NEXT First Impressions

Oh yeah and don’t forget…don’t touch the eggs…:scream:


Oh not sure if a bug (kinda like it if it’s not) but thought worth pointing out.

if your toxic protection runs out and you tunnel underground, it doesn’t recharge even though telamon will say temperature stabilising, and if its completely empty you’ll continue to take damage from exposure to, I guess, everything, since Yr protection is completely shot.

I dunno if it’s a bug or if toxic protection only recharges in buildings and ships etc but be careful out there interlopers, caves can stop the damage the storm is doing but if you run into a cave with empty hazard protection prepare to have your lungs invaded by the airborne parasites that dwell within :wink:


Yes. I started a new game to see what it was like and after toxic protection runs out, you die even if your life bar is up. There is a toxic saturation limit as to what you can take and live. Also, I entered a cave that was more toxic than outside. It had artifacts (vortex cubes) in it and toxic fumes were abundant in it.
My new game started me on a toxic planet, with my ship on the other side of a very tall and very slippery slope. Once I found my ship, I had to run over a number of slippery slopes in a toxic storm to a shelter for a blueprint or a piece out of something, (I forget) anyway…we kept saying that the game was not challenging enough…I think we can stop saying that now. :sweat_smile:


I loaded up my pre-NEXT save and IT. WAS. AMAZING.

I’d been working through the Atlas quests and was in a space station in an undiscovered system. I had some fun customizing my appearance, picked up a few missions and headed out. First thing I noticed ringed planet! But wait, I scanned the other planets around me and there’s a planet named Thor! Well that had to be the first stop and I have to say, I love it. So flipping beautiful. I want to share a million photos but here’s three.



I can’t get over just how good NEXT is! Worth the wait? Oh yeah. I honestly never expected to see NMS with this level of depth and options. I’m going to start an archeological expedition once I learn the new resource requirements. I am astonished.


The enormous scope of this game is just…:open_mouth:


Honestly if you can find a peaceful planet with very good weather I definitely recommend staying there for a very long time especially if you are day one player. I just found one and now I feel so much better because I know I can get my bearings and because I know how to make the game offline I can enjoy it in peace and quiet. I also found something very strange that I haven’t seen mentioned yet which I’ll post about later. also it’s funny to see all the old stuff relabeled to be this new fancy stuff LOL.


Having a place where you can set up harvesters/refineries in peace is a godsend


It even runs better on my hardware than Atlas Rises did

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I had a lot of the same issues:

My pre-NEXT freighter was very glitchy…the NPCs on it were giants…they were all Korvax the same as me but about double the height, the first time I tried to open the building menu in its building area the game just crashed, and my ship collection would not load in unless I specifically reloaded a save on the freighter, and also as you mentioned the freighter kept changing colors too.

The good news is that the first mega freighter the game showed me was an identical model with much cooler looking colors and it was S class right off the bat so I took it…zero credits too since my previous freighter was pre Pathfinder 48 slots. Most of the afore mentioned bugs are gone, except my ship collection still doesn’t spawn in unless I manually reload a save made on it…but everything else runs well on the new freighter. There was one other major downside though…when I took the new freighter the game did not even offer me a freighter comparison screen to transfer my inventory, so I lost everything on my old freighter.

My other glitches are pretty bad sound and stuttering problems…they don’t happen very often so the game is playable but the sound is obnoxiously loud. And my base computer will not give me any quests at all so I can’t obtain the blueprint for the blueprint analyzer.

Also have not been able to figure out how we’re supposed to obtain the product recipes for all the new products introduced by the game since factories just don’t give products any more…none that I can craft anyway…but maybe I’m missing something?

I only encountered issues when loading an old save.
On a new save there is the occasional stutter, but other than that, no issues at all


I saved my game at my home base as the last thing I did in 1.3.

This is what I found when I ‘woke’

  • Spawned in a Space-Station
  • Gasped at all my tech disappearing
  • Played about with the Character Customisation which was cool
  • Visited the new merchants and marvelled at the possibilities for suit/ship/multitool upgrades, (each upgrade now comes with a class so some good possibilities here)
  • Was literally, physically sick in my mouth when I saw my beloved Hauler. :cry:
  • All discoveries were defaulted back to the original names, (this was entirely expected) forcing me to find my original home planet by the fauna that I previously found.
  • My lush, oceanic world with coves and islands once again turned into a frozen wasteland.
  • My Exotic changed into a tall upside-down capital ‘Y’
  • My Freighter changed colour, instead of Black with sky-blue highlights, it’s now Black with green highlights, indifferent about this.
  • My Freighter farm is gone. As in, Alderaan level of gone. I had a LE farm which produced 24 every two hours, so that’s what, 60+ plants?
  • Also stored on my Freighter were all my Storage Containers which had a lot of useful materials I’d been storing, (I know I can build these again and not lose anything, hopefully)

The game itself ran very well, with no crashes that others have reported thankfully. First thoughts? I just feel suddenly very vulnerable without my tech installed, Hazard Protection, Shields, puny weapons… even scanning takes longer. I’m sure there’s upgrades for all this and with a few hours play I’ll be back in reasonable shape again.

I like the random names that ships come with now, (my Hauler retained the name I gave it at least) NPC’s are more animated, I watched a Gek stretching and yawning for example.

Mini Rant

It is a little frustrating that they feel the need to change most of the names of materials with every update though, and I am a little salty that I will not receive compensation for my now wiped Freighter Farm. I also now have to spend the once precious nanites to replace the things I already had… at an inferior level.

Just feel people with old day 1 saves have been nerfed. /rant

Anyway, enough of that, there’s nothing that can’t be fixed in the above with a bit of time and it helps me to re-adjust to the new materials and elements in the game. I just need to get over my initial shock at the changes and also the unnatural desecration that my poor ship has suffered…


I wanted to launch an old save to see how the game was running before starting a new game and my 1st impressions are:
WOW ! I really feel lost, vulnerable. I don’t understand what i have in my inventory, what i see as resources when i scan. So much recipes i don’t know the purpose. I feel like at day one when i had to discover all the game mechanics and… that’s so great in a game where i spent 700 hours before an update :smiley:

Optimization is far better than after 1.3 (i was a bit afraid of), but entering in planet’s atmosphere can be a pain for the framerate. Luckyly, everything run fine once landing.


Does the building provide safety?!

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…enormous?! :smile:

My 2nd impression.
After an extrodinarily laggy, crashy, horrible begining my game settled.
Freighter is empty. Every ship in my collection has changed to its ugly sibling but at least my inventories stayed mostly.
Many minerals turned into ferrite dust or magnetized ferrite. My vault collection of substances and plants remained. My 9000 nanite collection I had in my vault transfered over and has proven very useful.
Home planet is fairly simliar.
Have successfully found some tech, built a timber cabin and am slowly grasping what is what with the recipes.

Neighbouring planet is beautiful and I took a selfie. Found ‘floating crystals’ and some weird red crystal egg things.

Although I don’t understand the reason for nerfing absolutely everything, I must admit that of the 2 worlds I’ve visited the visuals are fantastic and the animals so much better than 1.3.
Its an wild time in the NMS universe.


In a follow up to my previous posts:

This is how I left my base at the end of 1.38.

…and this is how its ended up with my little cabin, my salvaged exocraft and my nerfed exotic.

It aint much but it’s home.

Just near my cabin there are these strange “Organic Rocks”

I also found these strange “Floating Crystals” on the neighbouring planet

where I took the obligatory selfie in the forest


Active Camouflage Enabled


Have you been able to get the base computer missions and to get the blueprint analyzer?