Patient Intervention Thread - Alexander


Meantime ā€¦

Discussion here:


Are we really getting a hint nowā€¦ I feel stupid


He was snifflingā€¦looking for a smellā€¦

Talks about the night sky when heā€™s aloneā€¦he talks to himself.

You :
Whatā€™s the deal with the ā€˜uneasy bartonā€™ text?
Emily :
What do you mean? It seems pretty normal to me.
You :
Did you put it there?
Emily :




Youā€™re not the only oneā€¦thereā€™s what? Hundreds? Thousands of us in the CSD community?

Guidance protocol activated
Emily :
Initiating Nudge Subroutineā€¦
Emily :
Hi! It seems like you need a handā€¦
Emily :
What seems to be the problem?
You :
Can you help us with Alexanderā€™s second memory block?
Emily :
Sure, what do you want to know?
You :
Did Alexander talk to you about anything else?
Emily :
Not to me, but he often talks about the night sky when heā€™s alone.
You :
Did you notice anything weird about Alexander?
Emily :
Not really, he kept sniffing the air, like he was looking for a specific smell.
You :
Did Alexander talk to you about anything else?
Emily :
Not to me, but he often talks about the night sky when heā€™s alone.
You :
Whatā€™s the deal with the ā€˜uneasy bartonā€™ text?
Emily :
What do you mean? It seems pretty normal to me.
You :
Did you put it there?
Emily :
You :
What is UDC?
Emily :
I donā€™t know. It sounds like gibberish to me. I know that UDC(B) = IXNI. I wonder what UDC(P) isā€¦


Sadly no dice.

Iā€™m still lost.


@polyphemus: Edited the UDC(P) to show correctly as (P) gets translated to (P)


Sameā€¦not sure what searching for smell is supposed to tell us since Phillip spoke frankly about the simulation lacking certain smells so I donā€™t know if thatā€™s helpfulā€¦speaking to himself might lead somewhereā€¦I hope anyway.

I though he was going to start a sentence with I, I donā€™t think it had anything to do with his wifeā€™s name. he might have been going to say something like ā€œIā€™m sorry I donā€™t want to talk about herā€

Canā€™t find any illness abbreviated as UDCā€¦also whatā€™s with the mention of ā€œuneasy bartonā€ā€¦donā€™t remember that from speaking to any of the characters.

I could be wrong, but I think the Lorem Ipsum and Uneasy barton are a separate puzzle. Separate from any specific dreamer that is. The Uneasy Barton can be found on the Myriad site (Status page). The Lorem Ipsum is likely related and was found on the satcom dashboard (search Myriad)


Oh sh*t

Itā€™s ā€œBurnt hay and Betelgeuseā€


Howā€™d you get that?


Donā€™t know if it is of significance, but looking for info about smells of skynight, I found this article that seems interesting: What does space smell like? | BBC Sky at Night Magazine

Note the intro:

"ā€˜What space smells likeā€™, by Tim Peake

Does space have a smell? According to Tim Peake it does. In fact, the UK astronaut has likened it to ā€œa British summer barbeque, burning sausages on a charcoal grillā€.

Red giant. One of the brightest.