Old Travellers, New Tricks

No trick here, but I found a relic gate. It always surprises me when I find something I haven’t seen before.


I don’t even know what that is…


It’s a random space encounter. Kinda looks like a giant teleporter anchored by four asteroids. Flying through it is like a black hole, but better because it doesn’t damage your ship. On the down side, they are ancient and fragile so it is a one time use thing. I am clear across the galaxy though.


Relic Gate:
Relic Gate - No Man’s Sky Wiki


I wonder if the Normandy used one to reach our Freighter :smirk:


This is certainly one of those old traveller moments, because when I realised it was possible, I remembered learning about it before and then after time my mind must have reverted to old knowledge.

It’s clearly been a thing since free placement has been enabled but I only realised it maybe a year ago, forgot, and rediscovered today.

I used to raise ground up from the ocean to place a base computer on or near ocean surface.

You can just place them in the air with free placement toggle, no need to build ground up like the before times :man_facepalming:


I have a question for you ‘old travelers.’

But first, proof that doing community missions generates good karma…I went on a simple mission to collect activated cadmium. Got spit out in a red star system conveniently close to my homeworld stomping grounds that I had not visited before (a plus). Then followed the marker to an appropriately extreme planet and landed…right on top of the portal. Bar none, that was the simplest finding of a portal in my many iterations.

Leading to the question: the ‘business end’ of this portal is embedded in a mountain. If someone were to use it, would they appear on the wrong side of the planet’s surface barrier? I’ve done that before (not with a portal), and it’s a pain in the brain.

Anyway, I left a beacon and if no one has an answer I will go back there and dig it out to get the address, then wait a couple days for the terrain to resettle and give it a try. For science.


Interesting question and I had footage I clipped I was intending to share to glitch/funny pic thread that might have an answer.

I got out of my ship in water, only “surface” above water was a floating base computer. Upon exiting I’m placed on top of the base computer.

If placing you after exiting a ship works in a similar fashion to exiting a Portal it might try place you in the nearest position of solid ground. Or completely fail and put you in negative space below the soil :thinking: I eagerly await your findings :wink:


No need, you can return the ground to original state with terrain modifier. It you flip thought the options, it’s the red one, I think. If you didn’t know.

@toddumptious with that ambience teleporting out of your ship kind of sounds like a toilet flushing in the distance.


LOL…yeah, good point. I actually use the restore function all the time. I’m the strange guy that fills in the holes after I dig up salvage data and such.

I think maybe I was hoping someone just gives me the answer if I give it the extra time. Portaling in there “for science” and getting embedded in the ground is not super appealing.


I have been doing that a lot too. If I do a lot of tunneling, my worlds start to fall apart. There will be some ground up and a broken piece down and I can see all the tunnels from the outside. Some surface are illusions, I fall straight through.

So if it’s a planet with a base or a special some how. I will patch it up.

Does it restore on its own in a few days?


Well, I’ve always assumed that it would, since the dirt always grows back over the edges of floor panels that are set into the ground no matter how many times I blast it off. But this is another ‘for science’ moment…


Not sure. I had a portal one a base planet that had part of the front pad in a cliff. For whatever reason, stepping up to the glpherizer dropped me below ground, with pieces showing above. Crazy.


I hope so.
I recently got carried away & unearthed a crashed freighter. Yes, I know…I was bored at the time…Anyway, it wasn’t in a base area but after I’d finished turning a couple of hectares into swiss cheese I left… only to wonder later on, just how permanent my chaos would be.


I did this with an ancient ruin once. But after I dug a certain amount out, I was thrown out of the area as the ground refilled. The Atlas said I was digging too deep. Too greedily.


I love how LOTR references pop up as common speech these days :grinning:


If you harvest rocks and trees, they disappear. After an hour or two, they grow back - but for a while, they’re insubstantial. You can see them, but they can’t be harvested. If you approach them, you can walk right through. Eventually they turn back into regular rocks and trees.

Returning to reality isn’t an on/off thing - it’s a gradual process.


The worst part about sleeping is getting out of bed.


The worst part about sleeping is that you don’t remember it. You spend a third of your life in a warm, comfortable place, where no worries exist, and all fantasies are possible. And you remember nothing about it.


Speaking of deep.