Help a fellow Traveller

No you can’t.
If you’re setting up a portal network for them you can use the same planets, but you have to make your own.

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Thank you. I notice that the exopad and beacons I put down for guests to use also don’t show up for other players (Mal just tested it for me). :`(

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No problem :slight_smile:

Beacons and exopads show up if they’re inside the base perimeter. But you can only build gas harvesters outside of it

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I guess I better check the placement of the exopad, then. I was sure it was inside the perimeter. Thanks again. <3

EDIT: I moved the exopad and placed it right next to the habitat. I’m just waiting on confirmation that it now shows up for guests or not.

A TIP from @TravelEcho


And here is another couple of tips:

Every time I go through a portal I find (like many others do) that my ship has been exchanged for a different one from my freighter. This happens even if I have not called the freighter after portaling.

As a matter of fact the ship is exchanged during the port. This has been verified by portaling, opening the ship tab to see that the ship has already been exchanged for another.

I kept trying to figure out why only two of my haulers kept taking turns being exchanged (and I still don’t get why my fighters don’t show up again!) and I realised today that one of my three haulers has no power in any of its modules --and that is the one that doesn’t show up!

The reason it is empty of power is because when I bought it I didn’t want to ever fly it in space, but just use it for storage, so why waste resources, right?

So today I moved all the really valuable stuff to that hauler. And the other two (no way to remove power from the modules?) have only stuff in them that I may need on the planet anyway. Though both are pretty empty since building my new base.

So tip #1: if you don’t want your storage haulers to move from your freighter, don’t fill up their power modules when you purchase them on the freighter.

Tip #2: Use the bug (or whatever) to your advantage by keeping only useful items on the ones that Portal travel will exchange.

Was that clear? Hope it helps at least until N E X T arrives.


I had that bug happen once and I couldn’t reproduce it. I always wondered how I had triggered it.

A tip of my hat to you, sir!

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@Argh’s Tip for Repairing the Harvester Charge Bug for PC users.

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Not an easy fix yet. Requires knowledge of the save file format, and the tools to modify them. It’s a good step forward though. Hopefully I can come up with something easier for the average gamer to use to fix the bug (at least until Next).

It’s also a good warning to be careful with how many debris capsules you unlock throughout the course of the game (the problem appears to kick in around 500). Maybe favor alternate sources of nanites when possible.

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I actually went back to an older save from before the harvies locked (I lost about 12 hours of game time) and I will never touch another locked anything except my harvies.

Thank you, @Argh, for your timely help. :heart:

Interesting stuff.
So there is some sort of connection between harvesting nanites from debris capsules and the fault that affects other charge interfaces.
That may explain why my interfaces come and go depending on what I’ve been doing that session.
I’ll experiment and see if NOT opening any capsules anymore allows my charge interfaces to continue/return to working.
So far my harvesters remain bugged if I don’t babysit them.
I’ll see what happens to my portal interface…

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I’m wondering if there is some kind of cache we can clear occasionally that would reset that mechanic ?

(on PC-Steam, turning off Steam’s auto-sync to do so, clear cache, restart the game, turn it on again?)

I haven’t delved into the files for NMS.

Yes! Also I’m staying away from anything that needs the repair mechanic (crashed freighter boxes; nanite pods; some station quests), or the scraping off mechanic (green boxes and abandoned building interfaces), or the insert resources mechanic (square planters), with the exception being the harvies themselves.

I do hope this turns out to be the workaround (if not the fix you and others need to fix your malfunctioning portals.

I’m on PS4 & I noticed if I left my portal alone for a while could recharge it as normal.
I occasionally grab nanites from debris but only rarely due to not needing any more. It’s possible any grabbing nanites refreshes my cache & messes up the portal. I’ll watch what happens & see if my recently glitched portal comes back online after a few sols not grabbing nanites.
Will be interesting to see what happens.


Work has been a bit tricky cause I’ve had to use nmssavetool to decrypt the save into a 25MB text file for editing (for some reason NMS Save Editor’s more structured “edit raw json” option isn’t working). It’s not obvious what all the data is either. Portals are obvious (have portal in the name), harvesters and debris are logical deductions (match expected numbers/activity), but the rest of the entries have more obscure/blank names/info. Further testing has also led to setbacks on making a more general fix…

I tried “blanking out” superconductor lock entries from the save file (to make them look like something else), but the save was still broken.

Then I tested just deleting about 20% of the whole list. That partially worked, but also uncharged my portal/harvesters. The problem is, I made sure to NOT delete any portal/harvester entries.

So, it seems some of those other unknown entries also directly affect these devices. I haven’t tried only deleting debris yet - each entry is actually very large (containing what appears to be completely unnecessary data), which makes it difficult/time-consuming to do in the text editor. That’ll be my next attempt, but after the previous results I’m wary that will still cause unintended consequences.


There is no need to recharge planters - slave labor will keep them recharged for you. In the same room as the planters keep a standing planter or two for the carbon along with the indentured agricultural servant, oops specialist, and planters are kept charged with no user action.

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Huh! So the key is the --servant-- uh, specialist! I have had many carbon planters surrounding my square planters and still always had to add resources.

Right now I only have one quad planter (on my freighter) with four carbon planters around it. It still requires resources. I don’t need it anymore now that I have my huge dome farm on the planet. But I’m interested in experimenting with adding the Gek Farmer into the room and see what happens. Thanks!

I also noticed that before I started from an older save (the one before I went spelunking and opening locked debris), that my quad planter had dropped suddenly from full to zero power. Restoring the old save put the power back to full and eight hours later it is still full. (Haven’t harvested yet).


Also, planters on your freighter are currently recharged when you warp or summon the freighter.


Ooh! How convenient! Thank you!

COMBAT AMPLIFIER OMEGA I found it, here ya go. It is in a system around the black hole ring. The coordinates are on the planet nearest the space station.