Patient Intervention Thread - Alexander

I already explained, the text has no obvious connection to problems of facial recognition or memory. None.

If you saw one, and then linked it to a bizarre and virtually unheard-of medical condition, then good for you.

Donā€™t take it the wrong way, weā€™re not trying to accuse you specifically of anythingā€¦itā€™s just that anyone could be anyone on the internetā€¦it wouldnā€™t be a huge stretch for someone from A&S to create a new user and come in saying, hey guys I solved it. I got nothing but mad respect if you solved thatā€¦I never would have. My issue isnā€™t with you at allā€¦I just think that it was too much of a stretch for A&S to expect us to come up with that answerā€¦likely why the 2nd hasnā€™t been solved at all.

Alexander forgot what Emily looked like between the first and second conversation. Humans use facial recognition to remember individuals. Makes sense to me. Obscure, but logical.

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I donā€™t think we will get given the answer by the puppet masters but we will probably get a nudge in the right direction from @Emily if needed

Alexander forgot the whole of his previous conversation with Emily. Not just her face. Now that is consistent with Alzheimerā€™s. Facial recognition problems (on their own) are very rarely so.


Indeedā€¦that really doesnā€™t seem like a facial recognition issueā€¦if he had said something like ā€œI remember having that conversation with someone at the fair but donā€™t remember their faceā€ or ā€œdonā€™t remember who it wasā€ or something fineā€¦but he didnā€™t remember the conversation or the fair entirelyā€¦at all.

And that was the 2nd conversationā€¦that should not contain clues for solving the 1st when the first didnā€™t have any.

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Since the first answer (code) was a diagnoses, I thinking that the second answer (code) should also be a diagnoses.

Eun Ha answers where both personal memories, so my logic is that with Alexander both answers with be the ā€œsameā€ kind.

For whatever itā€™s worth. :roll_eyes:

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In any case, I have not accused any individual of being a stooge. I wonder where the idea that Alexander had trouble recognising faces popped up on the forums? Where did that idea come from? Because thereā€™s nothing in the text to suggest it.

Find where the suggestion first came from. Probably on Reddit. Thereā€™s the answer.

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I donā€™t remember anyone else thinking about that or mentioning it until it was solvedā€¦but itā€™s good someone thought of that and decided to try it even if not really consistent with much from the story.

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Exactly. Fortuitous. Far-sighted.

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He clearly has causality problems and seems to be inconsistent in his responses. I was looking into schizophrenia, which seemed to fit, according to wiki it normally occurs before the age of 19.

I think the truth is, he took the lamp out to help comfort Napoleon and he dropped it and it broke, starting the fire. During the storm he saw no fire, because he did not go out with the lamp yet. Once mom and dad were involved he blamed the lightning, creating the memory out of self defense.


Omgosh! Really people?! Iā€™m in awe at how this thread is goingā€¦ @SingularGleam was able to break the clue!! That is fantastic! Letā€™s not take the fun out of this ARG. Instead letā€™s celebrate the intelligence and confidence of our other CSD mates.
And for Goodness Sake stop bitching. We canā€™t fast forward the time to make the update get here any quicker.


You sure about that? We thought weā€™d give whine-powered time travel a tryā€¦whatā€™s the worst that can happen? :stuck_out_tongue:

I donā€™t have any issues with @SingularGleam to be honestā€¦even if he were someone from A&S helping us(which Iā€™m not saying he is). But the lack of a second answer is growing frustrating and the only clue to finding it is looking at the first one in hopes of noticing a patternā€¦but the more we look at it the more obtuse it seems.

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It says "otherwordly not otherworldly, is that an error or just a misprint.

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For real. Go outside, everybody.

And close the door on your way out - weā€™re not air-conditioning the neighborhood.


NEXT patch notes:

  • Changed all ā€œotherworldly vegetationā€ to ā€œotherwordly vegetationā€

Itā€™s a typoā€¦they happenā€¦you can read the actual text here, it says otherworldly.

Ow! on the throat pain! :slightly_frowning_face:

Hope you can get some relief soon.

I was wondering about Barnswallows, Blueberries, Beef, Bovine.

We need a program that can enter all the B-word in the dictionary(s) rapidly until one works. :wink:

I found myself chasing my tail last night as I was trying to sleep, thinking up B-words that might have a smell associated. I guess thatā€™s why they told us at the beginning of this to ā€œmake sure you get lots of sleepā€!

Another odd interaction with Emily:

Emily : Generating thunderstorm simulationā€¦
You : Wait, what? Weā€™re going to set him loose in a thunderstorm?
Emily : Erm. That wasnā€™t exactly my first ideaā€¦
Emily : But if you want to do that, I wonā€™t object!

No, I said to NOT do that Emily. Itā€™s like she has an agenda and is patronizing us like weā€™re helping. I know the whole conversation with Alex that ensues revolves around the storm, I just thought it was an odd way to present it. She seems to have a different attitude talking to me than talking to the subject.

We still love you Emily!


My bad, I misspelled it myself in the quote. Corrected just now.