Welcome @janeofthewilds , as you noticed, there’s a lot to catch up here and with NEXT we’ll have more things to say, to show etc…
And yeah, we guys are cool
Welcome @janeofthewilds , as you noticed, there’s a lot to catch up here and with NEXT we’ll have more things to say, to show etc…
And yeah, we guys are cool
Welcome Sarah/Jane of the wilds, look forward to your travellers tales
Hello, Sarah @janeofthewilds, and WELCOME to the home of the ETARC CSD .
I’m your Friendly Neighbourhood (British-Spelling) Seminoob…
My name is Chris, and I totally missed out on the majority of the ARG, having discovered it quite late in the day, but getting quite deeply involved when I joined this forum.
The folk here seem, to me, to be very chill, rather clued-up, bright & friendly people, and it’s such a lovely community, I’m looking forward to eventually making my way to the ETARC Hub in-game, as well.
Welcome, Sarah JotW, and Enjoy Your Stay – we are all Very Happy to have you with us!
… and look forward to, perhaps, crossing paths in-game with you someday.
Thanks everyone! Certainly feeling welcome, cool theory checks out
(( bumping ))
to our most recent Arrivals at the ETARC Citizen Science Division (hub/forum)!
PLEASE take a moment to tell us all a bit about yourself, your experience of NMS so far (incl when you bought NMS; 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, NEXT), and what you might be looking for from this comfortably-close & helpful community.
Members range in NMS experience, and are willing to help in ALL SORTS of situations, be it in-game issues, or systems issues (technical, hardware, front-end, etc) – you need only ASK by posting your issue.
(Please remember to use the Search feature to see if it hasn’t already been addressed elsewhere, first!)
We, the ECSD Members, all look forward to getting to know you. Welcome to the ECSD Community.
“Sergeant-at-Arms” / Reception Host / Welcoming Party
The ETARC Citizen Science Division of the ATLAS Intergalacticorp ( )
… working in partnership with other CSDs in the wider NMS community
“HERE for YOU.”
Welcome to all those who have joined or posted their intro in the past couple months. It truly is a good place to hang out and talk about what a gem we have in NMS! Enjoy!!
Hey there… I found these forums whilst looking for inspiration for my base… and have stuck around since
I only started playing NMS when NEXT was release, and I’m very glad I did
Whilst there are certain elements of base building that are pretty annoying (how on earth do you use inside stairs??) I honestly have really enjoyed exploring and working through all the base missions. Just wish I’d gotten on board with the game earlier, but with the poor release it sort of fell by the wayside for me.
Hi @Aslad (salad )
& welcome to the forum.
We all play nice here so be sure to be nice too…it’s part of what makes this particular forum so great.
There are lots of conversations going on so check the current catagories (red) and see if your question has been already discussed.
Feel free to share your NMS images and tales like everyone else…and welcome to NMS since next is your first introduction.
The begining must have been hard with no idea what’s going on in a hostile environment
Yeah, I’ve been on and off reading this forum for a few days before I decided to make an account, I’m amazed at how friendly it is. Easily the most relaxed and non-hostile forum I’ve been on haha.
In regards to my question, it’s one I’ve read up on and it seems to be a bug, so I’m hoping it’ll be fixed
Thank for you for the welcome!
Welcome, @Aslad! I’m not much of a base builder, but I enjoy seeing all the creations here or in game. Be sure to share.
This really is an oasis of sorts, I am glad fans and newcomers can find it, like yourself.
Welcome @Aslad, have fun and enjoy the nicest community around!
Hey Aslad, welcome to the forums.
I’ve had struggles with the interior stairs for cuboid rooms too since the update, they used to snap to the inside of any cuboid but now they only seem to snap to two cuboids with a cuboid floor and will not snap to cuboid that have doors on them. Hope this helps.
I’ve learned sometimes you need to build unnecessary cuboids and floors just to get the stairs where you want it, you can then delete the unneeded cuboids and floors and the stairs will remain so long as the cuboid room it is in is not deleted. Then you can place what you want at the foot and head of the stairs.
This is only way I’ve managed to place them without having it connect to a false floor.
For example I used to place cuboids in a diagnol fashion with stairs going up, no false floors needed as each cuboid had its own original floor. Stairs no longer snap to the original floors of a cuboid, only the false floors now. So to achieve diagnol cuboid stairs you need to trick the stairs to do so using the above tip. It’s extra work but you can figure out a few hacks and tricks by messing around with things like that.
Interesting… I’ve never been able to get them to connect to floors either
Is it the old interior cuboid room stairs or the new wooden/concrete/steel steps? Cuboid stairs only work with cuboid rooms. The new wooden/concrete/steel materials don’t play nice with the old peices (mostly confined to structures category now) and the only decent way to link them up is with the new walls going into the old corridors then connecting those to cuboid or structure.
The cuboid inside stairs is what i’ve been trying to use
Build two levels of a 2x2 cuboid structure, place floors between two of the cubes, if stairs does not snap to these floors then definitely a bug, also make sure you’re not standing in or too close to where you’re placing them. Feels silly to mention but just making sure all possibilities are covered before we’re sure you’re bugged
Definitely a bug then, as that’s one of the first things I tried
Hey, @toddumptious,
I think this would be GREAT in the growing NEXT : Tips n Tricks (or whatever it’s called) thread; we should accumulate these sorts of things together - mini-hacks, until HG decides to change / improve(?) on the standing in-game procedures…
Also, would you be cool with, possibly, assembling a “visual example” of your interior stairs “work-in-progress”, ie before deleting the foundational cuboids for the diagonal stairs…?
… just to go with you “Tip/Hack” description.
Hope you’re “finding your feet” nicely enough so far.
Looking forward to your eventual shared screenshots of whatever you build!
You’ve already done a good thing, to browse several threads …
One tiny shame, though, is having done it before you made an account – there’s a “Badge” you’d qualify for, having read so many threads!
Anyway, welcome once more to the ETARC CSD forum, community, and - eventually, perhaps - hub (in game community base)!
I didn’t know there was a hub
Honestly now my base is mostly complete I’m just trying to work out how to travel to distance galaxies… I keep seeing things about glyphs, and how they’re apparently bugged on PS4… so idk
Thank you for the welcome!