Atlas passes have arrived

In the words of the ARG, let’s all get some rest and hope something happens this weekend! Things usually happen when I have three, 12 hour shifts at work! Woo!


Yeah it sucks when something does happen but you can’t be there when it happens , that was me during a lot of phase 2 last year

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still no news fron New Zealand in the Southern Hemisphere

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there has been posting not on this media but others that NZ has gotten the 4th Pass


I’ve noticed the only Atlas passes to arrive in Ireland so far (or that have, at least, been confirmed) have been in Northern Ireland. Damn our shoddy postal service, same island but seems the republic has the inferior postal service (wait, is the north royal mail or do they have their own thing? They’re hardly An Post too? Would make sense logistically…).

I’d be very surprised if acoupleofirishfolk on reddit didn’t get one. Maybe seans on his bicycle, hand delivering them to his island brethren, with a pint of Guinness to fuel his journey?


I would pay money to watch that


@Simran_Dhillon Any sign of a pass for you? You get a lot of retweets from HG and Sean so I imagine you’re on the short list for one. If not, I will set up a charity in your name, to mourn the tragedy and raise awareness.


Just received mine in NZ.


You were on the screen during the Twitch 48h live so i can’t imagine you won’t get one too.


I can confirm Ireland :smiley: My old room mate just sent me a picture of my atlas pass! <3 Will send on my details to be added to the map and share a pic with you guys once I can get it off my phone and on to the work computer :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Oh, I’m number 00807 of 10000 btw :smiley: Submitted my details to the forms and things.


You were saying?! haha.


If anyone actually deserves one, it’s the hero of the epic journey to Dunsink Observatory.



Congratulations! :tada:

Is the mail really that slow in Ireland?

No man, woman or traveller, should ever have to set foot in Blanchardstown.

Though a lot of the settled travelling community do live in Blanchardstown, so someone might see my opening statement as hate speech, taken out of context. Hmmm…


Nah not at all, I think the north is just more efficient, being part of the UK, while down here in langerland you have to stop every five minutes to say hi to breda and ask her how young brendans getting on at that new firm and sure you might as well stop in for a cup of tea before finishing your delivery’s, pet.


hé hé, it was sure you’ll have one, i had no doubt about it :wink:

The french mail is not the fastest either. We say that it’s like a mikado game. The 1st who move has lost :rofl:


It’s not just Ireland, mail is slow to my house in England, even tho my sis has got one, and she lives in the same town!! :man_shrugging:t2:


She must know the queen, I hear you get benefits when you know the queen, your teabags have extra air trapped in the bag, stamps taste different when you lick them, your hedge grows at a slower more maintainable rate, sun beams specifically target your windows and rumor is the mails a little quicker. I say that as someone who lives outside of the commonwealth so I don’t know if thats all true or only some of it.


None of the above is true I’m afraid, I’m not even sure the queen is aware of us peasants in Gloucestershire lol


Have not got a v4 pass. Hope to do soo.

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Mail crossing the Atlantic to Britain, before Royal Mail privatisation.

Mail crossing the Atlantic to Britain, after Royal Mail privatisation.

Mail bags crossing the Atlantic to Ireland


Yea I got myne a few days ago