June 19th and 21st - New Guidance Protocols + Element 3 Discussion

Yeah I don’t think freighter either, more like multi crew ship - bigger than starships, smaller than freighters - no base inside.

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I don’t think it can be a multi crew ship…it would create too many problems…like what happens when someone is left behind or operating the ship when others drop out…etc etc etc…it would create too many very circumstantial problems. If it’s a larger ship then I can see it as maybe an exocraft carrying ship…that would be awesome.

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I think its just a new type of freighter.

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True, even if the landing pads are save points there could be connection issues - but it would be a good way to be able to warp together and they seem to be emphasizing the multiplayer aspects of Next.

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Well it’s new regardless of what it ends up being…so definitely NEXT content…we were shown the exotic ships before Atlas Rises. My bets are either exocraft carrying ship or some sort of submarine exocraft.


Submarine could be fun, need more predators in the sea though. I love the idea of a ship I could transport my exo craft around on!

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Some vast sections of ocean floor are completely empty and I am sure they’re aware of that…with ringed worlds confirmed, gas giants also likely coming, I think it’s safe to say we can expect vast changes across the board…ocean planets would be a primary candidate for revamp.

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I’d say 2 landing bay at each side (2*2) of a sort of little freighter

We “land”, walk and use a door (the black things on the side) to enter in what it could be a common flying lab (or whatever we’ll be able to do in ccop).

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I don’t think those are docking bays because they’d be the same ultra thin ones we have now and plenty of ships don’t currently fit through those…IF HG did a freighter revamp I seriously doubt they’d make the exact same mistake now and not have docking bays in which our ships can actually fit.

We don’t have the scale. If the bay are the same (maybe a little smaller) than the ones at trading post there’s no trouble.

For them to be tall enough to fit a double finned exotic and still look that thin they’d have to extremely long…at LEAST 4x longer than the current docking bays…I don’t think that’s happening…especially not have four such docking bays. On a freighter that side the may propulsion engine at the back would have to be as big as a space station. So we technically don’t know scale but no…I really don’t see that happening.

If those are landing pads, they have no roof - that’s what I mean when mentioning them - they are just hanging out on the sides not actually going into the ship.

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Could it be that instead of being landing pads, they’re empty customisable slots for weapon mounts etc? It also kinda reminds me of the vehicles in halo with multiple seats, like something a brute would drive


I doubt they are ment to go underwater as these ships have what looks like jet engines in the back. No propeller like a boat/submarine would have, but then again its a science fiction game. Anything can happen.

My guess is that its a battleship. And my guess for those flat spaces is that you can either land a ship there or build something there. Judging by the size of the turret/cannon on top, we, the characters, can either be the same size of the cannon/turret or maybe they are half our height.

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I don’t think so…I’m working on some pictures that will hopefully show it better…they’re just overhanging fins of sorts that glisten weirdly in that hologram animation.

I’m 99% positive they aren’t docking bays…they’re some kind of weird fins that look like they’re part of the ship’s main body but aren’t: ship1ship2ship3

We got the size all wrong, thats a speeder and the handlebars pop out when your exosuit legs magnetically attach to those fins

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i don’t think that’s it either…we already have a superlight, superfast exocraft and it can even float on water…I agree this is probably something smaller but I’m going to guess submarine exocraft.

Final answer? I’m sticking with multi crew ship.


Absolutely, that’s why i said “we walk and use a door to enter”. They are landing plateform.