Living Ships

It’s a first try PS4 win!
Mrs MH isnt a hardcore gamer so reloading & messing about like that just isn’t her thing.
Her character theme is green & pink so how lucky was she to score that colour?..& it is quite a nice style too.
I agree. It’s one of the prettiest I’ve seen. She’s super happy.



Jumping Black Holes with your living ship may not be something you want to do. If you do, come prepared with items you would not normally carry.

Note: there is no damage if you jump through an anomalous black hole that you find while pulse jetting around a system.
Thankfully, you can refine the Viscous Fluids from Residual Goop off of the Damaged Machinery you find scattered around the planets.


Just don’t turn you back on your large refiner while doing so. Mine ate all of my collected goop :frowning_face:


Not my ship but belongs to some happy traveller!

This one is and ought to perhaps belong to Vin Diesel. It’s a little too ostentatious for my taste, so happy it’s not on my main game save. Though secretly I wish I had the fluffy dice for it, to hang on the windscreen. I started a separate save just for seeing what kind of ships might be out there.

And these belong to someone else too. I just creep around in the Anomaly snapping pictures lol


I have to figure out how to get my screenshots from my PS4 so I can share my ships. LOL

I have 3 living ships right now, and 4 eggs left. I need to try the uncharted system plan to get upgrades for them.


Use a flash drive (thumb drive) It must be empty as the PS4 folder it makes will be all that it will allow. Then you can move your pics over onto it and then onto a PC or laptop to the forum.
I really hope PS5 brings a better way of doing this.
If that does not work for you, do what many of us did way back, just snap a pic with your phone and then upload from there, lol.


:man_facepalming: Don’t know why I didn’t think of that before.


Don’t tell HG but, black hole jumping is ridiculously easy in a Living Ship with the Hyperdrive distance maxed out. I hardly use any Chromatic Metal and all upgrades seem to be safe from breakage as long as they are in the Organ Chamber…I have moved over 300,000 ly closer to the center of Euclid in one day and I am not done yet.
EDIT: I made it in one day from over 700,000 ly away. It is almost as if my living ship wanted to go to the center…


These are my current 3 living ships. I have 4 more eggs left, so I’m thinking one more to join the fleet if I can find the style and color combo I really want.

First up, the Audrey III (Mean Green Mother From Outer Space).

This one I’ve dubbed, Ivy.

I haven’t named this one yet.


I like your Ivy and Yenta, that would have been my preferred shape, with a chin and an open-mouthed smile. Mine looks like the not-so-smart moonfaced sibling, gaping at pie. :smile_cat:


:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: I can’t breathe! :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:


I like both the in-space and in-hangar looks. Cool ship colors and shape!


Thanks. Got lucky!
My two colour Permadeath mode one is my favourite :star_struck: I haven’t seen any others like it.



I loved the Exotics S-Class ships, but these are just into another level…… :flushed:


Oooo. “Stubby Blue” looks kind nice!


Yes Clemm!! The blue one is just awesome!
I’ve seen a black and red living ship yesterday night… I was like :scream:

So you can also find them in space right?


You find them by having a Void Egg in your inventory and pulse jetting in a system. You will be contacted and given directions to one nearby. You can do this multiple times but must have a new Void Egg each time. The process is much easier after you have your first living ship.


I’m very close to giving up on the living ship. Reason, the coordinate quests.
I just zendesked this because those quest are so frustrating.

The new quests with the coordinates are on one hand fun, but on the other not at all.
It’s not intuitive because it behaves different in each case.
While flying you have a N/S marker in the hud which helps to know where you should be going, but an E/W would be very nice
While walking you have to run around constantly pressing F to get the visor on, which leaves you vulnerable for creatures, sentinels, …
In the exocraft, well nothing, you have to constantly get out, press F jump back in.

Some improvement is necessary here.

Basically I can’t find the anomaly graves. Flying is impossible due to the constant storms, Exocraft impossible because you don’t know where you’re going and on foot is not possible because I’m (almost) dying in those @*$! storms. I’ve been running around last hour finding nothing.