NMS Orbital šŸ’«

Took a quick look at some space stations yesterday. I dig how variable the atmosphere is. I donā€™t like so much that the layout is still the same everywhere. I guess itā€™s more expedient in terms of usability (you always know exactly where what is), but I really wouldnā€™t mind having to explore space stations for a bitā€¦


They mixed signed and unsigned math. If you sell something negative it thinks it is 4.2B (minus a little). Add that to your 100K and you get pegged to the max allowed. The good news is that you can then buy the tech with negative values, and anything else.


Is there any way to buy ship parts? The science ships have to have the wings done seperately. I have 1 wing but need the otherā€¦this is taking too long.
I have taken to buying ships just to scrap them. :upside_down_face:
And yes, very busy here and not much time. I hope to be back by noon today and able to devote the afternoon to ship building. I scrapped half my fleet which was not moddable.

I love the varied station cores. They also have wording on them. Keep poking around. Gotta find them all!


Iā€™m holding off jumping in on this update as Iā€™m somewhat preoccupied playing a different (quite difficult) game :dragon: & unlike some people, my old fingers get muddled switching games too much.
Not an issue for NMS because Iā€™ve been enjoying it for years but the new game uses every button with deadly in game consequences if I mess up.
Iā€™ll just have to enjoy NMS ORBITAL passively via this forum for a few more days.
Interested to hear/see the new stations & new features you guys post :grinning:
(May jump in briefly for the Weekend Event)


I only had an hour to properly play through Orbital last night, every distress signal I went to was a shuttle class ship, and since theyā€™re not yet in the ship builder I figure I canā€™t scrap em for parts yet.

I barely had room for all the staff partsā€¦ where am I gonna store all this ship bits? Our freighter needs a dedicated ship parts hangar going forward I think. Heres some stuff from a brief SM Twitter trawl


That and also not implementing limit checks. I.e. if the standing is above x, cap the discount to y, otherwise compute discount.

If standing >= limit
Return maxDiscount
Return maxDiscount * (standing/limit)

Something like that


Noticed this on the screenshots used in the Orbital update page on nmsDOTcom.

How the hell did they get in that tube?

I tried to cram myself in there with dance moves but this was the best I could do.


Gasp, theres an even more obvious screenshot I somehow overlooked.

Iā€™m starting to think theres supposed to be like a display mannequin in this tube showing off a random genned traveller and itā€™s just not functioning right.


I think I saw these in the newly added files, definitely supposed to be there in that pose, but they donā€™t seem to be working properly as you said. Wonder if HG rushed this one out atp, or if the trailer is from a different buildā€¦


Well if theyā€™re note tubes for me to do my sexy dance in, then I think itā€™s only right that they add them to the pirate controlled stations. If twiā€™lek slaves are gonna be dancing somewhere itā€™s definitely gonna be there.


My first run at creating my own ship

Emerald Dragonfly


This update has an extraordinary reach.

The visual enhancements and incredibly extensive rework of (now procedurally generated) space stations is staggering.

All this and improving the game engine? This is a level up that Iā€™d expect in an anniversary update.

Now I need to keep my own hype level down in terms of an anniversary updateā€™s features.


I know most are excitedly pleased about the ships but, my favorite features in this update are the animated decor items. The rotating signs and the mechanical arms that are busy weldingā€¦more animated parts please. :heart_eyes:


I was genuinely surprised when I went to the Anomaly and saw how many new parts there were. Custom ships wasnā€™t a big ask of mine so this is actually bigger news to me :grin:

I also like how the Black Market Trader is trying to hide its operations a little better now


Yeah. BM guy was missing. They patched him in. Maybe he was just too well hidden. :dotted_line_face:
Wondering if we will ever see anything on the 3rd level in the new stations


I would love it if they kept the former space station designs around ā€œsomewhere.ā€

Abandoned systems have the very old design, but plunking the newer old designs somewhere would be nice.


I was just lamenting the loss of the atlas pass 3 rooms when the realisation dawned on me last night. Hell I still had phantom room syndrome by the reduced side room on the right hand side of the 2.0 interiors, now theyā€™re both completely gone <3

I hadnā€™t realised the BM guy was bugged, he has been appearing there for me since orbital launched, I actually took this picture that day and I kept forgetting to post it with this to getting a laugh out of lifeā€¦


or this

But Iā€™ve seen Dirty Dancingā€¦ not seen Harry Potter.

That was definitely a big ask from those who knew about them from the leaks and then again from the sneak peek at game awards. They should show up 50% of the time in abandoned systems. I canā€™t recall everyone suggesting it but I know @MacForADay was really gunnin for it. First thing I checked for too once I booted up Orbital.

Lets hope they patch it in :smiley: Iā€™ll fill their zendesk up about it until Iā€™m banned.


I donā€™t miss the Atlas pass romms at allā€¦ but the bars! Now we have bigger space stations, and they donā€™t have any bars? That just feels wrong!


People thought the proc gen update Schism was the worst thing to happen to the community.

Who knew Prohibition was coming?


I keep meaning to say, I had my first frigate mission request.

Was a combat expedition, they called me in to be there personally to help them with the last bounty of their mission.

I had to bring up the galactic map and warp to them before a timer ran out. Then had the easiest pirate battle of my life, I had 5 combat frigates assisting me with 4 pirate starships XD

They still have an hour left on their journey so not sure of the bonus yet for joining them but it was a fun break from what Iā€™d been doing at the time (buying/scrapping fighters XD ).

I wonder if it will be mentioned in the debrief?

More edit: yup