Return to Yudinipikus - A Travellers quest for Home

I have always wondered if I could ever find my way back to my very first system from my very first save.

I started a new save from scratch around the time the Exocraft were added, but before multiple saves were possible.

It has definitely been my biggest regret while playing the game.

I recently stumbled upon my backup drive of every screenshot I took of No Man’s Sky from launch day up until september 2017.

I’m hoping by finding clues I can worm my way back to this place. (praying for a signalbooster screenshot mac address mostly)

If I do, I’ll update this post with a reply and share coordinates for any curious Travellers. I will also share some of those nostalgic screenshots of early NMS 1.0 <3

If you have or plan to attempt something similar why not share your stories here too :slight_smile:

I guess I felt I had to rename this one


@toddumptious : I have adjusted the topic category.


If only…but when I played NMS the first time, I wondered around with my mouth open saying Oh, my god! Oh wow! Then I left the planet and was immediately lost. I landed on every planet in the system and they were riddled with horrible storms. After about an hour, I shut it down and thought, I will come back when they have added more to the game. It is obviously unfinished. I did not return until the ARG. No way could I ever remember the system I started in. I only remember it had beautiful blue curly grass. :worried:


My first start was an "OMG, I harvested everything near me and now I can’t get to my starship.


Next start was a horrid system. Restarted without saving.

Repeat 3 times. Then accepted a more reasonable planet and location


I felt pretty bad making this new topic a day or two after posting it as I hit an immediate dead end and it soon felt like Forum Clutter.

I had gone through and exhausted all images taken during aug-nov 2016, combed through old phones in the hopes I took a photo of a MAC address for pilgrim path navigation etc.

Nada. Not even a Polo.

@BoomstickJoe sharing their TSG videos earlier reminded me I did a live stream of my very first day from ps4 to Twitch. Twitch doesn’t archive stuff but I recalled a time when I was transferring stuff TO youtube

Going to my channel, sorting by date and scrolling, I saw a video jump out at me…

NMS 03… August 10th… 2016.

This HAS to have what I’m looking for. Stream 01 and 02 are absent but this is so early I’m probably not even 10 hours into my journey yet and signal boosters will be a common use at this stage.

And then there it was, an actual lead so close to the source… I think I’m going home guys :slight_smile:

I completely forgot you could not build them in 1.0, and you needed bypass chips :slight_smile:

Here’s the video if anyone wants some early days new traveller NMS nostalgia

Also no menu, just loads straight into game. I remember I used to love that feeling, the game was just the Journey the minute you launched it.

I’m going to stream the search

Update i

It brought me to system Gaemossii (discovered 8 years ago) , this seems like very early naming days for me (gaemossi is in the earliest screen in first post), hopefully before any blackhole sillieness '^ _ ^ It also looks like someone has been to the system since, and named a planet 6 years ago. This leads me to believe it’s before I used a blackhole as this seems more likely to happen in the spawning regions ;0;

Update ii

Goemossii is in a Region called Yudinupi Shallows…

It’s so damn close to Yudinipikus, and Goemossii seem’s like the next logical step for Goemossi so this has to be the place right? The universe resets may have slightly altered the Region names but this seems like I’m in the right place!

Update iii

I’m an idiot

I just spent some time trying to spot the formation of green and red stars and when I finally did, got excited that I definitely pinpointed Tiggy Stardust.

Thats when I noticed Goemossii was in the original photo all along, faintly in the background.

On the home stretch :slight_smile:


I did it :slight_smile: I’m home


Congratulations! I would love to return to my first planet. To bad, I didn’t start documenting anything till I found this website. I can not remember what in looks like or what I named it.

I would like to return to this one planet in 1.0. it had crazy tall terrain and vicious predators. I believe it was my first death.


Who remembers those horrible little crab-creatures that hung around cave entrances? They were too fast to shoot, you couldn’t see them in tall grass, and they would kill you in about four bites. Really nasty.


I bought my first copy of NMS from Cash Converters in Coatbridge, near Glasgow, for £5. Between the Foudations and Atlas Rises updates (so cheap I guess due to the backlash after release.) Based on a vaguely remembered SM interview on Colbert.

It was my first console since the Dreamcast so I knew basically nothing about gaming or the culture.

Anyways long story short, I spent like 2 months in my original system not realising the scope of the game. Most of that on a sparse irradiated planet farming stuff. I’d love to go back to that planet now with its oddly shaped cat predators and sparse foliage, but its lost in a corrupted save file…


I remember the vicious cave crabs.
I had, however, forgotten the smiley emote when you fed the critters


I remember those fast and nasty crabby buggers! Hated them!


I seem to be the only one that remembers them fondly…
It’s so rare to get unexpectedly attacked by anything these days.


It wasn’t so much their evil viciousness I disliked but just they were usually the last creature you were looking for as an underground one. And without any guidance as to what creature type is missing, you could spend a good hour searching only to have one creep up and slice your ankles.

I remember the memes of them too. They were in nearly every system and every planet.

I can’t remember when their numbers were reduced. I just remember waking up one day and realising I haven’t been killed by some form of crab variant in an age.

Maybe the Korvax did a Gek 2.0 on them and pacified them with nanites.

I had pre-ordered the digital version for PS4 and had a pre-order on the Physical Version special edition for PC. Like a week before release I got this bullshit email from GameDOTcoDOTuk saying they couldn’t ship my package internationally because of size or weight restrictions?

I still can’t make sense of that at all, feels like a bullshit excuse some moron thought up when they couldn’t fulfill orders and Brexit was charging through so I guess honesty just wasn’t policy at all in that era :stuck_out_tongue:

I ended up treating myself to a digital steam copy I wouldn’t boot up until sometime in 2017.

Some day I hope to purchase a physical copy, just to give HG some more funds from my pocket and so I have some nice shelf stuff.


Yeah sounds like a nonsense excuse.
I wore out my disc after a couple of years. Couldnt do without it, so bought a digital copy at full price. Think i still have it, maybe in my ps4 box somewhere though.


I’ve realised I have twenty videos marked private on YouTube from my first few days with the game, I guess I wanted to keep a record of the experience at the time, never thought I’d be using it to retrace my steps. I’m so happy about this, I feel like I’m truly following the signal found in a crashed ship <3

So far I have been following the videos and my steps through my first eight jumps.

The eight jump brought me to my first blackhole and the stream ended with me exploring a planet and avoiding it.

Next stream I’m on the Anomaly with Nada and Polo… I clearly used the blackhole in between, but I’m not sure, I called it a night there.

Today I will be trying to track down where I got to after that eight warp.

Does anyone know if a blackhole always spits you out in the same spot?

Some things I noticed while watching my first playthrough that I didn’t notice when playing that day.

Remember the nearby discoveries button on the Galactic Map? I remember trying it but it never worked.

Well on day one, I tried it, and it worked, but I didn’t realise what it was showing me.

It seemed to have pointed to a system that was a very long way away for a starter ship but exciting to know people where that close to me at the beginning.

Another thing I learnt watching it was, I wasn’t the first traveller sent to my nearest Atlas Station. Somebody else got there that day before me.

I know because it had a different name when I got there, uploaded 8 years ago by someone who wasnt me. I could see discovery services were down the first few days so I would have never noticed :two_hearts:

I forgot how different the game was. No portals in space stations. No easy way back. Going through a black hole truly was a decision you could not take back.

The universe suddenly felt a lot bigger and scarier watching these videos back…

Mostly because of the vicious honey badger Crabs.


Yes, the location you go to is fixed. You could nowadays easily try that BH over and over again, to always end up in the same system. This mechanic is still in place, whether the end location has changed with updates over time, I am not sure.


I’ve gone through and it seems to have sent me to a different place so their outputs have changed over the updates at some point.

It’s tricky as well because in my original playthrough it shows I’m 179,836 LY away from centre, then 178,483.9 LY after the black hole. In current version those Values are 719,356 before the black hole and then 712,948 LY after.

It’s definitely a different point of space I’m being sent to as the region names, although different, have been very close to their original names in all previous systems.

Guess I’m going back to the footage to find the next moment :smiley:

I scrape past a Signal Booster. Lets hope I’m not avoiding them for some reason at this stage (its now aug 13th 2016 after black hole entry)

I think I used to have about 30 of these videos and I thought I’d gotten rid of all of them in a youtube cull. I’m disappointed I no longer have those but I’m happy to have kept the first 12.

Unlisted Playlist for Historians and member berries

The black hole was video 11 so I think I will lose my trail for good soon enough after this, but the whole point was to find the starter system, which I did. What’s even more; I got a cluster of 8 systems now that mark my first steps in this crazy Universe :slight_smile:

And if I lose them again in another 8 years somehow, I have this thread to always bring me back there :smiley: