I have always wondered if I could ever find my way back to my very first system from my very first save.
I started a new save from scratch around the time the Exocraft were added, but before multiple saves were possible.
It has definitely been my biggest regret while playing the game.
I recently stumbled upon my backup drive of every screenshot I took of No Man’s Sky from launch day up until september 2017.
I’m hoping by finding clues I can worm my way back to this place. (praying for a signalbooster screenshot mac address mostly)
If I do, I’ll update this post with a reply and share coordinates for any curious Travellers. I will also share some of those nostalgic screenshots of early NMS 1.0 <3
If you have or plan to attempt something similar why not share your stories here too
If only…but when I played NMS the first time, I wondered around with my mouth open saying Oh, my god! Oh wow! Then I left the planet and was immediately lost. I landed on every planet in the system and they were riddled with horrible storms. After about an hour, I shut it down and thought, I will come back when they have added more to the game. It is obviously unfinished. I did not return until the ARG. No way could I ever remember the system I started in. I only remember it had beautiful blue curly grass.