Yes, but who are “We”? The travellers? The Atlas? Abyss? Telamon? - then there seem to be at least three factions of sentinels - those who serve the Atlas, those who don’t, and the corrupted sentinels. If I tried, I could probably come up with a dozen more.
One of the problems with the fragments of lore found around the game is that you seldom know who originally said them.
See now, thats what I find interesting. Because when you read them all in context, they do fit together eventually. I like this game makes you think and not just hand you things.
In this particular situation it is LayLaps talking. it is pretty clear the Abyss is slowly corrupting everything and now the sentinels also.
Nanite clusters now infest half the water in the known multiverse. All that lives, drinks the water.
And so the Sentinels alter, they replace, they serve. They update this reality, hearing the scream of the abyss for what it has always been. A song. A command. A declaration.
A promise.
its not a coincidence that the new crystal “sing” when you approach.
Be very careful - you’re in danger of descending into poetry. The next thing we know, you’ll become a mime artist, and your damned soul will howl in the void forever.
I thought of another couple of ways to get echo locators without fighting sentinels.
If you have chanced on a map to a sentinel pillar, or run into one of those while walking about, you can turn the sentinels off and then just go around harvesting the Dissonance Resonators for mirrors and occasional Echo Locators without any conflict. Last night it took more than 10 resonators before I got the first locator, then I got 6 more within the next 20. Don’t forget to pickup the canisters that will be there in place of the sentinels, especially the blue ones, since they can give some useful items. I was on a planet that wasn’t extreme so the canisters kept my hazard protection charged. I think that maps show up [rarely] in buried caches. I’ve also found one in a crashed freighter. And I see online that you can get them from the salvaged glass which I have often picked up in salvaged scrap (none with a map though).
The other way (not tested) is if you have online multiplayer capability you could join with an acquaintance that can gift them to you. I am not 100% sure that they can be gifted, packaged tech can not, but it is possible.
I loaded in an old save where I was powerful enough to actually do the storyline of this update, but firepower isn’t my main problem it seems. With all the graphical improvements through the last year, my framerate drops through the floor when the bullets start flying, and I can’t hit anything anymore…
And since I telework, I sometimes crawl out of bed, start coffee, grab a quick “something” for breakfast, then start my Teams and Zoom meetings. But nobody sees the pajama bottoms – just the nice shirt. If I didn’t shave in the past day, I increase the skin smoothing.
My wife now refers to my warm fuzzy jammies and indoor/outdoor lined slippers as my “work clothes.”