reappear if the group is disbanded or if the Claiming player leaves the group?

Or is the whole group tagged that the ship is now gone?

Inquiring minds need to know.

I’m working today, so I hope some other Citizen
Scientists will step up to take this on.

For SCIENCE!” (–a quote from the now defunct Wildstar MMO)


I wouldn’t expect it to reappear immediately, but it might upon leaving and returning to the site (or restarting the game). It’s really just a question about whether the change is saved to every players save file, or if it’s transient to the session.


No one should complain. This is exactly what should be expected!
Following the NMS lore, we are each contained in separate unique iterations and as the last 16 started to tick down, the iterations slowly began to merge. This has given us the chance to intermingle… but we still have our own personal iteration-space. Following this, there is no reason why we can’t all get the same ship… :smile:


Can’t wait to try this! As a newbie - when scanning a planet from space, what should I look for / avoid? I’m looking for crashed ships, but also to set up my first “proper” base…


Choose a planet type that fits your desires. Do you want to farm? Do want to build into the landscape? If you want to explore your base planet thouroughly, then find one that is well populated. That would be what I would look at first since that type will also contain the most ships. You might want to look at the frequency, duration and strength of storms since bad storms make it very difficult to see. So basically, just spend some time on the surface before putting down your base comp.
Check out our tips and tricks thread.

And welcome to the forum!


Thanks. Stumbled on it during a post-operation overnight hospital stay, now can’t wait to get back and play. Will just have to kick the kids off the PS4…!


So, I was recently on a mission to find crashed ships and discovered some amazing things. I think I need to share them with the community. Something… wonderful… happened.

I agree with a lot of the points you have made. Finding a good planet with a good atmosphere is essential. But, I have to disagree with your method. I’ll explain why…

If you use the equator of a large planet as your starting point and head north or south, using the scanner to find ships, you will have very little success. Let’s imagine your scanner range is 1,000 units. You pick a point on the equator and head north or south. Maybe you will find a ship of value - maybe not. So, you return to the equator, move east or west 2,000 units. Now, whenever you are heading north or south, your scans are overlapping. The further north or south you go, the more overlap. If you are going very slowly, you’re going to be lucky to search even a small portion of the planet in a few hours. This is going to be very time consuming and you will be covering huge areas that you’ve already searched.

Now, I’ll explain my findings…

I found a very large planet (I guess it’s the biggest type of planet in NMS). It was called Iroudu in the Eissentam galaxy. I used the planetary charts to find ships. I had been inspired by previous searches on other planets where I had found 3 high value ships worth 19 million, 32 million and 36 million units respectively.

Now, there is a glitch in NMS which allows you to sell crashed ships and reclaim them back and sell them again. You can do this indefinitely and make a lot of money. The only conditions to this are that you do not leave the system you are in or reload a saved game. At the point I found Iroudu, I had approximately 700 million in my account as a result of taking advantage of this glitch. My account is now worth 1.7 billion units after only a few hours on Iroudu. I’ve gained a billion units. Easy money!

At first, my search was frustrating. The game kept sending me back to abandoned buildings and conservatories where I’d already been. I learned that you can’t just use the waypoints to stop this happening - you have to go in the building and use the terminal. It cuts down repeat visits to the same buildings dramatically.

Eventually, about halfway through my search I found another ship worth 19 million units! Aha, they do exist I thought. Time wore on and boredom was setting in. I was determined to continue my slog and see if I could beat the 36 million ship I’d previously found on another planet. I kept being sent to abandoned buildings, observatories, empty crashed ship sites or crashed ship sites that were owned by the resident Gek. It was really really frustrating. I nearly gave up several times. All but one of the ships I had found that I could actually claim were valued at less than 5 billion units. Aaaarrrggghhh!

Then the first miracle happened. After visiting 81 buildings, suddenly I was only EVER sent to crashed ship sites! I had reached the limit of the number of buildings on the planet…


Before long, I discovered yet another ship worth 36 million units! Eureka!!!

I hobbled off to the space station and took advantage of the glitch. I made 500 million units in a couple of hours by combining this with the nanite glitch. Unfortunately, my game crashed and I had to exit to windows and reboot the game. Thankfully I’d made a save recently. Now, remember you can’t reload a save for the glitch to continue - I had to sell the crashed ship and then it was gone, forever.

I headed over to my freighter and started some new missions for my fleet.

Then, miracle number 2 happened! I headed back to the planet to sort out some things on my base. But, completely by accident, I warped to the save beacon I had set next to the 36 million crashed ship. Oh no! But when I got there, the ship was still there, even though I had just sold it for scrap value! I couldn’t believe it - I headed back to the space station and made another 500 million, just because i could! :slight_smile:

Back to my freighter to check on my missions and then… wait, could the ship possibly still be there? Worth a try, right?

But no, it was gone this time. Oh well, it had served its purpose.

Anyway, I was determind to see if the planet had ships worth more than 36 million and decided to continue my quest. As it turned out, I’d left my fighter ship back by the crashed ship worth 36 million - I was using a huge hauler (the one with the big balls). I headed back to get my fighter and once again (miracle number 3) the crashed ship was still there!!!

So, the moral of the story is this… there are a limited number of buildings (abandoned buildings and observatories) and that limit on a huge planet seems to be 81. After that, you will only be sent to distress beacon sites. Ever!

And when you’ve found a really expensive ship, you can go and sell it and if you return to the site it might still be there, several times.

Anyway, the coordinates and portal code for the ship are…

-0.78, 160.24, Bird, Bird, Totem, Sunrise, Sunrise, Balloon, Rocket, Rocket, Rocket, Boat, Balloon, Whale.

I hope this helps someone make a fortune in their game and helps people understand the mechanics of NMS.

Oh, and finally - those empty crash sites were no longer empty. They had ships there!

I haven’t finished my search - after finding the expensive crashed ship for the third time, I decided to write this post. Hope it helps. :partying_face:


It’s nice to see there’s still some interest in this subject, and that people are still discovering new things.

Bear in mind, my guide to this subject was written in late 2019. The game has changed a lot since then. It should be no surprise that parts of the guide no longer apply. In fact, the real surprise should be that any of the guide is still accurate.

Keep up the good work, Citizen Scientist! You’re adding to our knowledge of the universe! :grinning: