I felt pretty bad making this new topic a day or two after posting it as I hit an immediate dead end and it soon felt like Forum Clutter.
I had gone through and exhausted all images taken during aug-nov 2016, combed through old phones in the hopes I took a photo of a MAC address for pilgrim path navigation etc.
Nada. Not even a Polo.
@BoomstickJoe sharing their TSG videos earlier reminded me I did a live stream of my very first day from ps4 to Twitch. Twitch doesn’t archive stuff but I recalled a time when I was transferring stuff TO youtube
Going to my channel, sorting by date and scrolling, I saw a video jump out at me…
NMS 03… August 10th… 2016.
This HAS to have what I’m looking for. Stream 01 and 02 are absent but this is so early I’m probably not even 10 hours into my journey yet and signal boosters will be a common use at this stage.
And then there it was, an actual lead so close to the source… I think I’m going home guys 
I completely forgot you could not build them in 1.0, and you needed bypass chips 
Here’s the video if anyone wants some early days new traveller NMS nostalgia
Also no menu, just loads straight into game. I remember I used to love that feeling, the game was just the Journey the minute you launched it.
I’m going to stream the search
Update i
It brought me to system Gaemossii (discovered 8 years ago) , this seems like very early naming days for me (gaemossi is in the earliest screen in first post), hopefully before any blackhole sillieness '^ _ ^ It also looks like someone has been to the system since, and named a planet 6 years ago. This leads me to believe it’s before I used a blackhole as this seems more likely to happen in the spawning regions ;0;
Update ii
Goemossii is in a Region called Yudinupi Shallows…
It’s so damn close to Yudinipikus, and Goemossii seem’s like the next logical step for Goemossi so this has to be the place right? The universe resets may have slightly altered the Region names but this seems like I’m in the right place!
Update iii
I’m an idiot
I just spent some time trying to spot the formation of green and red stars and when I finally did, got excited that I definitely pinpointed Tiggy Stardust.
Thats when I noticed Goemossii was in the original photo all along, faintly in the background.
On the home stretch