This is the myriad status…has this been discussed ???
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That’s been there for the past several days now and no one has been able to figure it out either.
I tried many words from the article. At least we can understand whate W/re tried with him.
It could be something similar to one of Phillip’s solutions which was “What’s for dinner” even though he wasn’t talking about dinner at all or even proper meals. The dude was talking about fast food kiosks in a public place like hot-dog stands, he was talking about the smell missing and wanting a hot-dog…I still don’t understand how that solution was found at all. So we may have a solution that’s fairly unrelated to anything Alexander mentions.
Ooooohhh…the plot thickens.
Me neither. I’ve run my phone flat twice now punching in every phrase and word I can possibly think of.
It was the name of a TV show idea he had. The solution was in plain text so not very hard to find.
Must have missed that string of text
Been very thorough on this one and have gotten nowhere. My baincells are burnt out.
The concept was basically for the judges to hit the contestants with totally ridiculous dish names. The one who would cook the dish that matches best with the name would win.
Emily :
Sounds like an instant hit!
Phillip :
I mean… The judges would say something like “Moist Vampire Breakdown” and a contestant would come up with like….a deconstructed meatloaf with cranberry sauce.
Emily :
Oh my god.
Phillip :
I would call it “What’s for dinner”.
You’ll have the story after he ate the pretzel and “change mood”.
Ah so the phrase was somewhere in there, I probably just didn’t see it…fair enough. I played through the thing about five times…either that or it just didn’t stick as something memorable to me.
So usually I’m not present when things start, and usually I show up just as everythings been solved.
I figured I was here last night when things kicked off but was 1am here, you guys would have this cracked by the time I woke up…
Boy was I wrong I still think we’re definitely on to something with olfactory and burnt hay and B. I
As @Polyphemus said, it was candy apple and sound of the crowd that brought his memory back, so burnt hay and B could also be a smell mixed with a sound, not a smell mixed with a smell.
So memorable sounds from his two memories that begun with B I’m having trouble with.
Looked up correct terms for sounds bulls make, they Bellow. But that didn’t lead me anywhere.
@Mad-Hatter I’ve been using my phone on silent so haven’t noticed any clicks and beeps but my phone is so slow it takes about ten seconds for the incorrect password animation to happen
In the second string emily mentions clowns without us having to dig deeper?? So shouldnt be relevant ?? But the fair seems to be his focus point
I remember some people earlier were saying they believed there’s only one solution for both nodes…do we know that for sure? Did someone read that from the app’s code or something?
It’s only a theory, nothing can be sure when we find nothing
Has anyone tried “Burnt Hay and BoBo” (the clown) just a joke but I’ll die if that’s it
Yeah nothing to confirm we’re looking for one password for both memories, just a feeling really. But it may not be the case we may still need two passwords but I think the clues for each password require knowledge from both conversations.
I know from previous conversations, as I was a late comer when those were taking place, it didn’t seem to matter which node I clicked on or what order I put the passwords in, so I don’t think we need the first before we can input the second but that might be because I showed up after most people solved Eun Ha and Philips passwords.
So in short what I mean is, if its one or two passwords we need I don’t think it minds if we get the second convo solved before the first (should two passwords be required)
Edit: I just did something I don’t normally do. Checked reddit to see how they were getting on since I’m of the impression there’s more people there and probably have more info we might have missed…
They got all the info After we got it. Have the same stuff we have, don’t seem to be following any leads and only 17 comments there so far…
Is everyone on holiday cos I thought it was kinda quiet here too
@emily run klaxoncall.exe, we need reinforcements.
…Fast running out of sounds that start with ‘B’
He describes seeing a red dot in the sky but that can’t be a real memory…or at least it couldn’t have been anything remotely close to an Atlas…his early childhood was in real life late 1930s - early 1940s…this was many decades before WARE, Emily, and everything else that would lead to this simulation and the creation of the Atlas…which never existed in real life anyway…at least not in any more capacity than on machines at fixed locations. So what did this guy see? He’s not showing as corrupted but he could be suffering from some sort of mental illness beyond just poor memory as he seems to forget Emily between conversations.
Yeah it’s either misidentification from it being such an early and terrifying memory or he’s confusing memories from the sim with his own, if you take him to the basement he doesn’t mention what he saw just that he did see something but was too terrified to share what it was. Also considering his age the memory fits in nicely with an era that was known for rural extra terrestrial activity, he may very well have experienced some sort of encounter that night or like most young people in that era, caught up in the hysteria of such stories and immediately thought of that when seeing a red orb (that may have been a natural occurrence like blood moon etc)
As for his memory, definitely not corrupted. We know he went to the clinic in sacramento to help with his memory, to see the “sleep doctor” m, he wasn’t sure of treatment method just that he remembers a lot of questions and it involved dreaming. So early alzheimers /dementia seems to be the problem and it’s this very disease that is making this do difficult. My granny had alzheimers and it can be very difficult but patience will be your greatest ally and lead you to some beautiful moments and conversations.
Here’s hoping we can do the same with our dear friend Alexander. If you notice, Emily is Very impatient this time and I think that’s a hint, patience, peace and comfort is what Alex needs right now.
I noted that a while back and it seems counterproductive…
I think the idea of the red dot in the sky being a confused crossover between memory and simulation is quite plausible.