I just pulled it:
Ist impressions are for me are not so glowing.
My old save just lags horribly and then crashes repeatedly although I did make it to my old world once.
I discovered my exocraft just sitting there but most of the desert planet is now a barren ocean type world.
After so many crashes I attempted a new game. I managed to run about a bit with out repeated lag trying to repair things but then it crashed too.
Simply cannot play:
OK grabbin a cuppa whilst I rejuice the ds4 and will knuckle down for long-haul! Although Ill be surprised if im able to do much customisation this early on… We’ll soon see!
My first impression is not really good as I thought it would be. I am of course very excited but totally lost.
It became impossible to play tonight. Unable to wrap, weird sound glitches when I activate hyperdrive, rendering problems, I lost probably everything I did, no base anymore, and on top of this, I can’t wrap lol. So I’ll try to play again tomorrow…
Oh I did find some Thanium… I mean oxygen sorry
I’m gonna try and run a download overnight tonight… when the internet in the UK will hopefully be a touch quieter – less contention – and I’m scared my older system just won’t run it…
Thats a raw deal madhat, I know how dedicated you are to NMS so it must take the shine off things… I guess they’ll be spending the next few days bug fixing and patching… Hope you get some good gameplay soon! Personally I went with new game from the off, a touch of lag at times but barely noticeable, however my first pulse-drive was a bit weird…
Sorry, @arpoja – whaddya mean “wrap”…??
Also, HOW MUCH RAM is your system running?
Not just that, but have you ENSURED that – if you have twinned / paired RAM sticks – that they are in the “right” slots for the highest poss efficiency??
warping from a system to another…
I choose the star I want to go to and than nothing happens…
haha sorry for the mistake (
So, I made it out of the cave. It was very anti-climactic. I put a wall on my left and followed it until I found the hole I fell through. Now, I need a “hermetic seal” to fix my ship. Ship computer says to “search for a hermetic seal”. As if finding the thing… and knowing what the thing is… are common knowledge. I might have missed that training. It’s a real thing sure, but in a world I know nothing about, is it the same thing, and where do I find it?
oh! WARPing!!
Ok, gotcha… You really had me lost there!
Was trying to figure out what things in the game might need “wrapping”, and why – like, preserving food?? or, patching a leaky ship system?? or… sealing a dead body to prevent infectious diseases…??
@Captain_Jack – a Hermetic Seal sounds like a bit of craftable equipment…?? Check in the usual way to see if you might be able to “make” it, and see what ingreds you need??
Also, go back IN the cave, KEEP following the LEFT wall, and see where it takes you…
At least you can “get back out” by switching to the Right wall – of course . Gawd, I love Logic.
[ed] - watching @LPlaysGaming’s vid just NOW…
If you didn’t get my link earlier, here it is again: [/ed]
And I was just about to suggest you try warping instead of wraping - which I assume is either Web–rapping (eg Eminem+Internet) OR you’re selling lots of things on eBay…
Im just glad thats all resolved now, save for the on going warping problems hmmmm
I did die. I started on a,very toxic planet with very slippery hills…
There is nothing “chill” about toxic planets with slippery hills.
For anyone having problems with their old bases, Sean Murray just tweeted about them… THEY ARE STILL AROUND!
Ahh I noticed in scanner view there are ‘buried technology’ icons here and there… Anything to do with it? I am longer armed with TM or PL to find out atm.
@Kryzla No, the “buried tech” give you salvage that you can use in a base-unit called the BLUEPRINT ANALYSER. You have to use the terrain manipulator to reach the buried tech. Look like this
The old bases are obtained through that other new item called “Base Computer”
I’m just awe struck. I expected some amazing things but my goodness this is what I saw the first time I ran the update - the first five minutes! My original save and a new start… Just gobsmacked. Hello Games it’s astonishing you should ALL be very proud of what you have created! I have no idea what to do lol Just wander I guess I have no time to play games any more!
Now all I need to do is stop posting and go try Multiplayer. Oh. My. Goodness.
The sound track on the landscape and new ship was just haunting. I have no idea what it was yet either. I was literally transported onto the planet with such wonderful emotional (must be new) music.
Some more in the other threads