NMS Orbital đŸ’«

Yeah BM guy was MIA for me in experimental.


There is still a chance that the atlas pass rooms and bars will return. If you go to the third floor, where “no access” is written on the wall panels, you can get your camera over the top and down the back. Inside there are walls. This could just be how they built those particular models but it does leave opportunities for at least four new small kiosks on that level. Plus there are a few opportunities on the lower level at either end.

I imagine that the art department was a bit stretched with this update. They may just not be done yet. They built these stations out of modules the same way we build freighter rooms. We could see more variants in the future.


While the colors give each a different mood, I am not really feeling the vibe change per race that the patch notes describe. I feel like you may be right. There should be a lounge and bar area as before that could easily fit the description.


I still miss the space station ‘cryogenic chamber’ save point that was in vanilla NMS. Still feels like it made more sense as a save location, than the portable barrel thingy we have now.


Found my old post with some nostalgia pics.
2nd last one is the cryo save thingy from vanilla.


And has anyone had a freighter mission that called for help? Maybe the rating on your expedition has to be less than the mission? I have not had anyone call for help.


Oh I didn’t know we had a platform still waiting, usually theres an audible uproar from somewhere. Microsoft Certification failed again I’m guessing?

As for frigate missions, I got one :wink:

This was a combat mission that lasted over 12 hours, I got the call when i booted up the game again the next day about an hour from the missions end time.

I was parked in a space station and got the alert soon as I got in my ship, I could take the call there.

I was worried I was going to glitch myself if it auto warped me there from the space station but it requested I bring up the galactic map and fly to the system they need assistance in before a 3 minute timer ran out.


I have had three of the missions request help. The first wave that I sent out didn’t need anything. The second wave wanted me to warp in and translate some text to decide what to invest in. Another had their market computer go down so I had to decide whether to sell or hold, and a third 
 I forget what the third wanted, it was just a question to answer. In all cases I had sent 5 star fleets for 1-3 star missions. The interesting part is that none of the missions were longer than 7 hours, I started them just before closing down for the day, and they still asked for help during the next gaming session 20 hours later. I got the notification that they were there to be debriefed but I had not yet gotten to them. (I still haven’t debriefed them, I’ll see if they still need help tonight.)


so maybe it has to do with the class of the freighters sent out? I have sent out S class freighters. Maybe I will send out some C class and see what happens? :thinking: Maybe my crew just does not need me. :sob:


Most of my frigates are S class and I sent enough for the ratings to be 150 on most attributes. I did send a few trainees so maybe those are the ones that requested help. IDK, they request help at inopportune like during a pirate fight, or while flying into the station. The requests that I got came in as a ship communication so maybe only if flying. ?


For my Frigate expeditions they were all S class. This console playthrough is pretty old so still dusting off the cobwebs from it. Just fired half of my fleet to make room for some new recruits, Cosmic Megafauna and a couple of pirate frigates.

Will let you guys know if that makes a difference to the frequency of them phoning a friend.

(might keep sending out fleets of megafauna to see if that changes the flavour of the dialogue)


 I don’t think I ever new that existed, even though I played since day 1.


Usually it’s Gog, and everybody just got used to it


Thats a built-in feature for gog, to emulate the feeling of having to wait months for a localisation or a few weeks for worldwide manufacturing and physical distribution to do it’s thing. Obviously it’s not as good as the real thing, you don’t get to look in magazines at screenshots of games america/japan get months before you
 But they tried dammit. They tried.

(my recollection might be foggy but the first world wide release of a physical game I remember was Halo 2
 and then they became very common after that. Can’t deny it if this is the case, Microsoft changed the industry for better and worse haha)


Localisation? Phhh
 When I started gaming, that wasn’t even a thing! It’s one of the reasons my english is so good! :laughing:


Huh, it hasn’t helped me English. And that is all I hear. :upside_down_face:


I tried out scanning for a trade surge.

When in space, use your trade scanner to search for a trade outpost like you normally would and you will be greeted by a hologram and some choices.

No Man's Sky 31_03_2024 04_00_03

The trade surge will activate as a mission in your log, point you to the system with the surge and what sort of economy items the system is looking for.

It also keeps a tally of how much profit you have made during the surge, while displaying a countdown for when the surge will end.

I have more units than I could ever need across several saves but looking forward to my next fresh playthrough and taking advantage of trading and piracy fully.

The mission tracker also lets you know the current trade value total of all goods you have that are in demand from the system.

No Man's Sky 31_03_2024 05_12_29

It does not seem to give you the value of the trade surge bonus. Once sold at the station the tracker showed I made 11 million in profit from the sale.

No Man's Sky 31_03_2024 05_15_15

This is a useful feature too for those of us who never remember which trade goods specific economies prefer. Ritang was a manufacturing system and the tracker informed me to purchase goods from a mining economy.

No Man's Sky 31_03_2024 05_15_31


Just noticed this:

Plucked it for a few Units


I’ve taken some from a few insecure boxes and bins too. Have yet to find any down the back of couches.


Actually Hello Games has not yet delivered the files to Microsoft. Yet folks are beating up on Microsoft. :face_with_diagonal_mouth: