A couple of people have received their Atlas Passes! I saw it on Orbit TV (a NMS YouTuber). Apparently there’s something on the back of each one that is unique and can’t be shared, so I have no idea what’s on it.
Physical v4 passes are showing up on reddit…
EDIT: NVM, seen it’s being discussed in the 10th glyph thread.
Do you have a link?
All 4 confirmed passes as of this post are in this topic.
Edit by @DevilinPixy: Changed the link, as after having merged topics, it was no longer valid.
Make that 5 confirmed, all from Canada.
I’d expect some countries to get them before others, depending on local/global distribution routes.
waiting in Blighty in hope…
Yeah so I live in West Coast US and just got my mail and no Atlas Pass
Canada first! Mention it in the video, don’t panic
West Coast here too. Hopefully they begin to trickle in by Saturday.
So this HAS to mean either:
- The ARG is legit starting up again
2… The update is right around the corner.
Since the new screen on the 10th glyph said hopefully these passes should come in time for the next phase .
I’ve said it before at various stages throughout Waking Titan but this is easily the coolest thing I’ve been part of when it comes to video games. I’d never heard of an ARG when this all started, in fact I literally had to google “ARG”. I feel so fortunate that I get to participate in one that revolves around something I love so much (NMS).
I could seek out ARG’s in the future but I doubt it’ll involve something I’m already passionate about. Just gonna enjoy and soak it all in
I feel ya! Such an amazing community, game and ARG!
My feelings exactly! I know I’m going to look back on this fondly.
A reddit post of a v4 pass has just been posted.
It’s not mine unfortunately!
Now I am starting to be really nervous… it looks aesome!!
We’ve actually had 3 confirmed passes so far, only 1 of which has shared the code and all of which are Canadian.
Edit: Links to all three -
4th pass! https://www.reddit.com/r/NoMansSkyTheGame/comments/7r2m9f/got_mine_too/
5th pass: https://twitter.com/doonwallaby/status/953695671948898305
Hmm interesting… all I see is L-15 and L-16 designations.
I wonder what my group was for since it represented a very small percentage.