How did you die?

This reminds me of what my mother told me ages ago, when traveling, do not trust strangers and never carry cash…:scream: It is also scary because I am fairly certain someone else is on my planet. … :scream: :weary:


Same thing happen to me yesterday. Same kind of creature, too. :grinning:


Actually although I lost everything all those millions (wipes a tear for a second) can be replaced. What prickles me a little bit was I never even got to say ‘hello’ and try out out the ‘happy wave’ emote. At least I died on a pleasant sandy beach beside the sea. :roll_eyes: It was all very funny.

Hmmn,now. Does anyone have Darth Vader’s phone number? I need to cancel my appointment… I hope it isn’t too late.


Yes you can get your stuff back. Head for your grave marker.

You get a message saying "swarm despawned or something like that, it is safe
…until you grab another egg. :wink:


In Normal mode, yes.
In survival mode, no.

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I was spaced!! I wanted to see if I could jump off the side of the frigate…ummm there are no “dummy guards” … I started to fall towards the planet and froze before I got there. :skull_and_crossbones:


First death was the result of not reading the safety warnings on the new geology cannon. Thought I’d blast my way into a structure like old times, and instead blasted myself into oblivion. Second death was from ignoring those same safety warnings, and blasting a sentinel at close range. Like Polyphemus said earlier, take heed. Respect the grenades.


Ooh what are these egg things. What’s the swarm warning about :gun::gun::gun::gun: .Click :skull_and_crossbones:


Enough is enough. Got rid of the secondary weapons. It’s time to die for other reasons.


Yeah, same thing happened to me. A couple of my remapped multi-tool keys had been defaulted during the NEXT update. I was able to search the space station, my ship and accompanying freighter with no mishaps. But as soon as I went to explore a nearby planet by landing at a trading post… BOOM! Plasma Grenade to the face.

Much to the amusement to the Vy’Keen assembled there, I would suspect.


Died three times so far… the fisrt time from a highly severe burst of radioactive activity : although I was barely a few steps from my space craft, I was dead before making half of the steps needed. The second and third time was due to Sentinels… my ridiculously inefficient mining tool and boltcaster were no match at all against multiple sentinels. I now have a far better set of weapons but still have to upgrade my exosuit shield to its max :slight_smile:


There are two types of people in this universe: those who can throw a grenade and those who think the right mouse button is used to close a window. :confounded:

The first time was trying to get the exosuit storage vending machine to give me a high capacity storage slot after I repaired it. People have said that we can go over 25 now, but the machine didn’t believe me. Finally I gave up and closed the window to move on…only I didn’t have any windows open. I was standing in the doorway of that tiny confined space. It was a lot more crowded in there when the big atlas symbol appeared.

I made it though 2700 hours of mortality-free play, and that right mouse button has killed me three times since NEXT came out.

Next up: grenade pins that look like handles on coffee cups.


I’ve died 6 times since NEXT, not counting other players and mucking about. Day 1 player here btw, so I’m experienced.

My first 3 were from Sentinels, mainly because I was messing with them and kept trying to fight wave 5 multiple times without taking cover. Basically just a see-how-long-i-can-last mission. The 4th and 5th were from Sentinel destroyers, I didn’t know the turrets could bascially one shot me now the first time and the second time I had just disarmed one destroyer, and got cocky on the second. I died in an instant.

My last two deaths were from trying to skydive, first onto my freighter and then onto a planet. The freighter I actually landed on, but died of cosmic ray bombardment as i touched down. The attempt at the planet I didn’t refill life support fast enough. But! After that first planetary dive attempt, I tried again and used 1100 of my 3000 oxygen until I hit atmo and I was in free fall until I gently landed. I also made it onto my freighter again without dying, and proceeded to run on my face (the falling downward made me look like I was laying down on my tilted freighter, but I could still walk on it) until I jumped off and did another orbital skydive. I recommend it btw; just have LOTS of oxygen, quick refill skills, and some life support upgrades.


So… where were you jumping off from?

My frigate of course!



So I’m in my newer save…and my kids ask me to show them the monsters.
I Terri-Man. a tower to stand on and then proceed to go over to the nests and ‘touch the eggs’.
I jet pack expertly up on top of my pillar to watch the creepies scuttle about. They surge toward me while I casually watch them approach.
It seems my tower was not big enough & everything went black.

(I used to use the top of my tall orb exotic to be safe from beasties so I thought height would work…apparently not :grin:


I decided not to install the plasma grenade because of “bouncing”. I installed the Geology Cannon. Well, in short order, I accidentally triggered the Geology Cannon twice and died both times. I am starting to think “bouncing” might not be so bad!


I read recently that you can stand on one of the eggs and take out the others and the Horrors won’t attack you… :eyes:

Haven’t tried it yet.

I’ve been using the “burrow under them with the terrain tool” method.

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I’m not sure I’m game enough…


Interesting. I just got teleported back to the landing deck when jumping off… But I wasn’t anywhere near a planet.

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