Patient Intervention Thread - Alexander

I think there’s fewer people using Bing than there are people with that condition lol.


Lol, it’s the first hit on Google

Since we weren’t able to solve the first code until we got clues from the second conversation, it is likely we won’t be able to solve the 2nd code until the 3rd convo becomes available.


But even guessing to search for facial recognition issues in the first place is a stretch.

It’s been the same throughout the entirety of the ARG, soon as we are stuck, boom someone from reddit or GD has the answer, it doesn’t matter what we solve as it’s all timed and everything has a deadline, no matter what we solve it doesn’t move the ARG forward, it just miraculously springs into life every weekend

That’s why i’m losing interest it wont end until HG tells them to do it, to tie in with the release of Next and the trailer

You could solve every puzzle in 5 minutes its still not going to go anywhere until they want it too


He didn’t recognize Emily even though she clearly expected him to.

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Yes, but he didn’t remember being at the fair at all - and that’s where he met her.

That’s why I tried Alzheimer’s first.

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If that’s true, then it won’t be long until they give us the answer

I think I used to know what Alzheimer’s was… I think…


That was the second conversation and frankly I saw no reason to think of facial recognition specifically…I thought altzheimers or other memory issues…he’s 86 after all.

Of course they already put dates on the next bit for the community event, that’s what i’m saying nothing we do has a consequence

When they want to open the next reveal is when THEY want, not by us solving anything

Of course its been fun and something to do while we wait for the update, but that’s all it is a time waster, and a very expensive one it has been

Sorry for the rant, but that’s how i feel

It was worse than that for me actually…it never occurred to me that facial recognition specifically could even be an issue…well…not for a human being…maybe for like a phone or a laptop I’d have thought of it.

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When I do the crossword in the newspaper, I know that the answer will be there tomorrow. It doesn’t stop it being fun today.

And yes, they’re not going to let the ARG stall, just because some of the questions were too obscure. But I still enjoy trying.

But I still don’t believe anybody guessed the first clue.


What was he talking about when he said “the first was so high” its got to be planes, or a couple of planes.

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I thought about that. The only conclusion I could come to was that it’s a typing error, and they meant to write “fire”.

If it’s not, then who knows? It could actually be a clue.

Why? Because you didn’t? I am a little flattered you think I received outside help. I arrived at this answer after entering everything from clowns to cows and had a fun time doing it. I will continue trying the second one now.


I agree, it has been fun, but isn’t there supposed to be some kind of purpose, to spend days and days on clues and then get them, only to know the next bit wont start until the following weekend and then we do it all over again

What i’m trying to say is our actions should give us something, there is like 5 weeks left before the update and you can bet those reveals will be opened a week at a time

At least we have something to do during the week. Not just the weekends.

Alexander likes to use a lot of religious vernacular to get across his points, when asked if he murdered he said Lord no, he also describes two separate scenarios as being hell or like hell on earth as well as referring to Lionel being gifted from Satan because he was such a nuisance.

Is it possible he did kill something? By accident of course, if we lean on the idea the barn fire was caused by him…

Anyone try Burnt hay and Beef? :see_no_evil: