59|Ploehrliou|CSFD-Gupatolmo Bombra-GB-ZIG, Verdant|weather beautiful
60|Corpinyaya|CSFD-Augenaaletzt-GB-ZIG|flourishing, islands, ocean world
61|Leckandmeram|CSFD-Hoffinggik-Omu-GB-ZIG|Abandoned sand blizzards hot
62|Quulngais|CSFD-Talukourat Uizei-GB-ZIG|Flourishing, Island world
63|Nokokipsechl|CSFD-Gasprundma JP409-GB-ZIG|flourishing
64|Rinblodesa|CSFD-Gleisto Eioaey-GB-ZIG|Overgrown
I would like to know where the members are stationed/based and a report of what they are up too in NMS and/or ARG. Just curious whats up, with you all? You can share irl, if you want. @toddumptious, you back yet. Or are you still Terminal-less?
Until recently I’ve been exploring the Yibolac Cloud (Euclid) which is 1700ly towards core of the Etarc Hub & the location of my basic home base. Was submitting regular reports.
Am now embarking on a journey to the outer rim in the exact opposite direction from the core but going downwards deeper into the galaxy and doing a bit of merchant dealing along the way.
Destination is the Sea of Ujjaru starchain.
Regular reports being submitted.
This Topic is basically HQ.
The best way to get up to date is to read through the 12 Instigator’s bi-weekly reports and the Op.
I have been thinking of consolidating and starting a new topic. We have made some rules and goals. Many head up by me. The rules and goals, should be contained mostly in those 13 topics.
If you want to travel the Trans-Galactic Highway and get to Zig at galaxy #68, we have one hiccup we still need an outpost for galaxies 1,3-6, 10, and 15. Perhaps you can help with that.
Gladly. I’ll Integrate the CSFD data into the Next version of the MindMap,
Since the CSFD share the same ideologies of the ETARC HUB for Polity and Gameplay, it’ll only need it’s separate streams for Location, Logo, Forums, Etc.
It’ll be easier and cleaner to integrate it into the same Map. The details will show on the next iteration.
noticed there isn’t a slot for a Bard. Someone that writes, collects, illustrates, and/or otherwise assembles and organizes stories and art, related to the hub and it’s members. I suppose it’s very similar to LoreMonger, but less lore and more entertainment. i.e. After a story is told by the Bard, inquisitive members might ask the LoreMonger if any of it was true.
I wouldn’t mind, seeing some role-playing slash storytelling in the frontiers and the hub. My reports are a little dramatic, like i am addressing the troops. @Captain_Jack make sure you repost here, ETARC/ Hub Discussion started July 17, 2018 If you meant the ETARC hub more in general.
I believe @zsigmond has answered via posting to the reporting topic. looks like he is leaving the 77th galaxy in his wake.
I was thinking that “Logo” could be expanded to “Creative”, which would open it up to posters, flag designs, constellation maps, and perhaps even music- under which a Bard would fit nicely.
I think so too. I would hate to see the creative stop flowing. You should ask @Dolnor first. Or start a new topic or several new topics, one for each. This is me encouraging the instigation of Art, not Instigating the Hub or more logos
You know, The frontiers do need their, lets call it a mission patch polished up.
How is this for our Intro history? mostly from the mission statement.
Wrap text if i knew how? anyone?
ECSD’s Frontiers (a.k.a CSFD) is the first initiative of it’s kind in the Mercury Subroutine. It is for the true nomads, pioneers and explorers. Those restless sailors of the Cosmos’ duty is to explore the farthest reaches and limitations of the Mercury Subroutine. Their ultimate goal is to reach the True Center . On their way, they will leave a breadcrumb trail of discoveries in their wake, all claimed in the name of the ECSD. On this pilgrimage to reach the 257th dimension, these scouts of the universe will establish a network of portals and base one jump form each center to catch up other wonders of the void and to help in the return to Euclid. (If rumors are true!) We call this network the “The Etarc Hub’s Trans-Galactic Highway.” These noble souls will also report back to our forum with occasional reports of their best finds, with some coordinates and screenshots if they are so inclined. Everything is done on a volunteer basis, so anytime a member feels like stopping this role-playing to do something else in game, they may.