Comparisons Old and New

First of all - oh wow. Has it actually been FIVE YEARS since I last posted anything in here?! Oof.

The release of Worlds II has reignited the thrill of discovery in NMS for me. I decided to start a new playthrough on the hardest difficulty settings (except for permadeath) and to really take my time in discovering new things. So far I have finished the Artemis questline, now I’m working on the Autophages one.

Upon discovering a portal on my world I decided to settle on, I wondered how the planets I’ve been on have changed since Foundation / Atlas Rises. Digging out my old screenshots of old times, I decided to check the portal coordinates I’ve wisely documented back then when (working) portals have first been introduced, to see the change after all these years - and mostly after the NEXT universe reset.

So, without further ado - here they are:

01 - From deserts to anomalies

The first world we are rediscovering is one that has changed from a bright desert world into a otherworldy anomalous planet apparently devoid of any life.

02 - From radiation to fire

In the same system, the second planet I decided to survey back then, it turned from a colorful irradiated one to a scorched and barren world.

03 - From forests to nuclear wasteland

This world has been turned from lush forests of red leaf trees on white foliage to an absolutely blasted nuclear hellscape.

04 - From flickering embers to uranium spires

Just as in the 2nd world, but the other way around. This one has molten down to a surface filled with spikes of radiated iron.

05 - A relatively unchanged world

Astonishingly, this planet hasn’t changed its biome, instead the irradiated plants have seemed to been petrified, turned into hard stone after having mutated beyond recognition.

06 - From ice to fire

This world has been turned absolutely upside down, from a cold and relatively barren ice desert into a planet littered with smaller forests of heat-resistant spires of leaf trees.

07 - Deserts spring to fragile life

A pleasant surprise was to find this planet where its dusty wasteland was able to grow fields of grass, littered with small foliage among big boulders.

08 - From fields of grass to pillars of glass

Quite a shock it was to see this world of orange grass with occasional single trees to be replaced by an eerie dead planet littered with pillars of - kzzt - glass.

09 - A relic, preserved by the Galactic Atlas


A submission of mine towards the now distant release of NEXT, where I found two almost identical sculptures of resources, was almost ironically lost to me, since I never took a screenshot of its glyphs. Fortunately for me, the Galactic Atlas preserved its location for many to visit the location.

Unfortunately, it has been lost to the unpredictable fits of the Atlas. Molten the snow, replaced by nuclear dust.

A single traveller visited this location, leaving a message of their visit, no doubt disappointed by the unexpected loss of this marvel of procedural generation.

And there you have it. Nine locations of old, revisited after almost 8 years. A return to the roots, if you will.

Strangely enough, on my old savefiles some systems from the Foundations-era are marked as “discovered 10 years ago by sgfan206”. Which is a pretty strange thing, unless I do have a warped perception of time. The ones from Atlas Rises on the other hand are appropriately marked as “discovered eight years ago by sgfan206”, as documented in this last screenshot.

On the new savefile however they are marked as “undiscovered”. There seems to be a discrepancy between different people’s savefiles in terms of discoveries that were made long ago.

Whew. Almost five years since my last post, and now I go and plaster this giant pillar of a thread opening post. Which leads me to the question - do many of you have documented their planet’s glyphs from the era of Atlas Rises or even prior to that? If so, I’d really like to see how your worlds have changed in all these years.

Oh, and … it’s good to be back after years of lurking. I’ll definitely keep you posted (in other existing threads) on my new discoveries in this new age of post-Worlds II.

Best wishes to all of you.

Edit: Sorry for the night screenshots where you cannot see much. I completely forgot that changing the time of day was a thing to get day-screenshots.


Good to have you back!
I wish I had catalogued my bases thru the changes. It is a lot of fun to look back.
Thanks for sharing!
I had one of my discoveries marked 10 years ago too…I know I tend to lose track of time when I am in the sim but…idk…could explain a lot though. I don’t remember my hair starting to grey…


Thanks for this comparison! So it’s not just an illusion that so many of my old worlds have changed.

I had a file where I tracked an adventure… But was that before or after portal addresses were added? I have so many screenshots that I cannot associate with anything, I might as well delete them. (Except for the ones that become desktop wallpapers of course.)

One of my first requests to HG was a way to distinguish screenshots… Some I take because I want to keep records of this planet and its resources and find it again. Others, merely to document a bug. Others are just good one-off wallpapers, or a funny pet in a funny place, it doesn’t matter where. The last category would be UI screenshots (funny dialogs, my hoarded credits and treasures in my freighter inventory, etc.) where I don’t care where I took them.

The Discoveries tab is alas not helpful in finding anything, especially since old things have been reset (I also see “10 years old” worlds…), it’s great that you kept your own!


Of all the ways to come traipsing back in, this is certainly one of the greater ways to do it. Fantastic you still had all those screens and glyphs on file and could go visit for a check in via the portal network.

Great to see you back out there exploring Traveller, the new update has sent a lot of us ancient iterations back to the realm of wonder and discovery, I believe @Mad-Hatter and @Sir_oops have joined you on the increased difficulty replay, one of the abandoned variety too.

I did something similar recently myself. I lost my original launch day save when I started a new playthrough in the pathfinder update. Back when you could only have one save file (of normal, permadeath and survival, each).

I knew I had streamed footage from that day and still had the screens on my PS4.

I was able to use a signal booster I walked past early in the playthrough in my second system to get the Mac address, then used the pilgrim star app to convert to glyphs.

I had a screen of the galactic map star field where my very first starter system was and was then able to navigate my way back by lining it up in game.

I then did my best to chart the route I took through systems before taking that first black hole trip into the deep.