Atlas Pass designation has been changed

for anyone that wants to read about typeform:

It mentions how they can identify you:

…you can pass the name, email, ID or all of these in a Hidden Field in the URL of the typeform. This way, the information will appear in your Results table along with answers to the questions…


This may need a new topic, and if so, plz let me know: Anyone know if the id’s are decode-able into anything? I’m assuming they’re random, but maybe I just haven’t tried hard enough?

So i looked at them longer. Hg = mercury, pb = Lead, pt = platinum…possibly more in this? Although not all match up with things.
Edit all those elements have 16 as part of their codes. Now for 16 - A



My guess is A is Atlas, and L-15 is Loop15, WT is Waking Titan and AWK might be awake. Only one I have no idea about is G - 19 other than the previous class was G - 17 and 19 is the next prime number after 17.

Someone, way back up in this thread, stated WT-waking titan…PB-16 lead…L-15 loop 15…HG-16, mercury…G-19, perhaps step up from G-17…16-A, .16 Alpha which is what is running…AWK is a programming language.

so I did some linux lookup. All save for pt-16 are linux related? ugh. goin to bed. long day

May I reiterate what I said earlier, it’s not completely random, it’s base on reaction speed to those email. It’s clearly said in the first email of the phase 2: “Consider it a baseline test of your capabilities – and we’re looking at speed above all else.”

So if you react to the email like after 1h or 2h, you’re mark as reactive, if you we’re to participate at all could be a class. I don’t know which is what. But it’s my best guess and the more probable one for me.


The one thing I know for sure is that these designations aren’t random. If they were, the distribution of classes would be much more similar. One AWK designation in the poll means it’s definitely not random.

I have no problem with being classified in a less “leet” group. Clearly, some people are just way better at solving problems than others. We should celebrate the fact that we have some really bright, capable people in our little family. :slight_smile:


Kind of what I was thinking. Most of the pictures were already complete by the time I got to the email. I’m fine with it, because I don’t want to be put in a position where I may have to react in under an hour or risk delaying the ARG.

I would imagine that the designations are based on your yes/no results. It would both explain why certain ones are more prevalent. “Each class designation has a unique strength that indicates your key role in our ongoing experiment.” Directly from the email pretty much proves this.

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I agree with you on this…those who are in each group answered the questions in a certain way.
For instance - AWK= Always Willing to Kill (for a million…) LOL jk


Not so sure. when emails come at 2AM in europe it’s difficult to be really reactive :wink:


Infact, most of us have seen the obvious periodic table connection in the designations. Obviously, there are outlier designations as well. I’m thinking A-16 is a generalized designation. Anything with the periodic table means you are focused in a specific grouping of emotional or mental traits based on the element in question and how you answered. G could be for the theoretical G-block on the table, meaning you are a highly theoretical or hard to place mind. AWK is a linux programming set for lingual and data extraction, so they could be those predisposed to advanced data extraction in the group. Just a thought.


What worries me are the L-15 people. . If it stands for loop 15 and the document from the live drop stated loop 15 was being terminated…what does that mean? :scream: Just a thought…

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Buttonpushers hopefully… :stuck_out_tongue: No judging…

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Noticed something about the designations that hasn’t been mentioned- they split neatly into two categories of four when sorted by “includes 16” or “does not include 16”.

Designations with “16”
16-A, PB-16, HG-16, PT-16

Non-16 designations:
L-15, WT-01, G-19, AWK

This seemed rather arbitrary until I noticed some consistent traits of the two groups. The "16"s (with the exception of 16-A) use elements in their designations. Pb= Lead, Hg= Mercury, Pt= Platinum

Elemental numbers:
Pt= 78, Hg= 80, Pb= 82 (trend= +/- 2)

Other trend following elements (+/- 2):
Element 76= Osmium (Os) ← this element’s melting point is shown on the blue wheel.
Element 84= Polonium (Po)

Possible trend following Atlas Designations:
OS-16, PO-16

The Non-16 designations do not include any obvious elements.
L, Wt, G, A/Aw/Wk ≠ elements
(W= Tungsten, and K= Potassium, so “A-WK” could work as an quasi-elemental designation.)


What about equation variables for the second group?

O_0 I pushed the button

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:open_mouth: You Monster!?