I was thinking the same thing
At least according to Telamon, it doesn’t, but it is aware of the inactivity…
Another new Steam Experimental update was pushed, no patch notes (just yet).
And another new Steam Experimental update without patch notes
I must be the only one who updated. Had the Anomaly all to myself.
Added a set of fighter-class wings that were missing from the Starship Fabricator options.
Fixed a number of minor visual issues with the mode select menu.
Increased the charge duration and efficiency of the Minotaur Bore.
Added a distinct icon for fleet expeditions on the galaxy map.
Fixed an issue that could cause inventory slots to highlight with a flash as usable for crafting when they were in an inaccessible inventory.
Fixed an issue that caused some new space station base parts to clip off the edge of the screen at the Construction Research Terminal.
Fixed an issue that made some interactions in the space station difficult to trigger in VR.
Fixed an issue with the Starship Fabricator that could incorrectly bring up a warning about not having enough ship components to finalise a design after the design had already been locked in.
The mannequins around the space station Exosuit Technology Merchant’s kiosk are now procedurally generated.
Fixed a number of minor visual issues in space stations.
Added a sign to indicate the location of the teleporter within the space station.
Fixed a minor visual issue with the shadow casting of some specific starship engines.
Fixed an issue that could occasionally render Geks as too tall when using the Starship Communicator.
Improved the visual responsiveness of interactable items on the space station.
Fixed a number of visual issues with the neck join on Autophage heads.
Fixed an issue that caused the names and appearances of some buildable holographic signs to be out of sync.
Fixed an issue that made it difficult to delete the Hydraulic Arms base part.
Fixed a number of collision issues on the space station.
Improved the pad selection when teleporting to a space station.
Fixed a rare issue with very large starships that could cause them not to attach correctly to landing pads.
Fix an issue that prevented the ‘previous expedition’ label from showing on the main menu saves made in old expeditions.
Fixed an exposed variable in some frigate maintenance hints.
Fixed an issue that prevented the Space Anomaly missions from advancing correctly with progress along the Artemis Path.
Fixed a rare blocker in the Space Anomaly mission chain that could occur when upgrading from very old saves.
Fixed a number of mission flow issues with fleet expedition events.
Fixed a number of text issues related to fleet expeditions.
Fixed an issue that caused a hologram to appear in the starship cockpit when activating the Economy Scanner from the Quick Menu.
Fixed an issue that could cause the trade surge timer to reset when warping.
Fixed a number of UI issues in the Starship Fabricator, particularly in ultrawide resolutions.
Fixed a crash related to refiners.
Fixed a crash related to player movement.
Fixed a crash that could occur if unusual frigates were chosen as the leader of a fleet expedition.
Fixed a rare crash related to creature navigation.
Added a significant memory optimisation for Xbox platforms.
Those little detail-oriented devs. Procedurally generated holograms. (Giggle). That’s love of them game for you.
Ansign for the station teleporter in a nice addition.
This confuses me because the screenshots of the mannequins made it seem like they were procedural to begin with. The bug I’ve experienced is they just have never spawned for me in the first place
This bug fix makes it sound like it was appearing, but always the same and not proc genning.
So is it a case it was fixed in experimental? But not properly. And now experimental has had a proper fix?
I just really wanna meet one of these mannequins that live in the tubes.
Encountered this last night, but not only did the timer reset, the planet where the surge was happening became %system name% System and also the economy type/items required changed completely with it too. As the system was not named, the mission also no longer pointed me to where the surge was happening. Making the 7 mining systems I visited and the items I bought completely moot XD Will wait for this fix before trade surging again.
They had one of those form filters on you can get on the app store. Specifically they had the Gek First Spawn appearance modifier.
Edit: Good news on the trade surge front. Doing another in the same system I did the previous one in, will point to the same system for the trade surge each time.
I wonder does it just lock a mission on to the closest 3 star economy system?
I spent all my money on ships to turn into parts, so now I need money again. Which is great because now I can experience the new trade incentives properly.
I do have a storage unit full of stasis device I could sell but that’s nowhere near as fun or new
This is actually the first time I have seen one of these. They have been empty until now.
sign, sign, everywhere a sign
- Fixed a rare crash when rendering complex scenes.
- Fixed an issue that caused some Multi-Tools to appear too large in the terminal aboard the Space Station.
- Fixed a memory leak related to building textures.
- Fixed a rare crashed related to player weapons.
- Fixed a number of minor visual issues with the Space Station.
- Fixed a number of misleading UI issues when an expedition has expired but the game is still active.
- Fixed a number of issues with loading player customisation data.
- Fixed a number of visual issues with NPCs.
- Fixed some minor text issues in conversations with the Atlas.
- Tweaked the appearance of NPC holograms in the starship communicator.
- Fixed a number of text issues in fleet intervention missions.
- Fixed a blocker in the Nexus mission to deliver pearls.
- Fixed a number of Space Anomaly mission problems that could occur when going through the centre of the galaxy.
- Fixed a rare crash related to creature movement.
- Fixed a rare crash related to the third person camera.
- Improved the names of fleet expeditions in the galaxy map.
- Fixed an issue that caused the trade surge data to track revenue rather than profit.
- Fixed a rare blocker that could affect the base specialist missions.
- Fixed a number of potential text issues in the Nexus construction missions.
- Fixed a rare crash related to navigation.
- Fixed an issue that could cause player ships to dock incorrectly.
- Fixed a rare crash related to destructible props.
- Fixed an issue that could cause some player bases to fail to upload.
I find myself looking for listings that do not start with “Fixed…”
- Fixed a rare blocker in A Trace of Metal related to gathering components from Specialist Polo.
- The weapon upgrade shop on the space station is now easier to interact with.
- Fixed an issue that caused the holographic preview of living ships in the Starship Outfitting Terminal to be scaled incorrectly.
- Fixed an issue that prevented frigate fleet expeditions from redeeming monetary rewards in currencies other than Units.
- Fixed an issue that caused the holographic preview of Interceptor ships in the Starship Outfitting Terminal to be missing parts.
- Improved the display of language names in the Options menu.
- Fixed an issue which could cause damage to your ship when firing some ship weapons.
- Improved game stability on Switch.
- Fixed a crash to white screen while teleporting which can occur when discovery data has become corrupted.
- Improved stability by optimising memory usage.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the Locate Substance mission for Atlantideum to end as soon as it started.
- Fixed an issue that could cause discoveries with custom names to revert to their procedurally generated name after a save/load.
- Fixed a number of minor text issues.
- Fixed an issue that incorrectly added an non-functional “Locate Substance” button to Silicate Powder in the catalogue.
- Fixed a rare issue that could cause some pinning missions to briefly appear blank in the log immediately after selecting them.
- Fixed an issue that caused some mission instructions to become truncated.
- Fixed an issue that caused dragging items on to a damaged or partially installed Personal Refiner to be treated as an attempt to refine the items rather than apply them to the repair.
- Fixed an issue that prevented the Surge Battery recipe from being learnt at the correct point of the Adrift Expedition.
- Fixed a crash related to replicating biological horrors.
- Fixed an issue that could block progress in some Adrift milestones if every rendezvous had been visited before starting them.
- Improved the responsiveness of the Iron Vulture engine VFX.
- Fixed an issue that prevented various weather and hazard related objects (such as meteors, tornadoes, firestorms or lightning) from spawning.
- Fixed a rare issue that could block redemption of the Ship of the Damned on other saves that also had the Leviathan.
- Fixed an issue that could prevent custom starship textures from replicating correctly.
- Fixed an issue that could cause a misleading hint related to Helios to appear while on the Adrift Expedition.
- Fixed an issue that could cause players piloting some specific ships in third person to appear to other players as if they were dangling below the ship.
- Fleet expeditions can now be managed from the freighter’s fleet management terminal in the event there is no navigator present on the bridge.
- Fixed a number of starship texture customisation issues.
- Fixed a number of collision issues on the damaged starship base parts.
Another patch just rolled in
- Fixed an issue that caused two Adrift milestones to both award Nutrient Processor plans.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Horizon Omega and Prime Vector pre-order ships to be interpreted as freighters, causing a crash shortly after claiming them.
- Fixed a minor issue related to planetary tornadoes.
- Fixed an issue that prevented the claiming of some expedition milestones if one of the rewards upgraded a ship or multitool, but the current item was already at S-Class.
- Fixed an issue that prevented players from claiming the Ship of the Damned if they had permanently declined the freighter rewarded by an earlier milestone in the Adrift expedition.
- Fixed a number of minor text issues.
- Fixed an issue that prevented the Iron Vulture engine effects from activating.
- Fixed an issue that prevented the ‘previous expedition’ label from showing on the save select screen whilst another expedition was active.
- Fixed an Xbox-specific multiplayer crash.
- Refactored the internal save architecture and layout to support future improvements.