Future Update Speculations

Sing along …

“He’s got the whole world in his hands, …”


Then he tweeted this


Fighting the local vermin on a worm ridden planet wearing the new NMS Sumo Suit?


False Info Alert: No Man's Sky Customise Your Ship And Multitool Text Found In Game Files NMS Speculation News - YouTube

Alright… people need to stop posting things for attention if they don’t understand them. The Stories table links every single type of interaction (Monolith Interaction, Station Core Interaction Etc) with a corresponding list of Lore/Dialogue which could be unlocked in the new catalogue. The list of interactions this uses contains the customizeShip and CustomizeWeapon interaction in there, which isnt surprising since HG uses the same list whenever they need to reference an interaction in the code. This is just the result of reusing existing code, instead of a hint towards something coming up. Really wish people would run things through the modding community, people who’ve been messing with files and know the game inside out by now.

I’m not hating on Captain Steve, I think he makes awesome content but, people seriously need to fact check or corroborate their sources before posting for clout. On that note, it might be good if content creators take a lil bit more responsibility about what they’re spreading.


Yup the stories table links all the various interactions. Exactly.
It could be either:

  1. Replacement system for better mission handling
  2. Mission / Lore Linking
  3. Custom Missions
  4. All or none of the above.

The Debug Unlock all stories, suggests lore, but it could just as easily trigger all missions to unluck at once. for ease of testers to test a mission story trail for bugs.

Everyone wants ship customizing, and there have been various things about this system revealed, but I very much doubt this is anything more than adding a tool to multitool condition or adding equipment to ship…

But again we dont know.


The stories table is most likely just used to correlate what counts as a “Story” so that when you get that “Story”, it’ll be added to your Catalogue to be able to read back.


Everyone assumes because of the UI screen shot that it is the lore…which would be awesome…but it also has to show active missions. if this is in fact a replacement UI. (which it clearly seems to be)

Personally i hope it is lore tracking.


I am so proud of you guys! :smile: So glad you have found a home here.
Hoping you are correct on lore tracking. Would be so nice!


I’ve always lusted for a place in No Man’s Sky that accumulates lore as you discover it.

The displayed lore text would be in a logical sequence, perhaps with “locked” indicators for lore you have not learned yet.

For me personally, that would increases my motivation to learn more lore.

[Update: Suggestion submitted to Hello Games.



I was once fairly knowledgeable in regards to the lore in NMS but the trickle-feed style of acquiring it made me lose interest, as half the time the bit of lore you learned was caught up in theatrical delivery.
I have, for a long time now spam-clicked through dialogue rather than bother reading it so although I have a lot of hours, I only know a fraction of the lore these days.
Being able to open a personal archive & read the lore in page by page would be great & would greatly renew my interest in reacquainting myself wirh the background tales in NMS.


Journals of Story/Lore

Being able to carry around a journal of recorded stories and various lore would be a simplification, as I would no longer need to screenshot all such interactions. Sounds great! I mean, even though I mostly gave up on that a long time ago, I still find myself screen capturing expedition lore, and other times just not bothering. I never did find a way to organize all that mess. Somewhat, I guess. But not really. Too much work.

I don’t see anything wrong with the “trickle-feed style of acquiring lore,” even if “half the time the bit of lore you learned was caught up in theatrical delivery,” so long as I can sit back and read it in a book later. :open_book:

I would also like to be able to go back and read frigate logs (expedition debriefings), even if some of the lines may get to be a repeat over time. Maybe that could be in a separate journal. :open_book:

Otherwise, I only remember words and scattered fragments, Hirk and Nal or something. - Oh yeah…


Just one more thing…


If the journal UI was an actual book, (I know that sounds unnecessary, but) that would increase immersion for me so much, to be able to flip through its many pages and actually hear the sweeping sounds of each page turning, that slight crinkle with a subtle crack. We may have screen readers and iPads and Kindles and smartphones and NMS may be a very ‘retro-meets-tech’ savvy kind of universe, but there’s nothing like a good book. I like the smell of it, I like the look of it, and I especially like the sound of it. I used to pick up books and magazines in stores and flip through their pages just to smell that good scent of fresh literature. Why? Well, I guess it started when I was a kid, with Dr. Seuss books, Berenstain Bears and even school literature had a different sent to it, such as the school library.

Of course, I don’t know how they would recreate the sense of smell in the game, besides perhaps our player-character slightly grinning and letting off a delightful sigh, “ahh,” when we 1st pick up a good book. Unless of course it is a scary and ominous book of unspeakable mentions, :ghost: well are they to shutter with a somewhat crinkled brow? - Sure thing, why not!

It’s the same thing with paint, as well as ink, or pencil, crayon, chalk and all other physical mediums, I still prefer to grab some clay and mold with it. But do I? :thinking: Well…

Digital has them beat in 1 respect: copy, paste and delete; as well as undo and redo; and it cuts back on a cluttered living/work space. Okay, so maybe digital wins in a few respects, but it still can’t replace that feeling, (and even the way my work turns out, for that matter). So I don’t think it hurts for HG to attempt such an immersion. Maybe our exosuit inventory menu UI could feature book icons, that upon being clicked, beautifully unfold as they open into a gorgeous display of old parchment pages bound in a leather binding. Ah yes, I would open that even if it were only to smell it and stare at its pretty pages… to run my fingers over its beautiful cover and that crocodile spine… I may even read it.


What if old tattered books, complete books and parchment pages from books, (and even scrolls, stone tablets, metal plates, photographs, anomalous who-knows-what, and/or etc.), could be found scattered across the universe? These could be quite rare. What if we could study and even read these artifacts.

What if these were books once left by long forgotten travelers? - (That traveler could be you.) :scream_cat:

What if these old relics featured a series of incoherent ramblings and fragments of semi-tangible texts, due to their sheer age, rough handlings, weathering and/or environmental distresses? — Complete procedural stories and lore could also be found, where each book features content unrelated to fundamental story/lore, but just makes for a fun read. Such books could feature fantastical stories of otherworldly adventure, or contain love stories, diaries, expeditions, random notes, and/or combinations of anything else otherwise. — Some documents (books and/or pages) could be another way of collecting fundamental story/lore (ie. core NMS story/lore about the Gek, Vy’Keen, Korvax, and/or etc.), with pages containing a single tangible line (or 2-3, or more), and books containing a random assortment of even more story/lore.

Granted, some books could be entirely incoherent, such as badly burnt, rotted, worm infested or otherwise damaged. Or, written in another tongue, and translated by learning languages, whether alien or human or whatever otherwise. “Here’s shouting at you, knowledge stones.” Of course, I’ve always thought that knowledge stones should look more like small monument stones with some ancient writing on them. Wouldn’t that make more sense than plain ol’ repetitive black cylindrical stones everywhere? Should we replace these with scattered books and/or pages and/or also have monument stones with some ancient writing on them? Knowledge stones, books of language, journals of wisdom, pages of your past, my present and our future outcomes… Haunted!? :ghost: - Well now, hmm…

Such books and pages could be added to our exosuit under a new inventory menu tab called “JOURNALS” and the writings of one could be merged with the writings of another, ie. recorded into your main journals.


  1. Book of the Gek
  2. Book of the Vy’Keen
  3. Book of the Korvax
  4. Book of the Sentinel
  5. Book of the Traveller
  6. Book of the Atlas
  7. Frigate Log Books
  8. Captain’s Log Book
  9. Composition Book
  10. etc…

All of these books should look and feel different from one another for esthetics and ease of navigation. Of course, an auto-generated ‘Table of Contents’ should also be added to these books for ease of navigation.

Composition books could be made available for handwritten documentation. There could be one Frigate Log Book per frigate which documents all its expedition debriefings. Also, one Captain’s Log Book which documents all your journeys into one book, would be indispensable. Such could include details like galaxies, star systems and planets discovered, as well as fauna, flora, minerals, and in exact chronological order. Ability to duplicate, cut, copy and paste, delete, undo and redo any of the above into separate books of their own would be a further convenience. These books need not necessarily replace our discovery menu, which could provide another way of looking at the data, but would provide a beautiful system for long-term documentation.

Granted, these books could also be merged into one book, but I like the idea of having more than one book. Why? Organization. Also, they smell good, they look good, they sound good, they feel good…

Confession: “I licked a book once.” :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :open_book:



That was one of the first feature suggestions years ago, don’t recall how I phrased it, but basically, we take two mutually exclusive types of screenshots:

  • pretty or funny photomode shots where high quality is priority, and
  • screenshots of the UI (to compare ship/multitool stats, to remember the name or coords of a planet/solar system, to track lore, etc.) where an image file is plain wasteful of disk space for something that should be plain text

We will hardly find anything in our screenshot folder, because these two opposing purposes are needlessly mixed… (in Steam anyway, I assume it’s the same everywhere else). :person_facepalming:


With over 5,000 screenshots per update, going back thru them is a big NO. I say I will organize them as I go but, I never do… :face_exhaling:


I don’t. :grin: You know what I want? I’d prefer if finding the right ship was a hotter-colder-search game. What do I mean by that?

You land somewhere and see a ship that has a certain property you like (shape, attachments, colour), and some you don’t like. Now to “browse” different colours with the same shape and attachments, you’d fly to neighbouring solar systems along the x axis of the galaxy. And to browse different attachments with the same colour and shape, you’d visit systems along the y axis. And for different shapes but same colour and attachments, you’d visit systems along the z axis — all relative to where you spotted the first variant.

Of course there’s no compass and we don’t even know where these imaginary axes are!

So we have to take a stab in the dark and try a random direction and look at ships in a random neighbouring system. Is the similar looking ship there closer to what I want or less? If less, fly to a different neighbouring system. Hotter or colder? Hm this attachment variant looks good but still the wrong colour… fly to another neighbouring system… nope, worse. Fly the opposite direction… Find same ship, different colour, good, let’s continue in that direction, and a few systems later we have pin-pointed a combination of shape/colour/attachments that we like. (Or at least we had a chance at getting close.)

And these clusters of “ship X variations” in a region of space overlaps with a dozen other ships’ clusterings of their variants. So looking at all ships in one solar system would still look like a natural random selection (i.e. not all ships in one solar system are “blue”, but this one variant of shape+attachment ship is blue here).


I liked the thrill of finding a cool starship. But now we can check the NMS Coordinate Exchange for a portal address and greatly shorten the time.

When acquiring things get too easy, some of the fun goes away for me. Making it even easier to “get what we want” is not a plus for me.

I do think that Hello Games will add that enhancement. Ah, well. Less thrill of discovery (for all).


Well… when the alternative is pain in the tailpipe / things I may never see evar, I’m for getting what I want every time. Hey, that’s just me. :yum:

And since I’m one of the original “gimme more LORE” people, I’m hopeful that Team Mercury organizes all that stuff, makes it pertinent to the galaxy/ies - including certain locations to find - and stuffs it into the universe at some point. Going to the center of Euclid just to leave it… well, I don’t want to. One galaxy which I have no hope of seeing it all is plenty for me. :sweat_smile:


I am not a ship hunter, so I have no dogs in the fight either way. But if they do add ship customizing then I think you should have to hunt wrecks, deploy scanners to find unique parts. Think that could be fun.


I, on the other hand, have enjoyed finding, repairing, and rescuing crashed ships, right back to the days when the only way you could repair them was with cash, and you were only allowed one ship. I think it’s one of the most enjoyable parts of the game.

The idea of being able to break them up into specific parts, and then use the parts to build or modify your own ship, sounds wonderful to me. Yes please!!


The major gripe I have with that is that you need so much random stuff to fix slots. I think fixing slots should mostly require scrap parts you get from other crashed ships, and potentially the one or other crafted part / resource for higher level damage. That would make the scavenger gameplay much more organic…
They could also make crashed freighters drop scrap parts, that would make them an additional viable target for scavenging.
Oh, the crashed freighters… there’s so much fun stuff one could do with those instead of the rather repetative drill and grill routine we have right now :tired_face:


I think when the ship hunters think “ship customisation” they tend to think that it makes the hunt go away. But you can still hunt for ships? In life, you can buy your food from the store or you can go hunt your food still.

Knowing HG, if they ever do add ship customizing, they will likely make ship parts a part of a new or existing gameplay loop by having to buy or find them or unlock them through expeditions or quests.

Side thought: I respect the ship hunters and am glad they enjoy it but after so many years and hundreds(or thousands) of gameplay hours with all their ship slots full, I do wonder how people can still like to hunt for ships that don’t look much different than the ones they’ve been looking at for years.