[ETARC HUB]: Citizen Science Frontiers Division CSFD

As I jump from system to system, it updates, and as I head from the edge of a new system to the center
I can buy a lot, which usually fills up a 48 slot hauler.
If you move to a new system and the T9 available is very high, suggest to find trading post on the planets, they will have high levels of T9


Ok, thought you where saying you could do that in one system at just your freighter terminal. I get it, know.


sends @Sir_oops :beers:


While this is not a terminal on a freighter, but the trading post in the wealthy system - this is how I fill up my entire ship with T9 and warp cells.


:grinning: yeah thatā€™s what Iā€™m doing. A lot of terminals heading to pilgrim star had upwards to a 900. Now when I was trying to get to Hilbert dimā€™s center, it was a 100 here, a 12 there, nothing higher up. I usually would borrow some from a near buy freighter.

I made it to Amino hub, I am at Cafe 42, sampling the nipnip. Man, I can not find Star fall (pilgrim star) for the life of me, or the region its in.


too much sampling???


Perhaps, :rofl: found it. It was in my discovers, nice. Needed to go down further. Going to amino prime then to star fall. I got to unload this nipnip the pirates want it.


Glad I noticed your second post, as I was about to go on a massive detail explanation of how I found Starfall. Basically its above Fantasia, which is a destictive green starā€¦
Great to hear your first leg of your pilgrimage was a success. Donā€™t forget to souvenir some fungi from the famous planet. Iā€™ve got mine in a special planter in my base. Pilgrim Mould I call it. :grin:
What size distances are you able to warp?
You should start documenting your coordinates every few thousand light years and post them so we can follow your trip to the star chain on the Pigrim Star Path plotter.


:thinking: I did think about it, but was in a big hurry. I think I will. I need to chill, that might be the nipnip talking. Iā€™m at the amino hub hotel, they server nipnip there too. Didnā€™t you leave a comm, here?


Yeah. Just out the front below a rock.
Wouldnā€™t surprise me if it disappeared. My comms always seem to vanish.:roll_eyes:
On your way to the Etarc hub do the occasional scanā€¦you might stumble over one of my stepping stone systems.

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Oh i didnt answer your question. I have a A class explorer ship with full hyper drive tech I get 1200Ly jumps. There is an exotic for 3mil in a system I believe is still in my teleporter. Got to make some units. No freighter yet.

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Instigatorā€™s bi-weekly report #9

Citizens and scientist of the ETRAC HUB,

:clap::clap::clap:s::fireworks::fireworks: ## WE HAVE A CAPITAL!!! :fireworks::fireworks::clap::clap::clap:

All that hard work and decisions, we really polled together. Next step is finishing that Logo and Flag, Finding the right Architect, and builder/keeper of the capital building. Canā€™t wait to see it. So, watch for new topics from Etarc Hub.

Voting results, new outposts

|36)Nipikulha|ECSD-Azelanisa Warong-GB-ZIG|
|37)Autsurabin|ECSD-Hekinoomo Major-GB-ZIG|
|38)Lusontrygiamh|ECSD-Coqenz HV724-GB-ZIG|
|41)Urastrykle|ECSD-Matskiye Glet-GB-ZIG|
|42)Xobeurindj|ECSD-Uymazyke Suelem-GB-ZIG|

Since their is no challenger Outpost, for any ties I will go with the choice of the submitter.

Outpost polls

Eschiehal Jugent|Viridescent, boiling rain|

  • Aye
  • Nay
0 voters


  • Aye
  • Nay
0 voters

CSFD-Kunshiihu EakSia-GB-ZIG|Temperate, temperate|

  • Aye
  • Nay
0 voters


  • CSFD-Luvilietzebery-Zunig-GB-ZIG|overgrown, boiling monsoon, oceans|
  • Moon-Karifterlye|Lush, hostile sentinels|
  • Danichiuan LK245|Corrosive|
0 voters

CSFD-Ikpelaeek Uyfir-GB-ZIG|Bountiful, excellent planet|

  • Aye
  • Nay
0 voters


  • CSFD-Ramgandorya-GB-ZIG|Verdant|
  • EShkov Nitampus|low atmosphere|
  • Aotendo-4 Koridak|contaminated|
0 voters


  • CSFD-Effridom Wikila-GB-ZIG|Viridescent, nice|
  • Uranoya Onnino|hiemal, hostile|
  • Areidens Vudel|moon, frostland, hostile|
  • Nugurustyuli|ice|
  • Uranoya Onnino|fiery|
0 voters

So we can pick a star on the chain for our headquarters. You Nomads have a favorite? I have three in mind, two are outside the chain (and HUB, just outside) and one is on the chain but I believe it is another member choice. Iā€™ll try to scout some. Give me some ideas. help me brainstorm what we want. Iā€™ll get a scouting report up and some polls up later in the week.

Just another Instigator,
Sir Oops

Next report 1-29-18 (2 weeks)


CSFD Current missions update #2:

  1. Get to true center

  2. Build the trans galactic highway so others may follow.

  3. Bridge galaxy gaps between Euclid and Nomad Zig.

  4. Sync Highway between Platforms

  5. Travel and Improve the Highways.

  6. Find candidates for CSFD headquarters (HQ) base in the ETARC hub.

    • Create polls and deadlines for CSFD HQ
    • Find designer/design for CSFD HQ
    • Find host/builder for CSFD HQ
  7. Logo and flag design

  8. recruitment/brochure

  9. Search for other hub locations (star chains?)

  10. Assist the ETARC HUB

  11. Participate in Waking titan ARG

  12. Scan Topic makes sure, nothing has been dropped or missed.

  13. Figure out who considers themself CSFD

For me @Sir_oops

  • Add roll call to Reports
  • Think about making a new topic for each report, because I can not edit OP.
  • Encourage reporting and replying
  • Encourage journal entry type CSFD topics by individual members. @Mad-Hatter
  • chill
  • past the torch?

This is a just a brainstorm, any other ideas?

@arpoja Welcome by the way. :sunglasses:


HQ System and planet Name

Hello, dear Citizen Scientist and travellers, i was taking a break from No Manā€™s Sky, but now iā€™m back to explore and travell.
I tried to catch up, regarding our new Hub (well done everybody), but i have a question.
Iā€™m still playing on PC (maybe i join the PS4-Travellers later this year), so is the Hub right now PS4 only, or does a similar one exists on PC also?


Theres a couple of PC players there. Weā€™ve got a synced capital. Chances are theyā€™ll see your post and have a chat to you.
Welcome back.

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I think weā€™re trying to work on the PC Hub we just got to get all the PC players together

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Yes, PC hub exists. Weā€™re trying (as far as possible) to keep the PC and PS4 Capitals the same. Obviously, the player-occupied systems canā€™t be.

We only claimed the Capitals a few days ago, so itā€™s still early days, and thereā€™s not much built yet. Youā€™re welcome to join us.

Let me know if you need further information.

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Can you tell me where the Capital is located (PC)?
Or give me the link to the thread?

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There are several ways we can do this. The most obvious is the portal address of the capital:

As I said, thereā€™s not much there yet.

The next is that I can find a nearby planet, outside the hub area, but within single warp range of it. I can provide you with the portal address for it, and you can temporarily move you base there while you decide where you want to live in the hub.

The third is that I could choose a hub planet for you, and give you the portal address. Thatā€™s not ideal, because you might not like it. We donā€™t want people claiming hub systems theyā€™re not going to use - thereā€™s a limited number available.

(edit) Since there seems to be some interest, Iā€™m going to start a new thread on this subject.