Old Travellers, New Tricks

I just took the long swim back to shore and summoned my ship… I have aquatic jets installed :man_facepalming:

Guess it’s time for another round of Old Travellers, New Tricks.

Be it introduced in Worlds or something introduced in Atlas Rises but you still haven’t shaken the habit; what old patterns do you still find yourself repeating?

What new tricks or methods have you discovered that you wish we had or you knew about sooner?


I often find myself placing a marker when trying to highlight a POI. I never use the marker since only 1 at a time can be placed. If more than one could be placed and easily removed, I might find a use for them.
Not exactly what you asked for but there it is.


I still scare myself when that happens and the big anchor spike drops in front of me :joy:

I think it’s useful in multiplayer, and we don’t get up to much of that around these parts :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


@toddumptious : I have adjusted the category for this topic.


lol Not gonna lie, kinda glad to hear I’m not the only one who still occasionally jump-scares themselves with accidental marker summons :sweat_smile:

The only use I’ve personally had for them is marking the optimal spot to place my electromagnetic generators on a hotspot (I just stack them up in a tower, such that they look like a big antenna from a distance) and doing long cable runs while base-building. Even though they’re ephemeral, the droning sound they make while in-place is actually a nice accent for my lil power towers. :slightly_smiling_face:


If you shoot a juicy grub instead of picking one up, it instantly starts a brood queen encounter :+1:


Wait…you can pick them up? :scream:


I’ve been visiting some very old bases back to back, so old that they don’t have power or wiring as they predate it.

It kind of leaves you in a spot where you have to set up a power system to get the portal up and running, or in cases where I’m deleting an old or abandoned build, the shortcut to the next base is gone completely.

This is where the Nexus becomes your best friend; lord and saviour of QOL.

If you use the interstellar transporter on the nexus to visit your base for deletion or an old base with no power, you will have a shortcut to return to the nexus immediately from wherever you are as long as you don’t use another form of teleportation in the system.

I’ve made it habit recently to always visit my base from the nexus for upkeep, then quickly port back to nexus for qs missions etc.


After longer explorations, I’ve found that occasionally I’ll get a hang screen or crash as I zip off into orbit. This seems to be more common on PS5 after updates or when the game has been running for a few hours.
To avoid losing lots of progress & finds, I routinely vault in & back out of my ship prior to leaving each world to prompt a known auto-save point.


While exploring my recent atlas rises base I was reminded of a time I lost three hours of interior build progress during launch day of NEXT while adding a section to it due to a crash.

I think I avoided the place for a few months after that before attempting to redecorate and regain my progress.

Thankfully the game saves so often now this is a very distant memory.

I’ve been playing on PS5 and experience the crashes after zipping to orbit or going near freighter/warping with freighter after lengthy time playing, I’m gonna guess over an hour until it will happen.

On one particular crash my auto save brought me back out into space, on my ship, just before I landed. I was surprised that the game autosaves mid space flight on approach and also relieved that I was only a stones throw away from where I was before the crash.

I’d been playing on pc for so long there are some odd bugs I assumed were fixed but am learning are still present on my legacy console save. I’m starting to think it’s my legacy save :joy:


Until the expedition prior to this one, I hadn’t realized that glass could be made from silicate powder.


Hardly a trick but the last few expeditions this has happened to me without fail.

After majority gametime as a solo player, I forget bringing up the discovery tab doesn’t pause the game when there are active players in the system.

I usually come back from making a snack/coffee to a thrice dead corpse and my inventory nuked :slight_smile:


While playing the Liquidators Expedition, I found that using a conversation interface (Dissonant Camps & Sentinel Pillars) provides an immune space. You can just stay in the conversation & wait for the hive to settle down.
Useful if it’s stormy & hard to see… or you are just feeling lazy.


Yeah. If you pick them up you can eat them or use in a recipe. Yuk!


Some of us older travellers may still be in the habit of completely ignoring the Guild reps even with the new space stations, because it’s hard to break a seven year habit of ignoring the guy who gives you peanuts by the time you’ve become the owner of a peanut factory.

The things you can get now are extremely useful and at times when you definitely need em.

I just discovered at Master Explorer Guild Rank they will start giving you free Freighter Modules <3 At one of its earliest ranks the Mercaneraries Guild gives out free ammo and plasma fuel.

The donations they take can vary and can be a great way to get rid of those items that used to always pile up in our storage containers.

Explorers Guild will take things you’ve dug up as donations, this can be a treasure from an archaeology site or something from one of the buried corrupted sentinel satellite things (cant recall their names), so if for some reason you have hit the money cap but don’t have full guild rep you have an excuse to go Indiana Jonesing again.

No comment on the Merchants Guild rewards or donations… I don’t associate with capitalists :stuck_out_tongue:


This is good to know since freighter modules are the one thing I need and cannot reliably find. So much work involved. I am getting old and lazy…


My methods always been crashed or derelict freighters and rescuing civillian freighters for the reward but sometimes I veto all of that and go focus on something else, as you said, so much work involved.

I never attack civillian freighters or frigates but I found out recently watching someone elses video that you can get them really quickly by finding freighters and frigates that have them in their storage pods or something along those lines.

I keep intending to do a piracy playthrough but it hasn’t happened yet. It’s good to see it has it’s playstyle benefits, like getting freighter unlocks quickly and becoming a space faring dread king.


I tried the piracy lifestyle. It worked at first but has since become an unreliable method for what I need so I decided to clean up my act


Wait… I’m supposed to shoot them? :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

What I actually wanted to ask: Is there a new method to get rid of sentinels?

For years I never had problems getting rid of them, I avoided them or shot as many as needed and then just serpentined away, behind a hill (on foot) until they stopped searching. But since this year or so the next wave spawns next to me. And of course, if we fly away, they also follow in their ships. If it’s just one or two, fine. But I don’t have time to take out x waves and a freighter every time only because someone saw me bash a rock while jetpacking, the battle controls are not THAT fun.

There was some sort of booster token…?


I’m not a fan of combat to begin with. So the alleged “combat balancing” that started with sentinel pillars is just way too much for me.

And expeditions keep adding more required combat to complete. It drives me nuts.

We should not have to run, hide, or max out weapons and then outlast a murderous horde.

I would like to be able to experience the incredible No Man’s Sky universe without resorting to Creative Mode.